To The Skies

OOC First Name
Gabriella Celeste Laurent, known as Celeste to most, sported a grin that threatened to split her face in two as she practically sprinted down to the Quidditch Pitch. She'd been stuck studying hard for so long that she'd almost forgotten what fresh air felt like. She didn't feel like she had the brains of her big brother, Alessandro, or her aunt, Martine, who was an auror, but Celeste wasn't necessarily stupid. Maybe she wasn't a genius, but Celeste had different interests. Mostly Quidditch, and having a good time.

Pulling her goggles down, Celeste swung her leg over her trusty broom, before pushing up off the ground with as much force as she could muster, darting up in to the sky. Chuckling wildly, Celeste pushed forward, almost running headfirst in to a goalpost before swerving around it as fast as she could. Hair flying in the wind, Celeste did loops, before spiralling down towards the ground, flipping upside down when she got closer to the ground, floating towards the ground with her hands holding her broom above her head.

Landing on her behind, Celeste lay back on the ground, her hair fanning out around her as she stretched her arms out. It was so nice to be out having fun again after having been cooped up studying.

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