Tobias Atticus Markovic

OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Alder Wand 14 1/2 Essence of Dittany Stalks


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basics. basics. basics. basics. basics
& name; Tobias Atticus Markovic
& nicknames; Doesn't have nor does he want one.
& birthday; March 28
& star sign; Aries
& current age; Thirty Nine Years old (39)
& place of birth; Moscow, Russia
& sexuality; Heterosexual
& gender; Male
& martial status; Single
& blood status; Half-blood
& wand; Alder Wand 14 1/2 Essence of Dittany Stalks.
& occupation; Stock Holder, Heir to their Family's business.</FONT>
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features. features. features. features.

& hair; Jet Black, a bit long but not too shaggy. Straight and well brushed at all times.
& eyes; Between Blue and Gray, intense, dreamy and noticeable.
& face; Slightly sharp cheekbones, good looking. Well defined jaw line and pink luscious lips.
Eye brows slants slightly downward. Tobias shaves his chin daily.

& clothing style; Casual and Formal. For his casual attire, Tobias goes for sleek and smart. He's fond of plain colored v-neck shirts and dark long sleeves. He keeps his hair clean cut and tidy. As for his formal attire, Tobias doesn't settle for anything less. He likes to buy anything branded and pricey. A simple tux and some black tie is what he needs.
& build; Muscular and Lean, Arms and stomach are toned, and very much proportionate.
& height; Tobias is a tall, about 6'1 standing.
& distinguished features;Tobias has a tattoo at his back, above his waist. In which words are stated "Fear God Alone".
& play-by; Ian Somerhalder.
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personality.personality. personality.

& likes; Money, Power, Fame, Hot Girls, Branded Clothes, Fast Cars, Muggle Sport and Quidditch,
& dislikes; Twin Brother, Attachment, Cheap things, Father, Relatives, Embarasment.
& strengths; Business Proposals, Flirting with ladies, Saving money, Sports, Comminication, Language.
& weaknesses; Young Beautiful Ladies, Brunettes/Dark Haired ladies, Smoking, Liquor, Temptation.
& fears; Death, Bankruptcy, Rejection.
& bogart; Seeing himself poor and dead, all his hardship wasted.
& mirror of erised; His name on big billboards and him being famous, well known and feared.
& patronus; Cheetah, this animal achieves by far the fastest land speed of any living animal.
Just like the cheetah, Tobias makes sure that he gets the first thing he wants. This applies to his enemies, he kills them before they kill him.

& patronus memory; Instances when his father and mother, praised him for something he had done good/right.
Giving him rewards in appreciation for what he had done. He cherishes such memory up to now.

& amortenia; Expensive perfumes, scented candles, cold air, pine.
& turn ons;Brunette/Dark haired ladies, Slim and Slender, Elegant, Graceful and Fun.
& turn offs; Naggers, Cougars, Liars, Easily Jealous Girls, and almost people who annoys him.
& five words to describe him; Cocky, Vain, Rich, Hardworking, Humorous.
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history. history. history. history. history.

& nationality; Russian
& interests; Tobias is fond of anything related to money, investment and business. He grew up watching his father managing their family business. Thus, Tobias continuing his father's wishes before he died. Aside from work and business, Tobias is interested in cars, fast cars. Old or modern ones, he collects vintage and new cars as well. He likes to invest and buy apartments, condominiums, houses and the like. Mostly he bring homes girls here and just brag about his money. Tobias is athletic and like to do multiple sports, golf, swimming, tennis, basketball, baseball, soccer, football, boxing, martial arts. It keeps his body healthy and lean, and lastly he is a fan of Quidditch. As for any forms of music, Tobias is into the the classical and would prefer the instruments only in a song. He grew up knowing how to play the piano and up he still plays for his mother just to please her. During his free time from work, Tobias likes to travel a lot. Just to mingle with others and meet new people, but mostly just to hook up with some girls.
& personality; Tobias is a independent person since when he was young, he was spoiled and got everything he wished. He grew up believing he could buy anything and anyone, he seeks attention when he needs a person but mostly ignored the people he doesn't want anymore. He is used to getting everything he could possibly have, so he's a pompous toerag. Tobias can be easily be bored with girls and tend to leave them when he got what he needs from them. He's cocky, flirtatious and humorous. At the same time he doesn't care what others may say to him nor does he listen to their opinion. He can be aloof and remove himself from the rest as possible he can. Tobias is sarcastic to the point that 95% of the things he says are exaggerated threats. He strives to be on top and to be admired, and he'll do whatever it takes to make it there.Tobias is a very close-minded person. There is no way in hell you're going to change his mind once he's set on something, and if you even try, you're bound to be looked down to for the rest of the time. Manipulative, and quick to fight, there is no denying that getting in any kind of argument with Tobias is bound to end bloody. He feels entitled to do what he wants, and in some ways, he is. With being greedy with money, Tobias planned his brother to be sent to Azkaban and this made him more rich, since his father died. Though his brother Uriah got framed this event made him insane until he got prison in Azkaban for years.Tobias Markovic is incredibly obnoxious and thinks he is better than everybody else. Besides being incredibly obnoxious and pompous, Tobias is actually very witty and clever. He breaks rules all the time when he was young, often going out to drink and smoke with friends. Tobias is such a talented liar, he likes everyone to believe him as much as possible. He hated being involved in arguments, so as much as impossible he deals it with money and power. Since his mother is an alcoholic, he grew up by himself and a few butlers and house elves, his father didn't notice his talents and his skills as he's busy with their business. He never did experienced to be loved, thus making him blind with love. It made him hate the idea of love in which he decided to just have flings and girls to play with. Tobias grew up believing that love will only destroy him.

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& parents;</SIZE>
Ludovic Asa Markovic is Tobias biological father and is a mixed-blood wizard who decided to continue his father's business in the wizarding world. All his life he grew up in Russia, as their business expanded they stayed in Russia where it all started. Ludovic passed away last year, no one knew the cause of his death and his death wish is for his son Tobias to get married. Ludovic had an affair with another woman, who's Tobias then fiance Bertha. He knew about the affair and decided to kill his father, he broke Bertha's heart by cheating with her not only once but thrice. Little did everyone know, Tobias was the one who killed his father by adding some poison into his brandy every night, making his father sick and die slowly. He wanted to get his revenge and have all his money to himself. Since he had heard that Uriah could have some money for him, he made sure to kill and remove the people in his way.
Edita Markovic nee Mikhailva is a half-blood witch who met Tobias' father in a convention, she was the daughter of a famous author and just got dragged by her father. Edita was born and raised in Russia, though in the small provinces of the country. In her younger years, she became a journalist and enjoyed her job for about twenty three years. She was a hands on mother until she felt that her husband was cheating on her, this is when she began to be an alcoholic. Edita tried her best to still look beautiful and appreciate life but with his son sent to Azkaban, this made her more depressed and be an alcoholic. And to find out that her wife cheated with his son fiance, everything started to fall apart for her. A year after she learned to face her problems and still think of life itself as wonderful, though she never gave up on her alcohol addiction.

& sibling/s;</SIZE>
Uriah Amos Markovic is Tobias identical twin brother, he's older than him by a few minutes. They didn't grew up together since Uriah was always with their mother while Tobias with their father. He hated the fact that they were opposite and he got their mother's love more than him. Tobias was always jealous of him and when he got an opportunity he decided to frame an incident. In which Uriah was forced to be a prisoner in Azkaban, he forced him to stay there and threatened to kill their mother if he leaves. Uriah obeyed and got is a prisoner of Azkaban for about nine years now, in his nine years Uriah suffered depression in which his brain got affected by it too much making him insane. Up to now he still, is a prisoner of Azkaban and will stay there until he dies. Somehow he knew that it was Tobias who framed him and send him to Azkaban but he just couldn't bear to think that his own brother and blood would do that to him.

& history; Tobias Atticus Markovic was born and raised in Moscow, Russia on March 28 to Ludovic Amos Markovic and Edita Markovic nee Mikhailva. Tobias was born with an identical twin, Uriah Amos Markovic, older than him by just a few minutes. The twins weren't exactly alike, they wanted different thing and saw the world in different forms. Tobias knew what he wanted, power, fame and money. In which he knew that he'll pretty much inherit it from his father, though he knew that he wasn't an only child, although he wished that he is. He grew a lot of jealousy and anger as a child, seeing their parents fight and hearing their cursing words. Tobias didn't took any sides and just continued his studies, he went to a private Russian school. Both of them, Uriah and him. They both got high grades every year and this made their parents proud. The two were aware of what's happening with their parents, all their violent fights. During their days in school, Uriah was the leader of club organizations while Tobias on the other hand was quite a prankster. He use to flirt with every girl in the school, young and old. Even teachers are no exceptions for him, he dated two teacher when he was still in school too. He had a group of friends all of them were rich and spoiled, they used to drink on some secluded pub, bars and just have fun. Hook up with girls and just enjoy being young. Unfortunately when they grew old, some died young in a accident and the rest started to mysteriously disappear after their family experienced family problems. Leaving Tobias the only rich on among the group of friends. When they both graduated, he hated how her mother acted more loving towards Uriah when they were brothers. Still he didn't rebelled and tried to follow his father's footsteps, there were times where his father would bring his mistress along with them and yet he ignored all of this in hopes that he will still change. As he grew up to be a fine, handsome man.

Tobias had this attraction with the opposite sex, he would flirt and have dates with girl. Ask them out, kiss them and the later part too. Over all he lived a carefree life, having anything he wants in one word but he never got what he really wanted. Appreciation and love, his father and mother never appreciated his success and just focused on their other son Uriah when they where younger. Tobias became a ladies man and a playboy, he found it amazing to manipulate girls at the end of his fingers. With his good looks and charm, everyone seems to be fond of the guy. He knew he was a wizard even from the beginning, they father and mother would train them and on their eleventh birthday they were given a wand each of their personality. On the other hand his brother Uriah, didn't played with girl. Instead he used all his intelligence in reading books and writing books, some part of him wanted to be a doctor. That was the only thing he liked about his brother, he wasn't into their family business and liked a simple life. He wanted to study medicine but then their father stopped him and got mad him. Forcing him to learn the ways of their business, the different transactions they made. And surprisingly Uriah was good worker and follower, he got their father's trust. Tobias grew mad and jealous again, so he decided to make a plan. He framed his brother into killing someone, their uncle. Their father's brother, he was caught in act but he was really framed. By this incident Uriah was sent to Azkaban and up to now he is still there. For nine years he got prisoned for doing nothing at all, while Tobias got all the perks of being a business man and rich. He got everything he wanted, his mother's love, fame, money and soon he met a girl that could change his life.</SIZE>
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Bertha Donaldson, a girl she met during his trip in Brazil. They got together and soon fell inlove, it look him some courage and time to ask her to marry her and when she said yes everything was going to change. He knew he could never change, that the chances were fifty fifty. In a few months they'll be married, the two were preparing for their wedding. In one building Tobias and his father works, one time he passed by his father's office and saw Bertha snogging with his father. This made his furious but he didn't said a word to anyone. Instead he started to plan for his revenge, he cheated Bertha thrice and left her alone in misery. Threatening her if she ever returns again in Russia, he'll kill her and her whole family. So, every night when his father would take his usual liquor, brandy. He would be the one to prepare it since his father trust him and thinks that his clueless about the whole affair, he would slip a handful of tablets into his drinks. Poisoning him every single night, as slowly it would kill him. It took a lot of effort and time but it was all worth it when his father died. He found out that all the money and his investment was going to him, since his brother Uriah's in Azkaban and insane. This made him happy, though he didn't want Bertha to ruin everything, he kidnapped her and made sure that she'll never come back again, anywhere in Europe.

After the whole incident Tobias returned to normal, he would pick up girls and have fun with them in a lot of ways one person could imagine. His mother still remained an alcoholic and was brought to rehab for over four time already, she never gave up on her drinking problem. When she's not drunk, she'll nag his son Tobias to get married, knowing that at his age it's a bit impossible to find someone that will really love you. As expected he ignored all of this and continued on his way, flirting with girls. Having fun day and night, as he's the CEO of their company, they branched out to the other countries, expanding their sales of wizard gears. To Asia, America, Africa and mostly the whole world, this made them one of the leading companies and richest company in the entire world. When everything returned, Tobias wondered if he could still find a wife but obviously not his age. At the age of thirty nine it wasn't easy to be alone, knowing that if he'll be dead no one will take care of the company. He could never trust his imbeciles relatives, no wonder why he killed his own uncle just to frame up his brother. Tobias relatives are monsters as his mom calls them, especially his paternal side. For about a year after his father's death, Tobias got the respect of his employees, he'd even flirt with his employees during office hours. But Tobias isn't the type of guy to have a serious relationship with, after all the things he's been through. His ex-fiance having an affair with his late father, it made him conscious of love and forget it ever existed. He'll invest in a lot of things, and make sure that he's money is growing. At this point, he still thinks that's he's young and free, even though no one suspected him as the killer of two person. As far as he knows he doens't have a child from all the women he slept with, since no one ever attempted to disturb him in any way. So far, life is good great for him.

& role-plays; To be added soon.

<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">~Codes made by Goosey of Caution 2.0 She worked her butt off and she just so happens
to know a pack of ravenous penguins that she will unleash on you if she finds out you
stole it. And Song Lyrics is Waiting for a Girl like you from Glee.
Credits to the awesome Annaleise for making the gif, images and inspiration.​

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