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- Myrtle Wand, 15 1/2", Tail of Charmed Newt
It was nearing the end of Leia Evans' first year and although the beginning of her first year had gone great, she had to admit that her second semester was rather slow yet extremely fast at the same time. She hadn't seen any of her Ravenclaw best friends in so long the words 'best friends' even seemed foreign to her. Subconsciously she knew she was avoiding them after this whole weird thing with Noah and Kaleb Styx happened. Leia had been silly in falling for a jerk like Kaleb, and she seriously underestimated the power of her Veela blood. She had been avoiding Noah all year because she had convinced herself that he didn't like her like he said he did, he only thought he liked her because her of her Veela blood. Her mother had tried to warn her that it was much powerful than she could control it, but Leia hadn't listened and now she was paying for it with solitude.
Still, despite all that, Leia had made a goal for herself at the beginning of the year to write herself a letter, include a few first year momentos, and bury them somewhere on the Hogwarts Grounds where she wouldn't be allowed to dig it up until the end of her seventh year. Wearing a green shirt with a grey sweater over and dark blue jeans, Leia walked out of her common room with a small tin box containing a letter she wrote and just a few things. Leia hugged herself as the air was quickly getting colder as she walked over to the great lawn, looking for a spot to bury her box. Finally she saw a beautiful tree she'd climbed before and sat down at the foot of it, and opened her box to see what was in it one last time. Leia pulled out her letter and unfolded it so she could read it in her twelve year old handwriting.
Still, despite all that, Leia had made a goal for herself at the beginning of the year to write herself a letter, include a few first year momentos, and bury them somewhere on the Hogwarts Grounds where she wouldn't be allowed to dig it up until the end of her seventh year. Wearing a green shirt with a grey sweater over and dark blue jeans, Leia walked out of her common room with a small tin box containing a letter she wrote and just a few things. Leia hugged herself as the air was quickly getting colder as she walked over to the great lawn, looking for a spot to bury her box. Finally she saw a beautiful tree she'd climbed before and sat down at the foot of it, and opened her box to see what was in it one last time. Leia pulled out her letter and unfolded it so she could read it in her twelve year old handwriting.
Leia laughed lightly to herself at her silly letter, wondering if the future her would find it amusing. She carefully folded the parchment back up carefully and put it back in the tin box before shuffling around in there looking at the other items she had.Dear Older Leia,
Well, I hope you're excited about graduating! Writing this it seems like graduation is a million years away...Do you know what you want to do with your...our life yet? I really liked Charms class in first year, do you still like it? Did you pass all your O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s? Will you even remember that you buried this box in six years?
Did you ever get better at surfing? How is mom, and dad? Do they have partners now? Is Victoria magic too? Does she go to Hogwarts? What House is she in? Did Hufflepuff ever win the House cup while you were in it? Did you ever become Prefect? Did I grow the guts to try out for the Quidditch team?
Is Noah Esquire still our best friend? What bout Emma Meminger and Oscar Edwards? Do they still go to that school? I hope so...I hope even if you're not best friends anymore that you still tried to keep in touch with them from time to time. Did Sam go on to be a professional Quidditch player? Did our band become famous?! Do you still even play the guitar? Does mom know, did she get mad? Do I still wear flowers in my hair? Do we still have Shadow? I hope so!
Alright, enough with the questions...I guess I'll tell you a little about myself..in case you can't remember so far back..
My name is Leia Lucia Evans, I'm currently twelve years old and a first year Hufflepuff. I was born and raised in Manhattan, New York with my mom Leonor Evans who is a famous fashion designer. Currently I live with my dad, Javier Evans, in Sydney, Australia which I love so much. Dad works in the Transportation Department in the Australian Ministry of Magic, and I love to visit Bondi Beach as often as I can! He is teaching me how to surf and right now I'm just a beginner, but I can proudly say I've ridden more than one wave correctly! I love to surf, and being in Australia has taught me that I belong at the beach, not some cold city like New York. Sydney is more my home than New York ever was. I am half-Veela and so are both of my parents, though they aren't together. Currently neither of them have partners but Dad does have another daughter, Victoria, who is only about 7 or 8 right now. I haven't talked to her much, but she seems nice. I hope to live in Australia forever! I'm just a beach girl at heart.
I love to wear flowers in my hair, all kinds of flowers, in headbands, or just braiding them in, they're just so pretty! Does mom approve of what I wear yet? Or does she still tell me my hair looks better down and that I should never cut it or straighten it? Is she..oh wait! Sorry, no more questions, just telling you about younger you...My three best friends are the ones mentioned above, and Sam Prince is a good friend too. Kaleb Styx was this guy I fell for during my first year, but he ended up not really liking me at all, there were so many warnings from everyone (even this horrible 'Gossip Girl' who printed out everyone's gossip in a magazine this year!) but I hadn't listened so I got my heartbroken on Yule Ball night. Right now I'm ignoring Noah Esquire because he thinks he likes me but I told him he doesn't because it's just my Veela blood making him think he likes me, so he doesn't! But even though I'm ignoring him he's still my best friend and I hope we can get over his idiotic crush soon. All my friends so far are Ravenclaws, so I hope to make more in other houses throughout the years. Which brings me to my next topic...goals!
I'm going to write down a list of goals I'd like to accomplish by seventh year.
1) Grow the guts to at least try out for the Quidditch team, bonus points if I make it!
2) Get insanely good at surfing!
3) Get closer to Victoria (dad's wishes, though I don't really mind)
4) Do better in classes to help Hufflepuff win the cup
5) Cut my hair short one of these days! Shock mom!
6) Get better at the guitar and help our band do good!
7) Get an O in Charms and more in other classes wouldn't hurt either
8) Prefect?
9) Perform in a play
10) Fall in love
Right...well...I tend to ramble a lot to people I'm comfortable with, and since future me would be reading this I know I'd be comfortable with myself...I guess this shall be it for now... I hope future me isn't embarrassed by silly, naive, younger me - you gotta understand I was just twelve! I hope things are good for me in the future!
Until 2028...
Younger Leia