Timothy Benenati Jr.

Timothy De Luca

autistic • freelance artist
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 17 Inch Whippy Acacia Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2025 (30)
Full Name:
- Timothy Devin Benenati Jr.

Date of Birth:
- March 23, 2025

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Timothy is taller for his age. He has a limp. He leans forward slightly as he walks, and it is clear that he has a disorder. He has brown eyes. His hair is brown and very curly. It is thick, and he does not like the texture and feel of his hair. He has eczema on his upper arms. He has eczema in the middle of his arm due to the excessive amount of scratching he does. He is very sensitive to fabrics. There is not a fabric that he likes. He does not like wearing clothes. If it was socially acceptable, he would walk around comfortable butt naked. He often wears slacks and sweaters. He hates sweaters, but his mother often worries about him being too cold.

- Timmy is a very emotional and moody person. He is easily scared and confused. He is a visual learner, and drawing helps him learn. He hates wearing clothes, and he is very sensitive. He has a difficult time making friends because of his autism, but he has made good progress. Timmy is very picky. There are certain things he will and will not do. He will not go to the beach, playground, or get dirty. Timmy does not like to be touched or any sort of physical contact. He will blatantly ignore someone's outstretched hands because he hates the feeling of skin on skin. He does give people he likes kisses, but it is hard for him to like someone enough to kiss them. Timmy loves animals. He loves to touch and interact with animals of all kinds. He is rarely scared by animals. If he could be anything in the world, he would be an animal. He believes animals understand him better than people. He loves the innocence and simplicity of animals, but he does not think about it this far. Timmy has a hard time explaining himself, complimenting people, and basically talking. He wants to talk, but there is a switch in his brain-as the doctors have describe- that won't allow him to do so. This is frustrating for Timmy, but he is learning the things that he cares about.

Slowly, he is getting out of the selfish stage that most children grow out of quickly. Timmy draws extremely well for a child. His drawings have depth and are very detailed. He draws at the level of an artist. It is easiest for him to learn through visuals. He has very good handwriting, and he is able to explain himself better through writing rather than words. It may take some interpretation, but Timmy always stays true to himself. He does not like to be surrounded by too many people, but he likes "pretty people". He will follow someone he believes is pretty around to draw them. Veela charm does not affect him as strongly as it would others. He could say a full blooded veela is ugly if he thought so. Timmy has a hard time understanding what is and what is not socially acceptable. There are many little things that he does that would be considered rude or inappropriate in public.

- Giovanni De Luca mother
- Vivianna De Marti (nee De Luca) aunt
- Papi grandfather

- A tabby named Fickles

Area of Residence:
- Auckland, New Zealand

Blood Status:
- Half-Blood

- Italian

Special Abilities:
- Timothy is very skilled at drawing even though he has not received any art classes. It is a talent of his that makes him unique, and it is because of his autism that he has such great art skill at such a young age.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Drawing
- Animals
- Sleeping
- Playing with animals

Anything Else?:
- Timothy has autism. Autism is a developmental disorder that hinders a person's social abilities. It is something that is discoverable at the age of 3. There is no cure for autism, but there are types of treatments that help them be able to function properly in society. About 40% of people with autism have a "gift" or a knack for something. It can vary from drawing, being excellent with machinery, different types memorization skills, being able to tell what day of the week it was on a certain day, and more. Children with autism often do not like physical contact (or are very sensitive to it), or they say that their clothing is itchy or irritating. Their moods can vary, and it is hard for them to talk possessively, like instead of saying "I want cake," they would say, "You want cake." Every case of autism is different.

- Drawing
- Curious
- Open
- Very willing to learn
- Helpful
- Affectionate
- Persistent

- Sensitive
- Rude
- Inconsiderate
- Quiet
- Nervous
- Negative towards his condition

Describe your character in three words:
- curious. strong. picky.

Favourite place to be:

- Isaiah Jeffreys

Hogwarts House:
- Hufflepuff

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Timothy wants to be able to help people after he graduates from Hogwarts. He wants magic to "fix", and he is looking forward to the journey he has at Hogwarts. He wants to make his mother proud. He thinks that she feels he is stupid, but that has never been the case. He wants to end up being patted on the back, figuratively, for his skills and hard work.

Best school subjects:
- Transfiguration

Worst school subjects:
- Charms
- History of Magic

Extracurricular Activities:
- None


Current Job:
- Student

Plans for your future:
- Timmy wants to be able to turn into an animal. (Animagus)

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:
- Ghosts

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
- Timmy sees himself standing straight with a smile. He wants to be a normal kid without autism.

A page from your diary:

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