Time Together

Brodie Summers

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Brodie was walking around the school aimlessly and trying to get things off his mind. Derrik had been in yet another one of his dreams Why can't I just get over this kid? Its not fair! he kept thinking to himself. This stupid crush had caused so much trouble for the thirteen year old boy he hated thinking about it. It wasn't like he could go to anyone for advise, he had no friends, and he was terrified of what his uncle might think. Brodie wished he could rewind things and never meet Derrik, everything would be perfect. Sighing Brodie looked around to see that he had some how made it outside the castle Maybe some fresh air could help he thought a little distracted.

The Yule Ball was a blast. Derrik and Tala made up quiet a bit of time in just one night. They both made a promise to each other that things would change for the better. They would try to see each other more and make sure that things were alright. Sadly, it seemed that it wasn't coming true.

It had been a while since the two of them had met. Derrik was grateful that he got to take the love of his life to the event. But it seemed that it was the only chance he would have. Classes came back to swamp the both of them. Derrik hated how this always happened.

He decided to walk around the school. Almost everywhere Derrik went, he saw Tala. He's stare at once spot and he would just appear. That cheery smile, the glow in his eyes, that hair, oh and that Russian fudge scent that seemed to follow him. A tear feel from Derrik's eyes before he walked out into the school grounds outside.

Walking aimlessly he found himself near the place where they both first met. It felt as thought the pair met for the first time. Another vision appeared in Derrik's eyes. The both of them just wrestling around in the grass. A smile spread upon Derrik's face as ice cold tears began falling from both eyes. Derrik sat and watched the whole scene. "Has it really been that long since it all started?"
"Yes...it has. I know how you feel about him. You need to go find him. You can't stay this way." Derrik's inner voice was trying to comfort him.

"That's what you think. I can stay anyway that I chose."
"But that doesn't mean you can go without eating so much as a crumb for days!" Derrik moved inward to hide himself as if it would do anything. He didn't know how to control his emotions.
"Show's how much you know...just leave me alone." And the voice faded away. Derrik was left alone; that was the way he wanted to be right now.
Brodie had walked over a tree and climbed up to one of the branches hoping no one would bug him up there. He was just enjoying a chilly breeze that was blowing in when he looked down and saw non other then Derrik Agile, and he looked fairly depressed What else is new? he thought rolling his eyes. That Tala kid could never make him happy he added. "Oi! Whats wrong with the puff today? Did mommy forget to pick out your clothes? Cause it sure looks like it" he asked jumping down from the tree and standing in front of Derrik.

Derrik almost cringed. The last voice he wanted to hear other than his own and his inner self...Brodie Fudge. Of course he always his kicks even when they weren't needed. Derrik looked up from his form.
"Nothing that is of your importance to know." he said with a hiss. Derrik wasn't going to fall for Brodie's games. Derrik knew that it was exactly what Brodie wanted.
Brodie smirked as Derrik hissed at him, "You know I really like it when you speak like that, brings out your inner Slytherin" he said getting closer to Derrik. They were only a few inches away from each other now and Brodie took one of his fingers to lift up Derrik's chin so he could look him in the eyes, "Now why doesn't Derry tell me whats wrong?" he said holding his smirk.

Derrik couldn't take the way Brodie talked to him now. He knew that Brodie was just trying to take advantage of him. Derrik swatted away Brodie's hand from his chin.
"Don't touch me like that..." Derrik stared into Brodie's eyes. He gave him a cold stare. Mixed emotions were starting to build. Derrik was upset about Tala but Brodie was just making him angry.
"Jeez no need to get your panties in a bunch" he said rolling his eyes at Derrik. The slytherin boy walked back to his tree and climbed up it again, "Everything not so perfect in the epic romance of Derrik and Tala?" he called down. Brodie was really starting to have fun, he had forgotten how much fun teasing people could be... It had been a while. Brodie leaned back against the tree and looked down at the angry Hufflepuff, there was obviously something wrong and Brodie wouldn't take any BS about there being nothing wrong.

Derrik was just getting ready to nail this kid.
"Why don't you just fall out of that tree you're in and do yourself a favor. Besides I have no right to tell you what's going on. You don't have to know anyway." Derrik could tell that Brodie was having fun. If Derrik really wanted to, he could probably stun Brodie but he'd get in huge trouble for that. the last thing he wanted was for him to get kicked out of Hogwarts or have his mom go insane on him.
"You know Derrik, I don't really see how it would be doing myself a favor to fall out of a tree" he replied hoping to make Derrik sound stupid. Brodie jumped out of the tree again and walked up behind Derrik, "and why wouldn't you want to tell me Derry? You know you can trust me. Is it because maybe I'm right?" he asked whispering in Derrik's ear. Brodie put his hands on Derrik's shoulder and squeezed slightly.

Brodie had crossed the line. Derrik was sick and tired of him talking about Tala as if this whole thing was a comedy act. Derrik stood up and took hold of Brodie's shirt and held up a fist.
You listen here...just because you find this all funny doesn't mean you can walk all over me. Just because things seem different in your eyes doesn't mean its true. So if I was you, I'd stop talking." Derrik let go of Brodie's shirt and back away a few steps. If Derrik was any closer, he would of actually socked it to him.
Brodie remained silent as Derrik backed away from him but he was still smiling. He was actually happy to be getting the attention from Derrik, even if he was pissing him off. Brodie walked over to Derrik once he stop backing away, he could tell that Derrik really wanted to hurt him, not that Brodie would mind, it would be pretty funny seeing Derrik get in trouble. "Tough boy are you now?" he asked once he was close to Derrik's face once again. In a swift movement Brodie planted his lips on Derrik's.

Derrik really just wanted to get away. If he had known this would going to happen today, he would have stood in his dorm looking out his window. Brodie was really turning into a snake. Once again, Brodie got close to Derrik. Derrik getting ready to land a fist was actually shocked once again. Brodie was kissing him!

Derrik backed away and wanted to destroy Brodie. He spat to get rid of any taste that was left from the snake. "You are so sick you know that? You're taking complete advantage of me while Tala isn't around! You know you still feel like crap because I'm with him not you!"
Brodie was hurt when Derrik spoke the truth, but Derrik would never show any kind of weakness to the pathetic Hufflepuff in front of him, "No actually, I got over that stupid phase long ago, I still hate Tala though, so its always fun to make you cheat on him" Brodie replied with a smirk. "You know it could be fun to tell Tala about all the times we met up like this" Brodie added turning away from Derrik and walking away slowly.

Brodie started to walk away.
"Ugh! I'm so sick of you! You know your not over any of this. You're only doing this to make yourself feel better because you feel like crap!" Derrik was beyond furious. He couldn't take anything anymore. He walked off near a tree and just sat down.

His voice came back. Maybe he could help with the pain.

"Where is he?...."
"I don't know kid...you don't have to deal with this you know?..."
"How can I not? No matter what the snake always finds a way to find me."
"Well I can't tell you where he is...I'm sorry..."
"Where is my fudge boy?..."

The voice fadded away before Derrik could speak again. Derrik was left alone at the tree to think.

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