Closed to Paris with love

Chrysander Kaster

my life is my own; freedom is finite
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Visiting with Liesl was always an experience, ever since she'd handed Honey off to him she'd expected him to visit her at least once every six months. Not so much for an update on their child but for... well honestly sometimes Chrys wasn't entirely sure. He'd go and visit her in whatever city she happened to be in (she was a model after all) and she would invite him to whatever hotel she was in and then sometimes she would just sit there and watch him do absolutely nothing. Sometimes it was incredibly infuriating, but she was a pureblood so he supposed he wasn't all that surprised about it. They did a lot of weird things, he'd found, given half of his family on the other side of the world were Purebloods for generations up until the recent generation. He sighed, his hair now long enough to cover his eyes. He stopped, a window to his left catching his attention. He didn't need to meet Liesl yet, she'd wait on him for several more hours - she'd be disappointed if he showed up too early after all. He had a couple of new pictures from Rowan and Elio in his pocket to show her. Sometimes he wondered what he was doing out here, not raising Honey - but he knew he'd make a terrible father, he didn't need to raise a kid to tell him that. He wasn't in the twins life either, Jett and Diamond and the only reason he even knew about them was because Sapphire had taken pity on him enough to tell him. Still, could have been worse, he could have just not known about any of them.

He turned to look at the window, his reflection broken up in the mini shelves. He had no idea what any of it said, he didn't speak French. Unfortunately it wasn't an inherent Veela ability - wouldn't that have been handy? He spoke enough of it to tell people he didn't speak French, but they were usually French people and they were (especially in Paris) notoriously against non-french speakers. He supposed most of them thought he was American since to most of the world, everyone that wasn't them was American. He couldn't fault them though, he did the same.

He carded his fingers through his loose hair. He really needed a hair cut, but he didn't trust them after the last hair dresser took off way too much. He could never make it work with a bald sort of look. Losing his hair would hurt him deeply, completely ruin his life - he could tell. He stepped back, intending on heading down to the hotel he knew Liesl was at, but miscalculated, hit a slightly raised lip in the pavement, rolled his ankle when he went to turn and fell to the ground like a tonne of bricks. "Ow! F*ck!" he called out, landing not only on top of his now definitely sprained ankle, but also against the wall of the shop. As if this day couldn't get any more ruined (since falling at all was embarrassing) he happened to look up straight into the only slightly wider surprised eyes of Onyx Michaels. Of course it would be Onyx. Who else?!

@Onyx Derouin
Onyx had never imagined he could be this happy. He was doing well, exceedingly well. He was married to a wonderful man, they had one amazing son and two more children due soon. And of course, he was excelling in his school. It was an odd feeling- he'd never done well when he'd been at HNZ, and honestly he'd not done well in any aspect of it. Thankfully, his past was in the past, despite all its troubles, and he was a grown man with a whole hell of a lot more going for him.

He was happily in love, with a beautiful home and family, and he was comfortable for the first time in his body. Today, he was dressed a bit more casually, but he liked to think he was still cute. A black hoodie crop top, and a good pair of pocketed, chained black cargo pants that hung a little lower on his hips and fit him well. It was a very emo look, but Onyx enjoyed the aesthetic. He'd gone simple with his makeup that day, with just some smokey eyeshadow and framing black eyeliner, his hair pulled back in a low ponytail.

He was walking from the school to his favorite coffee shop, wanting to get some work done before heading back to the house. He'd just about reached the corner, a lollipop in his mouth and his folder in his hand against his side, when someone cursed, loudly.

He turned the corner just in time to spot none other than Chrysander Kaster tripped up, ankle twisted, smacked against the wall of the shop. Chrys' eyes met his, and after a heartbeat Onyx raised a hand up to take the lollipop from his mouth. "Uh, hi. You okay there?" He asked. So much for the past being past. He mused to himself, a brow quirked.

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