Through the Fire

Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member
20:28. The numbers flashed across Izaak’s iPhone with a swipe of the screen and he stared at them with a huff of annoyance. They were supposed to have been here twenty-eight minutes ago and if they didn’t turn up soon, all four of them would miss out on the movie they had planned to go and see together afterwards. Well perhaps not all four of them. We can always bail. The young man thought with a brief smile as he glanced down into the green-lined hues of his fiancée’s eyes. Not for one second had he even considered that it might be Fletcher’s fault the slightly older couple were late. It was Leah, it was always Leah and all of her one million things to do. But she had organised for Jay to stay with a neighbour, she had had ample time to make sure all the orders were in for work tomorrow morning, she had even texted her brother promising her on-time arrival. Fat chance.

“She’s always so late He mumbled in frustration to Alexis who was now tucked into his arm as opposed to sitting opposite him purely because Izaak had grown so restless waiting. Azure eyes zipped about the modern Italian restaurant which now seemed to be an orchestra of chinking cutlery, sizzling food and the hearty laughter of the people that surrounding their table by the window. His stomach churned in anticipation and to ease it he took a sip from the wine that had been ordered but it was alcohol on an empty stomach, insubstantial and ineffective. “I guess we could just...” It had begun with a smirk, a glint in his bright irises as they focused on his effortlessly beautiful lover but lagged into a more severe expression as his ringtone rose above the bustle of the restaurant. But unlike he had expected it was not Leah making the call but instead a work colleague. Hesitation stole over the twenty year old as he was forced to make a snap decision between Alexis having his complete and undivided attention or a possible helping hand he could lend (or the money he could earn). Sighing reluctantly, Izaak rose from his seat and took his phone with him. “I should probably take this Es, I’ll be back in a sec.” And with that he graced her with a perfect smile and walked out of the venue, one hand buried deep within the pocket of his jeans whilst the other answered his still ringing phone.
Marcus Finch leaned back in his seat, reeking with fury as he engaged his only son behind the hardness of his raging blue eyes. It had been years, many years, since he had last seen Izaak. Back then he had been but a lanky, cracking-voiced thirteen year old though now he was a spitting image of his own flesh and blood; tall, lean, fighting fit and every bit as capable of the havoc Marcus had wrought. It wasn’t entirely pride that struck the greying man, more a sense of accomplishment for having born a son with the upper hand in his genes. Without even placing into account the shameful muggle business, how could he be proud of Izaak when he seemed so pathetically enamoured with that pompous brat he had his arm around? Marcus Finch was no idiot, that was Pierre Richarde’s eldest daughter; a family the death eaters had loathed with a burning passion. So imagine the humiliation that would have loaded upon him when the others had learnt that his heir was off prancing around on those ghastly things they called surfboards and marrying himself to the President of Magic’s daughter. A poor excuse for a son Izaak was and it was because of him that Marcus’ dignity had been thrown to the dogs, that he had been pressured out of such a prestigious group. But now he was here and with a vengeance.

Izaak didn’t realise it but by leaving his pretty little girlfriend all alone at their table he had made her an open target for Marcus to aim at. So when he was sure his foolish son was out of sight and busying himself with that ridiculous, rectangular contraption of his, the ex-death eater slithered from his seat and with long, ominously heavy strides, reached the girl’s table. A hand gloved in black leather clasped the back of her chair with the hint of a menacing undertone, and those azure eyes were lipped with an eerie smile now that they indirectly had a wrench on his son’s heart. “Ah Miss Richarde. It’s always such a... Pleasure.” His last word yanked on his gag reflex making it a trying effort to hiss out in his dark, rumbling tone. But he carried it off with all the charm in the world still. “My it’s been years since I’ve seen you and now you’re all grown up. Twenty? Twenty-one?” The glimmering ring on her finger had only robbed him of his charming smile for the slightest of moments but if he really wanted to get to Izaak, he’d have to focus.
If she were to be honest, Alexis wasn’t bothered that Leah was late. By now she was used to it and she had extra time with her love before the other couple arrived. There was no way she was going to complain about that although she was getting a bit hungry. With every dish that passed them in the hands of a waiter or a waitress, the smells wafted up her nostrils and she became hungrier then she already was. But out of respect for her friends, she insisted that she kept her hunger at bay by distracting herself with idle conversation with her fiancé. Listening to Izaak’s suggestion, she pursed her lips at the thought but as she ultimately rejected it and it seemed that Izaak had to when his phone rang. As Izaak stood, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled lovingly at him, watching him as he walked off for only two strides.

Alexis reached into her pocket to take out her cellular phone and as she waited for her love to return to her side, she texted Leah. “Where are you two? I’m starving!” Flicking her phone closed, the red-head heard her name spoken and she shivered. Slowly, the girl turned her head to see a man she had never met. How would he have known her name? As her eyes searching his face, the green, that she inherited from her father, in her eyes slowly dimmed with fear. The man reminded her of someone and then she remembered who, with an inaudible gasp. Only once had Izaak seemed so furious to her and that image was forever embedded in her mind and this was exactly what the older man reminded her of. The flashes of hatred in the man’s blue eyes worried her and she spoke, as if she didn’t already know that this was her father-in-law to-be, “Who are you?” Flicking her phone open, as she looked at the older Finch, she texted Fletcher urgently and secretively, “Leah’s Dad. Izaak on phone. Come!” From what Alexis had heard of the man... well she didn't want to be alone with him, not since her change, as she was much more frightful and perhaps a little bit more on edge, this combination could not be good for her when meeting a man she knew was a Death Eater. There wasn’t much that Alexis knew about Izaak’s previous life with this man and his mother but she knew that they were bad people and it frightened her. Or maybe it was just the shade of blue that brought painful memories of seeing Isabella and Izaak together in her house and the words she had screamed at him and the words he had screamed back. Their anger looked alike, actually they looked a lot alike anyway but she had never imagined they would because they were so different, but the fire in the man’s eyes well they only further engraved the image of what Izaak looked like when he was mad. For a second, she looked away from the older Finch to the direction Izaak had gone and pleaded silently for him to return.
There was something other than numbing fear that glassed the green lining of her irises and Marcus was not one to overlook such an expression. The matured man was as cunning as a fox and if that wasn't a dawn of realisition that had crossed the girl that had yanked his mending reputation from beneath him then he'd be damned. Clever, clever girl. Marcus smirked to himself, slipping his hand from her seat to cross it with his other one. But even a girl as sharp as the Richarde before him could not outwit Marcus Finch. She was pressing him for his identity as if she hadn't yet recognised the startling shade of blue that his eyes were, the very same that she would have found in her dearly beloved's. His upper lip curled in disgust and he shot her a threatening snarl,  "Play your naive games elsewhere Miss Richarde. I am not one of your father's pathetic obsessors."

Squaring his broad shoulders, Marcus stretched to his menancing height and offered her a fake smile before pressing on the buttons he'd knew that would hit close to home. "How is Pierre? I trust Daddy wasn't too happy either when he found out about you sleeping with the enemy. But that boy of yours, Veelas and all I've heard. Impressive. 

Sorry it's so blah
Her future father-in-law’s ability to see right through her acting… well it was something she was used to by now. Alexis seemed to have inherited some sort of gene from her mother that made her absolutely incapable of lying to anyone. As Marcus smiled she rolled her hazel eyes bitterly but as he mentioned her father she instantly tensed. Holding her tongue, she let him speak...

After the word Veela, all Alexis heard was a loud ringing. Her face twisted with pain for a split second but it was that second that reminded her of the beautiful blonde woman who had the ability to steal her love’s heart away from her for all those months. “Bloody harpy,” she muttered scornfully under her breath. “What does it matter to you, Finch?” she asked hatefully, but not because she hated him personally, only because he had hurt her best friend and her lover, raising them the way no child should be. “You haven’t spoken to your son or daughter in what? Seven years? And now you want to harass your son’s fiancée? Is that really what you Death Eaters do now?” Alexis scoffed, making it oh-so clear she was unimpressed with the man. “Hate to say it, but you’ve all gone soft.” These were probably the most disturbing things she had ever spoken to a Finch but she loathed this one and it would be shocking to her current family to know just how much she had changed over the years, primarily since transferring from Durmstrang to the two Hogwarts schools.
A pleasured smirk sauntered across the ex-death eaters lips at the utter disgust he had caused the young woman. She deserved it and so much more though, humiliation came in no greater forms than in the face of death eaters after all. If only he could thrust her before them, let them pry her away from the embrace of his son and pick her brains for what might cost the ministry their upper hand. But Izaak had drawn the last straw for him and Marcus had been banished, his entire lifestyle lay in shards on the floor and it was all Alexis’ fault. “You think you can humiliate me Miss Richarde? You’ve got some nerve you know, stirring people much more powerful than yourself.” The older man sneered, slipping his wand from his pocket to position it at her neck and tilt her chin higher, seeking to drive fear into her eyes with the touch of cold ebony.

“He should marry a Veela hussy instead, they’d understand their place and Izaak always had taken a rather interest in blondes.” The voice that lurked from him was slow, deliberately and frighteningly so as he continued to flourish his wand in a contrast against her pale skin. “Speaking of whom, where is that dashing young son of mine because I’d love a moment to catch-up? Talking to that ‘bloody harpy’, perhaps?” Marcus flicked his wand across her throat, symbolistic of the lengths he’d push to, before lowering it from the young girl’s face and baying it by his side with a haunting smirk dark on his lips.
“You’ve got some nerve you know, stirring people much more powerful than yourself.” Opening her mouth to retort, the words caught in her throat, as did her breath. Now, Alexis was afraid. With her neck twisting away from the tip of the wand, she looked down at Izaak’s father against the bridge of her nose. She was trying, truly trying to trust Izaak with her heart once more but with a sudden pang in her stomach she was reminded more of the pain she had gone through because of his infidelity. But it was no more, she knew he wasn’t cheating on her, Izaak wouldn’t dare and yet, a warm tear slid down her cool cheek before she quickly wiped it away with the back of her first.

“He is not talking to her,” she said in a small voice, in attempts to not to cause a scene… but that didn’t mean it wasn’t forceful and the opposite of her emotional strength was, at that moment. “And if you wish to speak to him so badly, you can find him yourself but you will leave me be, before I get a reporter to ruin your reputation by manipulating pictures having you ‘hold puppies and hug muggles’” Alexis was aware that wasn’t a smart thing to say but she wanted to be left alone, or at least she wanted him to leave and he didn’t make it seem like that was going to happen anytime soon.
A low and pleased rumble hooked in the sadistic man’s throat as his harsh blue eyes flashed against the rolling tear. How foolish it was of her to put her weaknesses on show before a death eater an ex-death eater. Not that he particularly cared though, she was only a tool for Marcus to get to his son, to show Izaak just how much he had cost his father. Marcus would jump to these lengths with pleasure too; neither his son nor his daughter were true Finches anymore and if they learnt the hard way then so be it, if their loved ones got hurt in the process then tough luck. The two brats had brought it upon themselves.

“He is not talking to her,” Marcus could not help but to flash her a smirk, to yank what incidentally was the truth from beneath her as if it were no more than a throw rug. The azure in his eyes darted to her, boasting the freakish similarities in their electrically charged hue to that of his sons and silently challenged the auburn haired girl’s knowledge of her fiancé and whether it really defeated his. “I would not be so sure of yourself Miss Richarde. And yet, you arrogantly claim to know him.” Tutting her through a hiss of his tongue, Marcus eyed off the streets to check for that son of his when he fell within a threat that heated his blood to a boil.

In frothing anger and an instinctive gesture to reign power over her, Marcus made an aggressive swipe at the table and sent the wine bottle to a shattering descent. “How dare you threaten a death eater! The snarl in conjunction with the shattering of the glass caused many heads to turn but none were brave enough to approach the frightening man. Marcus’ wand was not so gentle this time and he pressed it to her throat with enough pressure to hit a level of discomfort. “Don’t for a second doubt that I wouldn’t spare you a fate like your pretty little sister’s. You’ll be with her before you can even scream ‘Daddy’.” Ignoring the eyes that had ducked away from them, Marcus shoved the majestic piece of ebony further against the girl’s neck in a biting snarl that tore from his lips.
It had not taken Leah Samantha long to wiggle into the tight denim of her dusty blue jeans, it had cost her a mere minute to fix her hair into a casual up-do and she was not a girl that stood for hours in front of a mirror perfecting her mirror. A quick base of foundation, a swipe of eyeliner and a flick of mascara and she was done. What had eaten away at her time however was chasing around after a six year old boy, simultaneously trying to pack him a bag to take to his friend’s house and prying all the goodies she had planned to surprise him with in her absence from his eager little hands. Fletcher, god bless him, had been as patient and as gracious as ever and even the smallest gesture as distracting Jay for her whilst she tried to get herself organised only made her fall even more in love with him. They had not even been together for a year yet but already if she closed her eyes she could see him with their own children. There were no if’s or but’s about it, they were soulmates.

With one caramel boot already on her right foot, Leah held the other in her left hand and raced out to her love in a frantic mess. They were already at least half an hour late for their double date with her brother and Alexis and knowing Izaak, he’d be growing restless by now. “I’m so, so sorry honey.” The blonde apologised in a rush as she graced the corner of Fletcher’s lips with a swift kiss before gripping on to his shoulder with one hand and pulling her boot with the other. It was not until she had drawn the zip right up to her mid-calf that Leah noticed Fletcher was showing her the text he had gotten from Alexis. In an instant her jaw had dropped and she was urgently tugging her lover out the door, “I’ll explain later but we need to get there now She was aware that he knew but of her hatred for her father and that was all. Leah never spoke of her family beyond Izaak and the odd cousin, not even to Fletcher. There was no time to consider that in a moments time he’d be brought to face with the one thing she was ashamed most of in the world or time to wonder why on earth he was down here. Alexis was in trouble. The matter was so urgent in fact that the young woman didn’t even wait for Fletcher to apparate the two of them there like he usually would for her dislike of performing magic in any form. It was a wonder and a relief that she hadn’t spliced him, giving Fletcher a quick once-over before dashing inside with him close behind.

It was not an effort to find her disgraceful father, it never was; that snarling voice, that ominous figure, those eyes that at times like these she wished she hadn’t inherited. But unlike each and every other time before, this one struck her with nothing but a concentrated fury. There was no apprehension or anxiety or sick feeling in her stomach. He was holding her best friend at a metaphorical gun-point. But what riveted Leah the most was that she knew not to put it past him to throw and unforgivable at her. With azure eyes alight and a face so contorted with rage that it was almost unrecognisable, Leah raced up to her father and drew on an unknown source of strength to wrench his wand arm away from her friend. Leah couldn’t spare the time to comfort her best friend but she knew that Fletcher would do well to look after her. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?! ” The feisty young woman screeched at the man she would not dare to call her father in this moment. “She didn’t do a thing and here you are with a weapon to her throat! Are you out of your mind?! If you want us, come get us! Don’t go and use her to do it, you cowardly a**hole!”
Alexis closed her eyes and winced as Izaak’s father jabbed his wand at her throat. Izaak please come, she pleaded with him, hoping that if at any moment that now they would have a telepathic connection, as she reached into her own pocket, hoping that she would have her own wand but as always it was not there. All she found was pocket lint and change, both of which would not help her in this situation and she stumbled backwards. Thinking through the motions that her body guard had once taught her when she was fourteen and in a rebellious phase but before she could even try to test her memory, Leah came to her rescue. The red head rushed away and hid behind Fletcher, watching her best friend verbally attack her father and for some reason, she had never been more proud or gladder that Leah Samantha was her best friend. Taking only a moment to look over to the direction her love had scuttled off to, she became anxious. Would any of their other relatives have dropped by for a “family reunion?” God Alexis hoped not, sure her father was a harsh man but he had never held Izaak up with his wand, nor had he called him horrible things… well not to his face and not because he truly believed them. Only because Pierre was his daughter’s father.

While Leah yelled at Alexis’ future father-in-law, she felt a surge of hatred for the man. Only now did she remember that he had kicked her out, along with Izaak, when she had fallen pregnant with the little boy. Without asking, she reached for Fletcher’s wand that was in his hand, at the ready to protect Leah if need be only to cast a spell on her friend in a gentle whisper, but still one that would cause the spell to work, “Protego.” Lucky for Alexis, it had only been a year since she had graduated and seven years of magical education were plastered into her mind still and she was able to help her friend in anyway possible as both Izaak and Leah had helped her on multiple occasions. But she fell back into her silence, this was not her battle, nor her war. Marcus was Izaak and Leah’s father and she could not do anything about it, so she handed the wand back to a very tense Fletcher who stood in confusion, with an arm wrapped around her shoulders. “Leah Samantha!” Alexis called out, warning her, while she didn’t want to join this; she did not want some lunatic coming to get them. A nervous smile on her lips to Leah, she fell silent again, hoping that this wouldn’t wreck the fire that the man had lit in her friend’s stomach, it was needed now because all she was… was yellow bellied.
Izaak had been caught up in his phone call for a little longer than first intended as he managed to wander several yards away from the restaurant. Initially it had been over an incident that had occurred at the beach later that afternoon, one in which the police had had to be called. Assuming that his sister and Fletcher had rocked up, Izaak thought Alexis would survive without his company for five minutes while the conversation stretched beyond that of the duties of a lifeguard. They swapped a story and a laugh over the line but all of a sudden the young man felt a prickle at the back of his neck, making the hairs stand up on their ends. It was a chill too unnatural to be blamed on the late autumn air so he was quick to bid his goodbyes to his colleague and follow his instincts back inside the restaurant.

For a heartbeat he stopped dead at the door unable to hear anything register over the eerie silence but the heated wrath of his older sister. “She didn’t do a thing and here you are with a weapon to her throat! His eyes, such a violent shade of blue, flashed dangerously at the looming man and no longer was it a question of what his father was doing here but what the hell he was doing threatening his fiancée. Marcus was not going to get away with that, not if Izaak could help it. And while his sister was doing a remarkable job at beating him black and blue with her shouts, Izaak would not have to think twice about bringing a physical factor to the table. One hand caught Alexis’ briefly and squeezed it to ensure that she was just shaken at the very most, while the other he kept balled up into a tight fist and rushed towards his father to swing it at his chin. And his old man being just that, old, hadn’t the reflexes to jerk away in time. “Touch her again and I swear to God I’ll kill you.” The snarl in his voice echoed his father’s, the wild fury in his azure eyes mirrored the ones that glared into them but Izaak didn’t care that his temperament had been forgotten outside somewhere. His Alexis had been threatened by none other than his very own father and Izaak would not stand to see such an offense be left unpunished.
To put it quite frankly, Marcus was p!ssed off. Here he was ready to do away with a threat to his damaged reputation, whether that meant scare her off for good or something a little more permanent, and his meddlesome daughter winds up in the way with her boiling rage and shouts to spare. A scowl swept across his features, heavy set in both his lips and his brow as she criticised him and criticised him for something he really could not give a stuff about. This Richarde was of no worth to him, perhaps a bump back into the circle if he could conjure the dark mark above her body but either way he did not care if she was innocent or not. So with arms tight across his chest he stared down at her in degradation and with a harsh bite in his tones irrelevantly began, “Where’s your bro—“

A gathering of footsteps interrupted him and the frozen blue of his eyes met sadistically with the fire in his son’s identical ones. “Ah Izaak, how... lovely. You’re just the man I was looking for.” The smirk on his lips continued to double in size until it was no less than pure evil. Before he knew it though there was a fist flung at his face and the pummelling his chin sent the older man reeling backwards. His own son had just thrown a punch at him and had hit with a bruising accuracy too. But it was a bad move on Izaak’s part for now Marcus was more enraged than before. Stumbling back and hastily touching palm to face to check for any broken bones, he stood before Izaak in a silence so tense that it would warrant the eruption of the dormant volcanoes along New Zealand. “I think you need to remember your manners boy.” He hissed in the face of Izaak, raising his wand to hold it across his throat now. If he didn’t want his little girlfriend getting hurt then so be it, it could be him instead. He was the epicentre of it after all. “You ruined me son, you pathetic excuse for a Finch. Prancing around in the tabloids, engaging yourself to our enemy’s daughter, mingling with muggles. So I wouldn’t speak such things my boy, you might just end up on the wrong end of the stick.”

Tracing the wand down Izaak’s neck, Marcus watched in glee as he gulped and tried to keep his dignity by stretching to his full height. His iced gaze ventured over his son’s shoulder and hit the fiery headed girl, wanting to see her face screw up with pain when she watched her fiancé’s lifeless body fall to a thud against the ground. Marcus didn’t know why he hadn’t done this sooner, he’d still have his position if he did. He’d already made a map of it in his head and was already preparing the memory charm to rid them all of his evidence. He’d have his pride, he’d have his reputation back and his son was a just a petty sacrifice in order to obtain it. “Ava—“
Alexis turned her head as she caught sight of Izaak from the corner of her eyes. She gently squeezed his hand as he held it, informing her love that she was fine, just afraid. She watched as her fiancé punched Marcus and she smiled with a strange sense of satisfaction. But then the man snapped back, just as she had assumed he would but hoped he wouldn’t. Listening to the man, she felt her mouth fall open as he pointed his wand at her love’s neck. His own son! Her muscles instantly became tense and her grip on Fletcher tightened with anxiety. Perhaps she should be grateful for this man, as he was the reason she had her wonderful Izaak and her best friend because of it if Marcus had accepted Leah’s pregnancy, she would be the enemy to the person who was her soul mate.

Hazel orbs grew wide as Marcus’ eyes seemed to become darker and before Alexis could think of anything more, she had stepped in front of her love and grabbed the man’s wand harshly. With fury in her eyes, she snapped the wand in two and dropped it on the ground, only to stomp on it with her heel. “You pathetic man! Get away from him or I’ll rip you limb from limb.” At that moment, Alexis had every intention of doing so, and then she would feed the idiot to Hags before sending them on the rest of the Death Eaters. She looked over to Leah, frowning sympathetically before looking back at Marcus. “What are you waiting for?” she asked rhetorically, before bellowing, “Leave! I'm giving you five seconds before I get Aurors over here to send Dementors on you.” Some might think that Alexis was bluffing but she was not, she rarely did. It would take nothing to get her father to put Marcus Finch in Azkaban and once he was there well she doubted that it would be hard for him to get the Kiss. “One, two...” Alexis let her voice trail off as she waited for Marcus to get out of her sight.
There was not a sign of deliberation in Marcus, not a moments of hesitance or a pang of guilt. It truly didn’t matter to him whether his son lived or died, but what did matter was his dignity. And at almost fifty the art of sacrifice was well and truly under his belt. The rest of the curse was on the tip of his tongue, about to slide out in that molten voice of his when his wand, his weapon was suddenly snatched from his hand. Horrified, he stared on as it was snapped in half then stomped upon like it was no more than a twig. “You insolent little b*tch.” Seething, he hissed at her through clenched teeth clearly more upset over the loss of his wand than the loss of his son had his plan not fallen through.

A threat was posed and in retrospective, he had just attempted to murder her fiancé; Alexis was not bluffing. She had contacts, ties, links with every ministry official imaginable and Marcus would not be stupid enough to doubt that she would set them on his scheming self. “Fine, but you better watch your backs because you won’t be so lucky next time.” He growled before setting a wandless memory charm over the muggles in the store and with a flick of his cloak, apparating back to the States.
The wand was like biting ice against the warmth of the blood pounding through his neck and like ice, Izaak froze to a standstill until he could feel every fearful thud of his heart in his chest cavity. There was a murderous darkness in his father’s eyes, a black on blue that was far too eerie to describe and it wrought the young man anxious. He had seen his father before at varying degrees of evil but this was by far the darkest. And then it occurred to Izaak that this was no ordinary anger, this was not just any old threatening glare but these were the eyes of a killer. In a few moments he’d be cold and dead on the floor and he’d be forever late for his wedding. His hands began to tremble with fear, and unable to defend himself he was rooted to the spot with horror. He wanted to turn around and tell Alexis he loved her, he wanted to see his sister one last time and the man he knew she was destined for. The curse began to play on Marcus’ voice, the beginning of the end. He wanted to reach up and wrench that wand from his father but it was impossible, because somebody was already doing it for him.

True to the love in her heart, Alexis broke the wand in two with a satisfying splintering sound and Izaak found himself able to breathe once again. “You pathetic man! Get away from him or I’ll rip you limb from limb.” Through his numbing shock, Izaak managed a hint of a smile at his fiancée’s words with an odd moment of imagining her doing just so. He wouldn’t put it past her, he wouldn’t put it past himself either because their love for one another truly did overpower just about everything on the planet. Not wanting to break her from her heated defence nervous for a possible backfire, Izaak reached for Alexis’ shoulders and steadied his hands atop them. He had been foolish enough to tempt fate, he didn’t want her to wind up staring death in the face. But she twisted it well until his father stood defeated and he was so very proud to call her his wife-to-be. It was not a cause for smiles though as he left with the final word and left the four of them standing there with spilt wine at their feet and fear still scratching at the back door.

“Are you okay?” Izaak pressed his love anxiously as he turned her frantically to face him, the azure of his eyes searching her feverishly up and down for any harm that may have come to her. “I’m so sorry Es.” It had been a little rash to throw a fist at his father but Izaak would never have expected a death sentence in return. His eyes quickly scooted over to Leah who was hugging Fletcher close to her but keeping her eyes protectively on her little brother. “That bastard! If he comes near either of you again I promise you I’ll finish him myself.”
As the man all but cowered away from her, Alexis stood tall, showing just how threatening she could be to him. But as Izaak put his hands on her shoulders, she nearly jumped out of her skin before easing at his protective touch. Not giving Marcus the opportunity to take her fright as a weakness she spat out her threat. Before this, she knew not why her parents had given her a body guard as a child and now she was aware that people hated her, because of her father’s position. It didn’t make sense to her why people would hate him for he was a good man on the most part. This was just barbarism but to protect Leah, Izaak, Jay and baby Gabriel, she would not be above dropping to that level.

Alexis could feel a threatening tickle in her throat as Marcus warned them. These three people were her family and, much like a mamma bear, she would protect them from anything or anyone that threatened them. As the man left, she shuddered violently. Pictures of her dead lover and best friend swarmed her mind; it would be because of her. She was the enemy to the rest of their family, to the whole Death Eater clan. As she was tuned to face her love, Alexis looked at his neck with concern, fear and guilt in her hazel orbs. “I’m fine. It’s okay,” she soothed to her love before wrapping her arms around his waist. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you at all?” she asked with disgust at Marcus, he had attempted to kill his own son. “I’m so sorry, this is my fault. I’m the enemy She winced and looked down at her wine stained heels. Their engagement was the reason for the man's fury and, while she didn't understand completely why, he was going to punish them for it.

“You really have to stop punching your relatives for me,” she teased gently, certain that his knuckles were throbbing, even if he was too numbed with fear to notice. As she heard Leah’s words, she turned her head and smiled softly to her, that would not be necessary. She would be sure to tell her father to watch out for Marcus Finch.

Turning her gaze back to Izaak, Alexis sighed, “He said he’d rather you marry a Veela. How did he find out, Izaak?” She knew that her best friend or Izaak hadn’t spoken to Marcus since moving out, and she knew that her family had promised her that it wouldn’t get outside of them. Even telling them that had been a struggle, for her pride had been severely damaged and she remembered how all she wanted was to crawl into a dark cave and die. Now something larger was at hand, Alexis had to tell her parents that she was a Werewolf.

Fletcher watched the scene fold out before him, confused, was this man Leah's father? Why would he be trying to hurt Izaak then? All he knew was that there was something threatening his Leah, although indirectly. Everything seemed to move so quickly before his pale blue eyes and before he knew it, the man was gone and Leah was hugging him. Deciding to comfort first and ask later, the man wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead lightly. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked the three of them, uncertain of what else to say or what to do.
The corner of his mouth twitched anxiously as his lover did her best to reassure him that she was fine. He knew she had been left unscathed physically, his gaze had combed over her frantically the instant Marcus had left. But how intact was she emotionally now? Surely a threat like that would leave her worried sick and God only knew how her nerves frayed each month at the approach of the full moon. Izaak did not want her anymore anxious than what was necessary. Marcus had to be dealt with accordingly, so perhaps it would be a good idea to speak to Pierre. At any rate, Alexis needed to tell him of her condition. If it was appropriate, they may just be able to kill two birds with one stone. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you at all?” The twenty year old dismissed her concern with a wave of his hand; apart from still being a little shaky he was fine. “I’m okay sweetie, I’m fine.” Izaak’s lips grazed softly against her temple as his arms enveloped her protectively and held her tight against him. “No, don’t even think that Alexis, you’re my fiancée and that is all that matters. He can think whatever the hell he likes, that’s his problem.”

The azure of his eyes sought Alexis’ as they rose back up from the almost blood red wine at their feet and he was more than surprised to see a hint of a smile within them. “Well they really have to stop harassing you.” Izaak laughed at quite truthful words before noticing that his knuckles were indeed throbbing. It had been a squared and forceful hit after all, risky too but worth it all the same. But it went unsaid between the promised couple that he’d do a lot more than beat up death eaters should the need be presented and he was almost certain she felt the same. Hell, he’d die for Alexis Richarde but that was something he had realised long ago. “You and me both.” He mouthed silently over the top of his lover’s head to his sister and they shared a laugh in spite of the rather ominous situation.

The question Alexis asked him left Izaak boggled and with a frown drawn over his features, first and foremost disgusted that he’d taunt her with such things though secondly wondering how on earth he had found out about Isabella... Or Casey or even Melodie for that matter. He hadn’t uttered a single word to his father, not even in a letter, since he was thirteen. Izaak assumed his father had known about Alexis through the tabloids. On occasions they had been snapped by the paparazzi but so sparsely that it amused him each and every single time they were. “He said that? I really have no idea. I guess he’s been keeping tabs ever since he found out about you. Maybe he found hospital records or had a trace on me or something. He’s pretty sly like that.” The young man shrugged in his lover’s arms and exchanged glances with her before smiling over at Fletcher and nodding. “I think so Fletch, we’ve just got to keep our guard up.” The focus of his gaze steadily swept from the older couple to his own girl as he answered and brushed a few stray strands of hair from her face. It was a splash of cold water to think that he had almost had all of this slide from beneath him, that he mightn’t have even been given the chance to keep to the promise he had made Alexis when he had asked him to marry her. Growing restless at the mere thought of never seeing her again beyond this night, Izaak pressed soothing kisses to her cheek, her nose, her eyes and then finally her forehead before hugging his love fast against him and whispering, “I love you so much.” Knowing that Fletcher and his sister were doing much the same, Izaak was surprised to hear Leah pipe up, “Can we get out of here? This place is giving me the creeps.” Lifting his head from against Alexis’ sweet smelling hair, Izaak glanced once at his sister before communicating with Alexis through their eyes and his agreement with his sister.

[major cbf to post separately as leah, so so so tired]
Alexis nodded solemnly, she did know that it was Marcus’ problem but he was to make it theirs and this is what made it her fault. She was scared that one day they would be gone and that she would never be able to grow old with her soul mate or tell him that she loved him again. Her mind, filled with dark, ominous thoughts brought her arms tighter around her love and a glaze in her eyes that she attempted to blink away with a more playful remark and Izaak’s response. With the exchange of words between Izaak, Leah and herself, it was hard for Alexis to focus on her fear, which she was grateful for, along with the people in the area around her.

Once more, Alexis nodded as Izaak asked if Marcus had indeed said that Izaak would be best to be betrothed to a Veela. While she knew that could also mean Casey, the younger girl did not even come up to Alexis’ stream of thought, the pair were best friends and almost siblings, or now they were. At Fletcher’s question, she nearly smiled, the older man was probably confused out of his mind because he did not have a background to the Finch family, like she had gotten through the three people that had been in her life for so long. Those people, of course were Leah, Bella and her Izaak. In a hushed voice, she actually let out a small snicker and said, “He has no idea what just happened.” An amused grin rested on Alexis’ lips, in Fletcher’s direction before seeing the older couple embraces one another tightly, she remembered just how close it all had come to falling right before her eyes, this happiness and warmth so she turned back to her love and placed a hand on his cheek, caressing his skin with her fingers with the gentlest of touches. While her fingers dusted along Izaak’s jaw line, her eyes closed slowly at the feel of each of his well-placed kisses. The softest of sighs surfaced from Alexis’ lips as she wrapped her arms around the broad shoulders of the man she could simply not live without, the sound was in agreement; she loved Izaak more then she could ever even try to express, so she didn’t. About to press her lips to the tip of her love’s nose to show just how much she adored him, the voice of her best friend surface and she smiled slowly. This restaurant still smelt of Marcus Finch, it still wept of possible loss and future confrontations and she no longer wanted to be in this area any more then she wanted to have to tell her father of Izaak’s father and their horrible meeting.

"Only if I can drive," Alexis said, aware that she was still learning how as her father had not approved of such things when she had been of normal muggle child would and that she was not exactly the best student but she wanted to because it would be such fun for her to see the frightened expression in Izaak's azure orbs. Besides, the restaurant wasn't far from their home and what would be the odds of getting into an accident? Alexis didn't know but she was determined to make Izaak let her drive his car.

lawl, alexis might just kill them all before we get to the next rp.
Marcus was not just a figment of their past anymore, he was real and dangerously so. But from where Leah stood in her lover’s arms, holding onto him for dear life as his embrace came around her, she could not help but be lulled into a sense of security. Fletcher Bennet was everything that she, as a strong and independent woman, had never known that she had wanted. A safe haven, a father figure to Jay, the reason for the butterflies in her stomach and the smile that seemed so permanently glued to her face nowadays. And even though she had a natural flair for standing up for those that she loved most, a reflex she could not stop when they were threatened, it felt so good to think that there was always that wonderful person she could turn to for comfort once her fire had died down. Pressing a kiss to his shoulder, Leah stretched up on her tip-toes and glanced over it to see the engaged couple sharing a moment of their own in the aftermath of the incident. Remembering the wand her father had held to both of their necks, her best friend and her little brother, a shudder coursed through Leah’s spine and she made a hasty request that they leave the restaurant. She couldn’t even stand to be where he had stood.

However her mood went from urgent to amused as Alexis set down an ultimatum, that she’d drive. A grin of a wild nature spread across Leah’s lips as she exchanged a glance with her best friend before flicking her vision to her brother who seemed mortified at the thought. Leah knew as well as anybody that that car was Izaak’s baby. It had been his since he was fifteen and after the many hours of work he had put into it to deem it road-worthy he had barely let Leah lay a finger on it. “Come on Iz, it’ll be fun!” The blonde grinned excitedly, eager to terrify him just as much as she was sure Alexis was. He bluntly flashed them both an azure rendition of bewilderment, though Leah could detect the playfulness within it. “Do you want to get us all killed?” A laugh escaped her at the clear over-dramatisation. Sure it was at night time through a congested Bondi Junction but Alexis had driven it with him a few times before, had she not? “Don’t be such a killjoy.” And with that she grabbed the keys that had been hanging out of his pocket and chucked them to her best friend with a certain wickedness in her expression. “Kay, let’s go.” Throwing Alexis a cheeky wink of her azure blue eyes before squeezing Fletcher’s hand lightly, Leah pulled him excitedly from the restaurant and managed to sneak in a quick kiss once outside whilst Izaak had to be literally dragged through the doors. The four of them, it would appear, were back to their usual antics and smiling and laughing as was per their usual outings together. But none would quite be able to shake the haunting words Marcus had left them with. Because for all they knew, he could return with guns, or rather wands, blazing.

not if izaak has anything to do with it XD
Alexis grinned brightly as Leah supported her demand and laughed despite herself as Izaak objected to her driving and before she could say anything her best friend had thrown the keys in her direction and she caught them, before sticking her tongue out at Izaak. “C’mon blue eyesshe cooed playfully as Fletcher and Leah had left hearing distance before she took Izaak’s hand and pulled him with her anyway. As the group approached the Chevrolet, she wrapped her arms around her love and said softly, “Don’t worry sweetie. It’ll be okay.” Giving her fiancé a soft kiss before smiling brightly, seeing Leah and Fletcher in the back seats. “Get in!” Squealing excitedly, she opened the door to the driver’s side and sat down in the leather, almost bouncing in her seat as she put the key in the ignition. The rumble of the Camaro pleased Alexis and she turned her head to the older couple sitting in the back, “Buckle up, sweet peas.”

Looking back over at Izaak she said 'Well?!' with her happy green eyes, it was almost as if Alexis had forgotten all about what had just happened with Marcus but she had not, she simply ignored her momentary fear and thought of that moment but she knew that later her mind would swim back to it and her worry for the people she loved, this would be around the time she called her family. Which Alexis was certain would be soon as Izaak had tried to get her talk to them at least once a week and now they had an actual reason why she had to talk to them and she couldn't put anything off further.

sorry for the god mod, i'll edit if you so wish.

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