Closed Together

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Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
20 (12/7/2041)
Jordie couldn't believe he was here, on a date. He had spent extra time getting ready, and had still showed up to the dance earlier than his date. He waited eagerly for Nate at the front, a red rose tucked into his hair and a matching flower in his hands for Nate. He was bouncing on his feet, waiting eagerly for the other boy to get there. Jordie wanted to dance, and kiss, and just have an amazing night. He hummed, twirling the flower in his hands as he watched the crowds.
Nate was happy to have a date for the Yule Ball, most specifically, he was happy to go to the Yule Ball with his boyfriend. Honestly, Nate still was kinda in disbelief about it. He came over a bit late but it was all Nate, he was almost never on time, but at least he came. "Hey cutie," Traynor said as he approached Jordie and leaned down to kiss him.
Jordie's eyes lit up as he saw his boyfriend. "Natey baby!" Jordie skipped forward, giggling. He pushed up on tiptoe, kissing the boy eagerly. He draped his arms over Nate's shoulders, melting against him for several long moments before pulling back just enough that he could tuck the flower in Nate's hair behind his ear. "You look sooo gorgeous," he fussed, smiling warmly and brushing his fingers along Nate's jaw.
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