🌹 Rose Giving Thrill Of The Chase

Peregrine Piper

Amateur Magical Paleontologist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
pink rose for @Fraser Fergusson

Peregrine had left a couple of her roses pretty late. She at least did know who Fraser was, as he was a Gryffindor prefect and one of the Quidditch captains. She had seen him around a bit even if she hadn't ever actually spoken to him before. She just had not had the chance to run across him earlier in the day and knew she was running short on time. Thankfully, though, she did spot him at dinner and sighed in relief. "Um, excuse me, Fraser?" she asked, walking up to him and hoping she didn't catch him while he had a mouthful of food. It was always awkward when someone put you on the spot like that. "Er, I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a rose for you, if that's okay?" She didn't really know why she was asking, especially because she wasn't quite sure what she was meant to do if anyone ever said no anyway. Surely a pink rose was a good thing, though.
Fraser had expected the rose stuff to be over, since it was pretty late in the day, but it seemed it wasn't, he glanced up at the young girl and smiled. "Sure, that's okay," he was quick to assure her and tried to be as friendly as he could while just having food.
Peregrine gave a half smile and quickly handed over the pink rose and the note that she had thankfully thought to have ready before she approached Fraser. That would've just been worse if she'd interrupted him and then wasted time picking out the rose and note. "Um, I hope its a nice one, and happy Valentines," she said, a little awkwardly. Truth be told, she wasn't really used to celebrating Valentine's Day, it wasn't like it had ever been a thing at home.

Dear Fraser,

I enjoyed our time at the Yule Ball a lot. Thanks for making me feel special and more.

-x- June

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