Open Tiny Plant Crimes

Wisteria Lacewing

"wish" 🍂 nervous 🍁 bowtruckle perch
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Wish had made a very small, tiny, itty bitty mistake on her way to Hogwarts. Beep the bowtruckle had somehow sneaked into her trunk and she hadn't realised until they'd nearly arrived at the castle. Bowtruckles were not on the the approved pets list and Wish was worried she was going to get caught and go to Azkaban forever if somebody found out she'd brought one with her. She'd been trying to work out how to hide Beep form her dormmates until she could come up with a way to get him safely back home. She didn't think the little creature would appreciate being sent home accompanying a letter in the claws of an owl, and Wish wasn't sure what else to do with him. A dorm room was not an ideal environment for a smuggled magical creature who was suited to be out in nature. Wish thought about the gardens, but there was too much of a risk that someone would find Beep and he'd get upset and gouge their eyes out. She didn't know how likely that was, but the bowtruckle was not a pet, he was a friend, and Wish knew to always be careful when it came to wild animals. She had to find somewhere for Beep to be safe, where nobody would be able to hurt him.

The bowtruckle clung to her hair as she made her way to the forest. Wish was terrified she'd get caught with every step, but she thought she'd already broken one rule already, albeit inadvertently, so one more couldn't be too bad. She tried to detangle Beep from her curls, but the clingy little creature did not want to move. "Beep." Wish sighed. She felt bad for leaving her friend here and kind of wanted to explore the forest a bit more. Just to make sure it was safe, of course, not because she was deeply curious. She tried tilting her head so Beep was within reach of a branch, but Beep stubbornly crawled deeper into her hair. "No, go to the branch. It's pretty and it will be a good home for you." Wish begged, whining in fond frustration at the bowtruckle's absolute refusal to behave.
Linden was doing the best he could to distract himself from his dorm mates. why did it just have to be three three of them. why was he so upset that Lucas had dumped him. and why was one of the only people who made it any better the one person he knew he could not fall into at least not in the state he was in. at least it was NEWT year so he had a lot of work. he was also back on the quidditch team, this admittedly didn't give him the chance to avoid Lucas but at least there was a good distraction. and he had helping out professor Burleigh.
he was just coming back from poop-scooping the hyppergriffs when he saw a small figure enter the forest. he headed after her. after the issues in the forest last year he didn't want any first years to be put in danger. she saw her pausing at a tree which gave him time to catch up. and wonder who, or what, she was talking to. she started to wander off and he sped up. "hey are you okay? you seem lost" he said. not wanting to scare her but wanting to make sure she didn't get into any trouble.
Wish was having no luck coaxing Beep out from her hair. The bowtruckle was determined to be a hair accessory and Wish was so distracted that she didn't hear the older student approach. She was already scared to begin with, but now it felt like her entire chest was collapsing in on itself. At least it wasn't a professor, but Wish was sure she was going to get reported and be locked up forever and ever and then nobody would be around to make sure Beep was safe. "I-I didn't mean to!" she blurted out, shaking like a leaf as she willed herself to talk. "He... he just?" Wish gestured to her hair, where Beep was still valiantly clinging, and hoped that at least the older boy could help the creature before Wish was arrested.
Linden souls see the shock on the girl's face. she almost seemed to be shaking. he sort of felt sorry for her. he hadn't meant so scare her. quite the opposite he had intended to make sure she was okay. and got out of the woods safely. her response didn't really answer his question except to show how nervous she was. but when she said that he made her do it he looked around to see if he could see the he she was referring to, no one should force a first year into the forest if they didn't want to go. but there was no one there. it took him a moment to realise she was gesturing to her hair. he looked at it and realised there was something there tangled up in the curls. it wasn't a twig, it wasn't a stick insect. "Is that a Bowtruckle" he said. he had seen them before but and had heard of them bonding with people but had never met one. "do you want a hand getting him out of your hair?" he asked wondering if that was what the girl meant.
Wish swallowed nervously and tried to take deep breaths so she wouldn't pass out from the terror of being caught. "H-his name is, um, Beep." she said. It felt very important that the older boy knew that Beep wasn't just any bowtruckle, he was an individual. She could tell her face was bright red and her throat burned as she tried to explain the situation without breaking down in tears. "I sort of, well, he?" Wish scrunched up her face in frustration at how hard the words were to get out. "Followed me in my trunk and I need-to-keep-him-safe." she spluttered, the words all coming out at once in a rush. She looked pleadingly at the boy and shrugged helplessly, holding her hand up to see if Beep would crawl onto it now that they had an audience, but to no avail.

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