Closed Together

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Aubrey Miller

Stubborn- 'Bree' - Daring- Independent
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 Inch Unyielding Willow Wand with Vampire Blood Core
5/12/2039 (22)
Aubrey was absolutely thrilled. She was one half of a couples costume. With Salem. The cute, adorable, beautiful Salem Lee. Aubrey spent hours on her costume, making sure she looked flawless before she finally walked down to the Great Hall. She had agreed to meet Salem here, which in hindsight seemed unnecessary since they were both Gryffindor. They should have just met in the dorm room. Aubrey waited for her date, brushing her fingers through her hair as she waited for the younger Gryffindor.
Salem almost didn't recognize Aubrey when got to the Great Hall, having to double-take a few times just to be sure it was actually her. They'd both agreed to go blonde for their costume, but the effect was still a striking one and Salem resisted the urge to run a hand through her own hair as she approached Aubrey, aware there was enough hair product in her own that she'd probably regret it. "Wow, you look.. So different," Salem said, face heating up when she glanced at Aubrey's sparkly dress and away. "We have to take lots of pictures together, right?" Salem still wasn't totally sure how to act around Aubrey now that they were doing this Actually Dating thing, unsure what to do with her hands or what to say, but she was excited they were here regardless.
Aubrey absolutely lit up as she spotted Salem walking over. "Different in a good way? You look absolutely amazing," She complimented, leaning in to press a kiss to Salems cheek. Aubrey offered out her hand with a warm smile. "Only if you want to. I would enjoy it, but I also just like being here with you," She admitted, sweeping her long blond hair back behind her shoulder.
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