Three Steps and a Tango

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November Albertson

• Miro <3 • Mother of a boy growing up to fast •
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June 4th, 2030

November Albertson
Youngest of her muggle family, sent on a big journey of self discovery alone and sometimes afraid, November Albertson could be the best friend you'd ever have. She's a bit out there sure, but she's got spunk this little girl, only eleven years old. With her emotions readily on her face you're going to know exactly what she's feeling and thinking. She might pretend to be tough but it's not hard to make her cry, so be careful about the things you say. She's smart, so go to her for all the answers you might need. However, anything sport related you can leave her out of it.

Lonely: She is in need of a few more friends to make the years pass by easy.
Love: Not quite yet, but we can plan for the future if you want.
Anger: One person for her to really just plain hate and be hated by, would be very fun I think.

Hey Steph, I have Louisa here, who I feel might possibly work with November as a friend, because naturally they would be quite similar (bar the sports, Louisa loves sports.) In the past year or so, however, Louisa has become quite closed off. Her Dad committed suicide, and as a result she has developed a dislike of trusting others, believing they will eventually leave you. I think November would be a person Louisa would be very protective of, should they become friends (Also I'm just a lover of the Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendship trope.) Louisa is very hard to read, and has a very hard outer shell, but she is actually incredibly sensitive, she just doesn't like to show that. Shoot me a pm if you think it might work. ;)
So, I have a small suggestion, for a friend, I have Ares Jeffreys whose the year above November, also in Hufflepuff, he's quite a imaginative child, he loves stories, he's very much about emotions on the sleeve. He's not got too many friends, spends too much time alone staring up at the sky and thinking of the magical places he could be.
Maybe she and him can be friends, we could plot something out for them? If that sounds like something you'd be interested in just send me a message to let me know.
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