Tons of Stuff

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Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
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Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
As you wonderful people may or may not have noticed, I am once again having a decrease in activity on the site. This is because of various school reasons.

It is nearly approaching our periodic exams and usually, it is divided into two 50-item tests per subject area (one for December and the other for January). But since I am already in my Senior Year, the usual two 50-item tests had been merged into a 100-item test giving us no chance to make up for a low or failed score, and so we really are being pressured to do well in the exam next week, specifically on the 12th to the 14th (it's a Saturday, I know).. :p

Aside from this teachers are really making us work out on projects and they had already piled up to be passed on the 9th. And then there are also tons of other works to be done. One of which is preparing for the upcoming choir competition on Friday that usually makes me get home late plus the Mathematics Competition on the first week of January that we have to prepare for, the martial arts competition too and probably being the last of my work being able to search for a suitable place to hold the Senior's Ball and also a field trip with the main topic of technology... xD

For now, I am unable to reply to RPs but I'll try my best to reply to at least one or two over the weekend. Anyways, I'll be back in full power and shape by the 17th, so until then, less activity for me.. xD

If you need me, well, you can probably contact Kuya Raze and ask him to contact me or something.. xD

See you guys in two weeks~!!
~Marga :hug: :wub:
:o wow marga you sound like you have a lot going on.
good luck with your exams and project. don't worry about us we will still be here, just focus on the senior year. also good luck in the choir and maths competition.
make sure you eat well land get plenty off rest you don't want to go burning out.
and with that one final good luck. :hug:
such a busy bee sweets! :hug:
Don't worry about any of our reps, you make sure you study and work hard and do well. Good luck! I know you'll do well as long as you stay healthy and try your best! :D
Wow...this sounds like a crazy stretch for you! I hope you do well on all of your exams.

Good luck! ^_^
I have survived the two weeks and I'm back!! :woot: xD Will get on to different replies today.. :) ^_^
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