Time He Got Hitched

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Adam Bomonti

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey! Yah yah yah, I know I haven't been on for a while. Sorry.
I think though it's time Adam got hitched....again. ;P

If you want his bio click the signature, otherwise give me a character you have and we can go from there. ;D
We can definately try that.
Since I'm not busy, I'll start it if you'd like!

I'll give the link too Mollie. :r
I have two to pick from Eden Koshiba who is 18 and than there is Daisie A'Dare who is 21 she is seeing someone right now but that is not going to last for long.
Remember Elvera and this topic here called Strangers become Friends
I thought you could
Eden's a tad young, but I mean, we could go for friends if you'd like!

Mia, terribly sorry. We can continue it, I'm super sorry I abandoned it. I went off to a camp the day after didn't return until August 10th and kind of forgot about it.
I love it an Auror and a Death Eater friends. I still have Daisie who is 21 about to be 22. I am trying to get her settled down and married and a family. She has just been wild and free for way to long lol.
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