To Be Alone With You

Wyatt Finch

that funny feeling
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
After visiting with Asaiah in the hospital wing and trying to cheer him up alongside his best friend, Wyatt Finch looked over at Marisol and suggested they let him get some rest to recover because he would well and truly need it. It wasn't the only reason he'd suggested such a thing, however. The ball was quickly approaching and he wanted to her to attend with him as he knew their Slytherin best friend hadn't yet and the boy desperately wanted to beat him to the punch. Actually Wyatt was unsure if there was any intent to do so but their first year had left him in a suit without someone whose company he truly could enjoy. So he lazily put his arm around her shoulders and walked slowly, talking about the Quidditch game and all that had just occurred when he noticed that in the busy corridor the Trophy Room was completely empty so without much warning he took her hand in his and guided her there, rushing through the crowd and said, "Come on, Woods." When they had pushed through the doors his speed dropped considerably but he still held her hand and walked backwards into the room, carefully leading her around with him. With a Slytherin hat on his head, which he'd charmed to support the Slytherin, he was unable to nervously muss his hair up as he normally might have. Instead he smiled at her and said, "Hi." He didn't know quite how to do this as he'd never asked someone to a ball before and he knew that dating was still so far beyond his goal, something Marisol knew of him too. Still he wanted to make her feel like she would want to go with him because they had yet to attend a school event where either she had been upset with him or he had been upset too.
It felt like the longest day ever, with the intense, never-ending Quidditch game, and rushing to see Asaiah at the hospital wing afterward which felt like an event within itself as well. Marisol was tired and rested her head on Wyatt's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they talked and walked. She was content with letting Wyatt take the lead (a feat for the Gryffindor really) and let him take her wherever he wanted. At first she couldn't tell if he knew where he was going or not, it seemed like his only destination was 'away' but as they entered the Trophy room and he slowed down, she guessed there was some sort of thought process behind this trip after all.

He had long slipped his arm away from her shoulder but his hand was now loosely clasped in Marisol's smaller one as he pulled her around the room, walking backwards the whole time. This gave her the opportunity to take him all in, shoulders squared in tension or preparation she couldn't quite make out, messy hair beneath a Slytherin hat worn just to support their best friend even though he wasn't in that house. She felt a rush of gratitude at him and was even more glad he had been with her in the hospital wing visiting Asaiah because the sight of Asaiah's other friend had made her feel uneasy somehow, and she was glad Wyatt had been there to ground her.

A beat passed and Wyatt merely said 'hi' so Marisol laughed lightly and said, "Hey you." It seemed unusual for Wyatt to be so quiet, and Marisol glanced at the tension in his shoulders again and then furrowed her brows lightly. "Is everything okay?" she asked, squeezing his hand and then swinging it lightly, as if the fluidity of the motion would ease his nerves.
Wyatt managed a nervous chuckle as he looked at the brunette who was comforting and stressful all at the same time. The boy looked down at their hands awkwardly and then back up at her. He was fine, albeit a little shaky from the day and now this, and he loved that she seemed to have noticed how tense he felt. No one else would've as far as he could tell from past experience. Or at least he felt as if no one bothered to pay much attention but this wasn't lost on his friend, even when she was tired as she somehow was cyclically but he could only assume it was due to how high strung she was that she conked out every so often and he didn't blame her for that so in the hopes to remove some stress and replace it with fun the Gryffindor had a question to ask. "I'm okay. Promise," he insisted as his blue eyes met her entrancing brown ones as their arms swung easily like a relaxing pendulum and with each swing he felt his resolve growing. Hopefully he could get it out before they might be interrupted so the boy said, "I was actually wondering..." Wyatt grinned sheepishly. "Do you maybe want to go to the Ball with me?" He didn't war to make her worried of him so he smiled and added, "It'll be fun?" He hoped his tone would convey that he had no strange intentions and she certainly knew that while he was a touchy-feely person he certainly was not a big fan of the idea of kissing so that hadn't entered his mind - making this sure to be friends attending together as they ought to, even if it was bred out of jealousy.
Marisol smiled warmly when Wyatt assured her that nothing was wrong so she just continued to swing their hands together nonchalantly. She could tell there was still something on his mind, even if it wasn't anything bad, so she was patient as he stalled and gathered his thoughts. When he began, Marisol smiled encouragingly and raised her eyebrows expectantly, trying to figure out what he was so hesitant to just say normally if it required so much forethought. Whatever it was she wasn't expecting him to ask her to the ball. It wasn't that she wouldn't go with him or anything, the unexpected or weird part of all of Wyatt's hesitation was that he was afraid she would actually say no to him.

A grin broke out on Marisol's face in response, and she easily replied, "Of course I will." He would be crazy to think she wouldn't want to, she had gone with their other best friend last year so in some ways it seemed fair to go with Wyatt as well. Having male best friends made dates to the Yule Ball so much easier and convenient than having crushes on anyone. Marisol then quickly narrowed her eyes at Wyatt and said, "You're lucky attire isn't a costume, otherwise I would've said no." It was clear she was not over the fact that he had dressed up as a werewolf for Halloween, but she couldn't explain why she had gotten so upset. Although she was still bothered by the issue, her tone of voice implied she didn't truly mean what she said.
Wyatt was practically beaming when he heard Marisol’s answer. They would be going to the Yule Ball together and he, honestly, couldn’t be happier which felt a little strange as they had both just seen their injured friend in the hospital but then again he’d always felt most comfortable in hospitals so to him he really always left it feeling positive. It was natural, although a little bittersweet. The boy squeezed her hand in his, somehow feeling as if he’d won all of these trophies combined into one just for getting his best friend to go to the ball with him instead of Asaiah. Still his happiness was only slightly dampened by the girl herself who made him feel bad for what he had thought was a really cool, exciting Halloween costume that he’d actually put a lot of work into. It was still a sore subject because he did disagree with whatever problem she had with it so instead of starting a fight he said with a laugh, “Sure am. Werewolves are still cool though.” He assumed her problem with the costume was the fear of them but the boy knew that his uncle insisted they were just like real people - in fact they were for most of the year - and that he could only be positive towards them which he would. Even before he had learned they were real, Wyatt was sure that changing at every full moon would be just about as cool as becoming Spiderman and he sure wouldn’t mind that either. The boy still knew it was a touchy subject for some reason with his Auntie Leah and Uncle Izaak so out of respect for them he didn’t tell Marisol why he felt this way about werewolves now. He got the feeling that these things normally weren’t as acceptable as he thought they were but it still surprised him that someone like his best friend would feel so strongly about it all considering she seemed open minded and like any fear she had she could face bravely. She was a Gryffindor after all. Still he was too happy to open up that can of worms so he said with the faintest tone of sarcasm, “I’ll try not to step on your feet too. Aren’t I kind?”

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