Time to dust some people off

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Ooh…thanks for clicking! So, I have a couple of characters that I’m trying to dust off and use. I don’t like seeing my characters fall by the wayside and these definitely have.
I guess I’ll put my characters in order (most in need to least in need). :) I’m not a super slow RPer, but I’m not fast either. It mostly depends on what other stuff, both on and off the site, that I have going on. I will get around to it, I promise. If it’s been more than a week or two, you probably should PM me on this account though because I’ve probably forgotten. :p As usual, if you have any ideas, other than what I’ve listed, send me a PM and we’ll work something out.

1. Irene Finch – She’s the Apparation instructor for the HNZ 6th years and the Head of the Magical Transportation department of the MoM. She has a daughter who is about 4 or 5, I’m not sure. :p Irene is not exactly the warmest of people, but sometimes she surprises even me and actually meshes with others. Even though her brother is a leader in the Scits, she is still painfully unaware of this and I’d like someone to open her eyes and make her at least suspicious of her brother’s actions. I expect her to continue to be in heavy denial for a while, so she might end up disliking the person who brings her this news. This person could be a male or female, preferably around her age, though older wouldn’t be so bad either.

2. Sebastian Rossi – He’s a Beauxbaton graduate, a super guitar player and former lead guitarist and background vocalist for Ares Moon. For the past year or so, he has been backpacking across the globe with his guitar in an effort to find himself. He’s back to his happy place now, and I’d like to break him out for some fun. Bas is a musician first and foremost, so an RP with other musician types could be cool. He also just really needs a good friend. His best male friend died when he was a teenager and his best female friends have wandered off to live their lives, so my guy is lonely. :(

3. Noel Deveaux – I think she is my newest character. Noel is fresh out of Salem, but she isn’t doing much with her life. She has a part-time job in a muggle clothing store, but she doesn’t really have anything that she is passionate about. She’s currently on probation for destroying a car that belonged to a cheating ex-boyfriend, and she’s not very sorry about it. Noel isn’t from a rich family, but she is rather spoiled and has a sense of entitlement. I’m looking for some friends for her and possibly someone who could become a love interest in the future. I haven’t worked on her bio yet, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

4. Mason Talarico – I think I’ve only RPed this guy once, so I don’t know his personality super well yet. What I do know is that he’s an Auror and a sweet, loyal guy. He’s currently recovering from a work- related injury. Mason needs some friends.

5. Alana Finch – Here is Ioan’s daughter. Her age might be off by a year or two, but she is growing fast and is truly her parents’ child. Alana’s personality shifts when she is away from her parents. I’ve had a lot of fun RPing her in the past and would love to have her RP with some other magical children around her age.

So, those are the characters that I am really looking to RP. If you’d rather RP with one of my other characters, let me know. You guys know my other characters, right? If not, click [member]here[member].

I am in school at the moment, so I want to make this quick.

Giovanni De Luca&Mason
Giovanni is also an Auror, and she is a single mother of an autistic child. She is really short, 4'9", and she is very mature and serious about her job. She i very sweet, and she is very aware if others feelings. She is outgoing, and mayb they could be friends?
That sounds cool. He is in need of friends and a co-worker is a good place to start. Do you want to start or should I?
Can you start? It's okay if it takes a little bit, Cyndi
Sure thing. :)
I have Sydney Caine for Sebastian if you want her. She's 21/22 and is a reformed Slytherin. She is currently working her way through muggle school to become a nurse before she applies for St Mungos. She's maternal and nurturing but not afraid to give someone a piece of her mind if she thinks they need it.
Hey Cyndi.

We could have Seb and Seraphina meet up if you wanted, I always like them two ^_^

Or I've been meaning to make Charlotte, Peter's younger sister, so maybe she and Alana could be friends seeing as Millard and Ioan are friends etc. Or that one could be saved for school because they are about the same age, so it's an idea that could be used
Summer: I guess we can see how they get along and then go from there. Would you be able to start something for us?

Pat: A Seb and Seraphina RP sounds fun. We haven't RPed these two together in ages. Would you like to start an RP or do you want me to?

Cool. I think that they would have grown up together, visiting each other every now and then. It'll be interesting to see if they get along as well as their fathers do. Whenever you create her, let me know and we can definitely RP them. No rush! :)

Lovi: I haven't forgotten about you! I should have our RP up tonight. :)
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