Time goes by slowly.

Arielle Lemaire

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust.
It was another boring day for Arielle, she did not want to bother with doing any homework. It was after dinner and Arielle didn't eat much that night, due to the fact that the food served in the great hall doesn't meet her requirements and since she is a very picky eater, Arielle doesn't eat anything that isn't good enough for her. That evening, Arielle chose not to enter the common room as soon as she was able, instead she chose to sit on an old wooden bench in the dungeons, hoping that she would be able to actually find something social to do instead of ignoring any and all of her housemates. Arielle looked at her pocket watch, time was passing slowly and Arielle didn't have any drawing equipment with her, so she couldn't do anything productive, she scoffed as a group of giggling girls in her year walked passed, at least they had friends, Arielle was apparently too rude to make any but she did want at least one, Still, she continued to sit alone in the creepy silence of the dungeons and wait until somebody would talk to her, if anybody at al would want to talk to her. Arielle muttered a quiet "Why me?" to herself, her French accent obvious, it was hard to avoid for her.
Shaylah had eaten enough. She'd never been able to eat very much. Though, that was useful when you lived in the Halfway House. She was just glad she didn't live there any more. Now she lived with Professor Smith; the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. She'd always thought of him as a good teacher but that good turned to amazing when he asked her to move in. The Halfway House was a grim place to be and she had never really liked it all that much.

Shay heard something quiet and looked around to see what it was. She saw a girl sat not far away. She must have been first year because Shay didn't think she recognised her from anywhere. Shay towered over the little girl with her arms crossed. "What house are you in??" She wasn't going to be nice to the girl unless she was a Slytherin. This was a Slytherin only area.
Arielle was naturally a little frightened when a girl who looked a lot older than her walked up to her and asked what house she was in. Arielle acted like she was confident, in which she was and replied "Slytherin. Not like it was any of your business anyway." Arielle said, her voice had its usual sarcastic tone, Arielle wasn't hesitant in being rude to this stranger even though the other girl was a fellow Slytherin, they were rude to her first, well, she got the vibe that girl was rude and Arielle didn't want to take any changes in being nice to her when it could have been a waste of time.

Flipping her blonde hair a little Arielle continued to stare up at the other girl, now would be an appropriate time for her to ask the other girl’s name. "I am Arielle, and your name is?" She asked, her accent was still obvious, and it was almost impossible for her to hide it, it was just an accent though, nothing serious that needed to be addressed anytime soon. Arielle raised an eyebrow at the girl, she was expecting a good reply to her question, no matter how insignificant her question was. She wouldn't expect anything less from a fellow housemate.
Shaylah raised an eyebrow at the girl. She definitely had the snobby personality that Slytherins usually had. Shay rolled her eyes then replied, "Of course it's my business. We have to make sure scum stay out of our territory. I was making sure you were worthy of being in this place." Shay shrugged and looked around her. She hated the other houses and the dungeons and common room were the only places she could go that they didn't so she got annoyed when they turned up here.
Shay could hear the girl's accent and started wondering whether she still had her's. She'd grown up in Scotland and had a strong Scottish accent while she was there but she'd been in New Zealand for six years now and started wondering if she'd picked up the New Zealand accent. "I'm Shaylah." She saw no harm in telling another Slytherin what her name was. Plus, loads of people knew her name without her even telling them. Rumours usually spread very quickly at Hogwarts and Shay had been the centre of a few of them.
Arielle agreed with her fellow Slytherin, they did have to keep students from the other houses out of their territory, and during her time attending wizarding school, Arielle had never opposed that idea. Arielle hadn't properly formed an opinion of this other girl quite yet, but when she said her name, Arielle couldn't help but notice that Shaylah had an accent too, Arielle didn't hesitate in asking what accent it was. "You have an accent also, where are you from?" Arielle queried, attempting to learn a little more about the other Slytherin student. This new development on Arielle's day seemed to be a positive one, Arielle had met somebody new and she hadn't thought that Shaylah wasn't worth her time yet, this urged Arielle to ask another question, "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Arielle asked, managing to smirk and tilt her head to the side, as far as Arielle could remember she hadn't been this polite to another person since she had lived in France.
Shaylah nodded when Arielle said she had an accent. It must have still been there. Shay certainly never noticed any more. Then again, why would she?? "I grew up in Scotland until I was ten." Again, she saw no reason why not to tell her. This girl seemed to be okay. Even if she was very young. "I'm sixteen. I'm about to go into my sixth year here. Just got to pass my OWLs first. Shouldn't be too difficult though. What about you??" Shay wasn't trying to sound snobby when she said that. She'd always been a very intelligent girl. She just couldn't be bothered to put in the effort until her dad got sent to Azkaban. It had been a punch in the face when she'd heard about it and suddenly she'd wanted to live up to her father and keep her feet firmly in his footprints. That meant getting the grades everyone knew she could if she actually tried.
The first year became a lot more interested in Shaylah when she heard that she was from Scotland. Arielle loved Europe, all because she was from France and now that she was talking to somebody else from Europe she wanted to know more. "I moved from France a few years ago." Arielle said managing a shrug. Now she had to tell Shaylah how old she was, this made Arielle a little awkward, the other girl might not want to talk to her if she knew that Arielle was only a first year. It wouldn't bother Arielle too much personally, it just might make the conversation a little uncomfortable. "I'm just a first year." Arielle said, she wasn't actually that bothered by the other girl, which was quite refreshing for the Slytherin.
Shaylah smiled. "France looks like a good place to go but I have no reason to ever go there." Unless I was to become a death eater and I had a mission there of course She added in her head. Shay loved the idea of following her dad's footsteps and ending up a death eater. Then again, she wouldn't be stupid enough to be with someone who would end up throwing them in azkaban. She was surprised her dad was but Tracy was a manipulating b!tch so it wasn't that surprising when she thought about it. Shay nodded when Arielle said she was a first year. "Ah, so you still need to learn all the ropes. If you ever need a hand with that one then I'm here." She was wondering why she was being so kind to this girl. Usually by now she would have walked off because she was bored but, then again, she needed friends. Even if this girl was a first year she could still be a good friend and it would be cool having someone younger look up to her as a role model.

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