This should be fun?

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Arianna Tipley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Arianna put the final touches to her hair, and sighed. She wasn't sure if Halloween was the greatest idea. She hadn't gone to the previous ones, because of her terrible costumes, and was starting to rethink ths one. Her costume wasn't really as 'bad' as she'd intended, but she wasn't too fussed.

Sighng again, Ari sat down on her bed. She didn't really want to go. But, knowing she couldn't let Sam down, she exited the Dormitory, descending slowly down to the Common room. The only part of the night she was actually looking forward to, was hanging out with Sam. They had agreed to go together, as friends. She was glad to be going with him. Ari felt lucky to have a friend like Sam, they could hang out, have fun, and do stuff like this without there being any romantic tension. She had tried to think of him that way before, but all she had thought, was 'Eew'. Shaking her head, she smiled, leaning against a sofa towait for him.
Sam left his dorm in his full zombie costume. He had worked quite hard on his costume this year because he figured he had never put a lot of effort into his costumes any of the other years. He couldn't quite believe this was his third Halloween Feast at Hogwarts, it certainly didn't feel like it. This year Sam was going with Arianna as a friend, Toni was sick and unfortunately couldn't make it. He didn't mind one bit about hanging out with Arianna, they had always gotten along very easily.

He walked down the stairs into the common room his costume making a heavy 'thump' on each stair. Sam walked slowly into the Common Room to find Arianna waiting for him. He smiled beneath his ugly mask. "Theres no backing out now." Sam said as he limped over to her in character, his voice wasn't his usual London accent, it was a heavy, spooky and dull voice. He had magically altered his costume to do that. It was something he was quite proud of. Arianna looked good! From what he could see from behind his mask. Sam picked up a strand of her hair with his slimy fingers, "You'll be in for a spooky night!" Sam said in his scary voice as he let her hair fall from his protestic hand. "I hope your feeling brave tonight.." He added with a chuckle which - because of his altered costume- turned into something that resembled an evil laugh.
Ari looked slowly around as she heard heavy steps descending the boys Dormitory steps. As-something- appeared in the common room, Ari gasped, jumping up
"Oh my gosh...Sam?" she said. As he spoke, she could tell it was him, but he sounded... Weird, and scary.
"You look..." the word 'amazing' was on tip of her tongue, but it didn't fit his costume
"Utterly terrifying." she finished, grinning up at her friend. Shrinking back alittle, as he touched her hair, she was relieved to find that his costume didn't come with a zombie-related smell.
"Oh!" Ari exclaimed, digging around in her pocket, and pulling out a pair of sunglasses
"There, now I'm just as terrifying as you" she said, giggling.

Arianna shivered slightly as he laughed
"Come on then scary" she said, looking up at him
"Lets go make the first years faint"
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