To Learn to Protect Yourself

Alexander Fontaine

Auror | Abused | Victoire ♥
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 Inch Unyielding Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Alexander Carter had wanted to try something new. He had been learning about a rare form of magic that was meant to close off your mind to others. He had wanted to learn it, and he had figured if anyone would be able to teach him it would be Professor Styx. He was the scariest person in the world, so it would only be natural for him to know at least something about it. Approaching his office door, he knocked and patiently waited for him to be let inside.

When he was, he cautiously walked inside and approached the professor. "Hello, sir." He said with a faint smile on his face. "I was doing some research on a bit of magic, and I was hoping that you would be able to teach me." He said, hoping that he wouldn't regret this decision. "It's called Occlumency.. do you know it?" He asked, really hoping that the professor would know, because Alex was really interested in learning this interesting branch of magic.
As soon as Kalif heard a knock on his door, he looked at his schedule to see if anyone was supposed to be dropping by. Seeing that no one was, which was the norm for him, he waved his hand and the door opened to reveal a fifth year Hufflepuff. A transfer that had the name of Carter, but that was all Kalif bothered to know. Kalif placed his gloved hands together as the boy got right to the point. His eyebrow raised when he was asked about Occlumency, and if he knew it. Kalif finally said, "Have a seat." It was more of an order than a kind gesture. He sighed before speaking, "You did come to the right person. As far as I am aware, I'm the only professor here that knows both branches of that magic. Legilimency and Occlumency. Your grades have been quite well, so I suppose I could teach it. It is hard work, and requires a lot of dedication and training. I estimate it is twice as hard as practicing for that Quidditch sport people love so much." It was almost as if Kalif was trying to turn the boy away from the subject, but honestly, he was speaking the truth. It took him months to master it, whereas he learned how to read minds easily. Kalif was exceptionally skilled. He could possibly learn how to transform into an animal if he cared, but he didn't. He left that power to his wife.
Alex hadn't expected it to be an easy thing to do at all, and he had known that it wouldn't have been something that was for everyone. He did have good grades, and he had worked very hard for those. Smiling to himself, he knew that he would be able to do this eventually. "I know it will be very hard, but I'd like to have at least one thing to show from all of my years at this school when I leave." That wasn't his only reason for doing this, but he didn't want the professor to know his exact reasoning. He would probably find out more then he wanted the professor to know eventually, but for now he would do his best to learn. "When can we start?" Alex asked, a determined look on his face.
This boy was very much involved, and wanted to continue his education here. Kalif sighed. Knowing that he may not be able to convince him to turn back, Kalif set some ground rules, "Fine. Be here next week, the end of the week. You are to keep up with all your classes and exceed at them. That includes my own, otherwise I will not teach you." Kalif was being rough, but considering how difficult it was for him to learn it, he knew that it would be even more challenging for a kid. Kalif was a quick learner. He could try to become an animagus if he wanted to, but he had no interest in it whatsoever. Kalif waited for the kid's answer, before he would cast his judgment. Sure, he'd teach it. He would not make it easy or pleasant.
Alex smiled to himself as the professor agreed to teach him, but winced a little bit as the professor mentioned that it would by no means be easy. Though, at the same time, he had known that it would be a difficult undertaking. He knew that Professor Styx had learned it and it would have been hard for him to do so, even though it seemed like nothing would be difficult for him. Alex nodded to the professor. "I look forward to it. Is there anything else that I should know before then?" He asked.
Kalif shook his head when asked if there was anything else he needed to know. "No, just be prepared. You are free to leave." That was Kalif's way of telling him to get out of his office. That was all that the boy needed and he would begin his training soon enough. And Kalif would not make it easy.

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