This day isn't so bad after all

Crystal Storm

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
What do you want for your birthday Clifford? , Are you hungry Clifford? Do you want some water? Yeah. That's only a few of what Crystal always asks her dog whenever she's bored "Excuse Me?" a perky little voice said behind Crystal's dorm room door. That made Crystal blinked a lot. She was very busy talking and petting her dog, that she thought the dog was talking to her. It took her about three seconds or four to realize that the voice coming from the door is the voice of her friend, Laura and not from Clifford. "Uh, Crys? Christopher told me a while ago that I tell you that he wants to meet you in the Library. He said that it was something important". Laura said, knocking."Do you hear me? Crys?" Laura asked, still knocking. "Yeah, I do. And tell Chris that I'll meet him ASAP". Crystal murmured. "Okay" Laura replied. Then, she was gone. Tired Crystal put Clifford down and stood up from her bed and left her room

Crystal walked from her room to the library and found her siblings, Christopher and Emerald sitting in one of the tables in the library, looking extremely serious. Crystal thought that this is just one of their cheesy meet ups so she just walked casually toward them and said "Hey guys! What's the pro-" Crystal said before Christopher cut in. "Mom sent me a letter yesterday. She said that-" Christopher took a deep breath before saying what he said next "-Granny's been rushed to the hospital because she had a heart attack. Her cause is extremely dangerous. She has a stage 3 Coronary Heart Disease". Christopher's voice broke on the words Coronary Heart Disease. Crystal on the other hand was left frozen with her mouth hanging open. Without saying anything, Crystal turned back and ran as fast as she can. Yeah. Ran. Like she was being chased by a bull or something. She was very shocked that she didn't notice the tears falling down her cheek. After a while, she got tired. So she sat on one of the benches on the corridor. Then she looked out the window and burst into soundless sobs.
The third floor corridor was terribly silent when Artemis arrived to loiter around. The portraits that were hung on the walls were just staring and drifting off to another portraits. Artemis thought of the muggles having immobilized pictures whenever they're developed. It was really amazing for Artemis whenever she could get her hands on them. Sometimes, she wondered how the muggles could live happily without the help of magic. Sometimes, it was rather an uneasy feeling to know that magic isn't present. Artemis once imagined her life without magic, and it was really horrible and difficult. You couldn't levitate, summon, or maybe make someone dance to death without a wand and magic.

A window with no one occupying it was present, and Artemis made her way towards it. The gentle breeze rushed and blew mercilessly towards the witch. Her blonde, straight hair flew everywhere and Artemis didn't mind. She only let it flew for a few seconds since she liked the wind doing it. It made her refreshed and relaxed. No one was bothering her and she didn't want anyone too. She saw a pair of owls fly by, and she smiled. She loved those creatures. They were very smart, cute, excellent fliers, and have a great vision. Another reason was because it is the animal that resembles the Greek goddess, Athena.

Minutes later, sobs were being echoed around. Artemis flashed an irritated look since she disliked people who cried. The last time that she cried was about a year ago, which was really a long time. Instead of remaining there in the window, standing up, her feet dragged her to the person causing these sounds. After a few turns, she spotted a girl, who was extremely tall. For sure, Artemis knew that this female was a lot older than her. Probably a fifth or fourth year. Approaching, she cleared her voice and spoke out.
"Why sobbing on a cheery day?" Artemis raised an eyebrow. Instead of sitting down on the bench and occupying the space, she leaned against the cold wall of the corridor and waited for the response of the other witch.
Sobbing on a beautiful day like this would not have been high on Crystal's list. In fact, it would never be anywhere on her list. But, it's not like she has a choice. Her grandmother is dying for Pete's sake. The last thing anyone would expect her to do is laugh like nothing is happening. Crystal's grandmother, Susannah, started suffering this disease ever since....ever since....well, ever since she got it. It was too late when her family found out that her grandmother had CHD because she hardly gets sick and she was perfectly healthy. Except, of course, she's not really healthy. Whenever Susannah experiences heart attack and gets rushed to the hospital, Crystal always cries so it's not really surprising to see her crying this time. "Why sobbing on a cheery day?" a little voice called out of nowhere. Crystal stopped sobbing quickly, then turned around and saw a small young blonde girl (probably a freshman) staring at her with an eyebrow up. Great. Just great. There's nothing a girl wants more than another girl that looks like a freshman or whatever to see her standing in a corridor of an old castle on a miserable sunny Thursday afternoon, sobbing her guts out (well, to Crystal anyway). Crystal quickly reached out for her left pocket and pulled out her yellow handkerchief, turned around and quickly wiped away her tears and then turned around again, facing the little blonde curious girl. "Uh? Crying? No, I'm not crying" Crystal murmured, gulping hard "I was just.....just...uh...I have a cold". Crystal blurted. Gosh, does she sound pathetic? Oh My God. How did she found out that I was crying? I hope she doesn't notice the guilty look on my face. Crystal kept thinking.
Checking her nails out while waiting for the other witch's reply was one of Artemis's favorites hobbies. She always did this whenever she was waiting for someone to reply or when she's bored. She never bit her nails nowadays because it makes it look dirty. But before, she always did this when she's staring blankly into space. Everything was quiet when Artemis was waiting for the girl to open her mouth and for it to let out some words. The girl quickly stopped sobbing when she heard the Slytherin's voice approach her. There probably was awkwardness, but Artemis didn't mind. Instead, she just observed her nails and put it down, ready to face the girl if ever she'll spat back.

Okay, so the girl didn't really snap back at Arty. Instead she just mumbled out a simple response about her sobbing. First, if she wasn't sobbing, then why did she take out her handkerchief and wipe her face. Second, why were her features extremely sad? Third, do you ever sob when you have a cold? I don't think so, Artemis thought. Lastly, why did she gulp when she replied? Liar. She was sobbing. It was obvious anyways. The girl was really sobbing. Perhaps more, she was crying. But why? On a cheery day like this? That just sounds so weird. Nothing was to worry about, except if she just failed to pass a homework and got a detention. It didn't matter anyways.
"Cold? Hmm... Never knew that people cry whenever they get a cold." Artemis bored drawl responded. "Are you a fifth year, anyways?" She asked, wondering if ever the answer to her question was indeed correct. If ever she was, she would think that it's just too immature for a person who's from the fifth year who's crying. Darn, she was terribly tall. Artemis could bet she needed to look up just to make eye contact with the witch. Well when she's standing, that's for sure.
Based on Crystal's personality, she's not really a huge fan of lying. She hates being mean, she hates being snotty, she hates lying and she hates just about everything that will hurt other people's feelings. Yeah, she's that nice, but the big question is: Why is she lying?. Crystal knew just from looking at the girl's face that she doesn't believe Crystal's white lie. But it doesn't really matter, as long as she could survive this "confrontation" dilemma (well, to her anyway). Part of her wanted to tell the girl the truth, but the other part of her wanted to keep the secret. Why would I share my problems to a random girl? I don't even know her name, Crystal thought.

The random girl was short, really short. She has a blonde hair, much like Crystal's and she's from Slytherin. Based on the green scarf around her neck, and the Slytherin crest pinned in her uniform, she's from Slytherin. Yeah, she's from a house Crystal really hates. As much as Crystal hates hurting other people's feelings, she also hates other people hurting her feelings. Just what Slytherins always does to her back when she was younger. But this girl in front of her is different. Well, the not-the-usual-kinda-different. Slytherin girls usually wear heavy duty makeup, dangling earrings and lots and lots of necklace and bracelets but this girl's doesn't have any of those. "Of course she doesn't, this is a school, not a mall" Crystal said under her breath. "But she looks nice, it wouldn't hurt if I at least get to know her", she thought.

Suddenly, Crystal became confident. Yep. She felt confident about her lies. Like she'd done nothing but lie her whole life. But when she saw notice that the girl wasn't buying it she shrugged, then quickly said "I'm not crying. There are tears in my eyes from so much sneezing that's why I wiped them" She replied, hoping that the girl would buy it this time. When the girl asked if she was a fifth year, she blinked and curiously asked back. "Am I really that tall?, or do I just look old?"
The last thing that Artemis wanted to do was just to stare at the blonde witch lazily. It took her long enough to realize that she was already there awkwardly checking out her nails for quite a while. It was immaculate and neatly cut with not a single speck of dirt on and in it. With a satisfied smile, she put her arm down and crossed her arms on her chest with a patient yet lazy expression on her pale features. Artemis wasn't exactly patient with this girl even though there is a possibility that she was older. It was possible that Artemis could mumble a short response and walk out if the girl wouldn't reply. It wouldn't affect the Slytherin anyways. Not even a single bit. It may sound rude for a young person to do in front of a stranger who is sobbing pathetically just beside a window with a chance that she was seeking for comfort. Artemis wasn't really the type that would stop and talk to you about your problems and give you warmth from the comfort provided. Damn, that is an insane idea. Instead, she would walk past by you or talk to you in a not-so-comforting manner. For this case, she chose option number two. Talk to her with the old usual lazy drawl.

The witch's hair was almost like Artemis. Except, Artemis had straight blonde hair while she had curls that looked quite a sight. The Slytherin actually never had a friend who's hair contained blonde curls. They were also unusual in Artemis' family. Most of them were blonde or better yet, light brown hair just like her sister. Artemis observed the girl more while she muttered something that wasn't able to reach Artemis' ears. Another thing, this girl got overdosed with whatever food she ate to grow extremely tall. Approximately, her height would be about 5'6 or maybe even more! In the other hand, Artemis was just 5'1. She was small, that could be true but still. The young Slytherin was still growing so you should expect more indeed. Artemis raised an eyebrow when she saw the lips of the witch move slightly as if talking to herself. Hallucinating, Artemis thought.

If ever Artemis had a choice whether to lie or not, that would be easy. Automatically, a lie would escape from her lips easily. Lying wasn't really difficult for Artemis ever since she has learned to do this. Of course, it took some practice before she could master it truly but still. Her sister and her have escaped a lot of their troubles by saying just one simple. A false one, indeed. But still, even if she did this, sometimes it took time to take of the guilt from her chest. The longest record was almost a month. Really, those times were tragic but still worth it anyways.
"Sneezing could cause you those plenty tears? Really now?" Artemis asked, still not convinced with what the other witch has stated. First of all, did sneezing cause a lot of tears? Not really. Just a bit. Actually, your eyes just get a bit watery but that's it, really. Artemis have sneezed numerous times already and she hasn't experienced that many teardrops. After with what the witch has responded, Artemis just raised a pale brow and muttered, "If that's what you say." Her drawl replied obviously unconvinced.

A chuckle escaped from the first year's lips when she heard the question of the witch. "You're just tall. Extremely tall, actually." Artemis smiled after the short chuckle.
Being mistaken as her mom or being told that she looked like a 20 year old is just one of the thousand reasons why Crystal really hates being tall. Oh, no, not tall. Extremely tall. Well, not really that extreme but to her age, anyway. Hello? 5'9? A twelve year old?. She's even taller than her other siblings, and yes, her dad's taller but he's supposed to be right? He's old. She often cries whenever she thinks about these stuff, which is pathetic for a tall person like her. Sometimes she thinks she has some kind of a tall syndrome or whatsoever but her father often tells her that being tall is pretty much better than being small.

"Yes". Crystal lamely said. Crystal isn't really use to lying. She had never, ever, ever lied to her parents. To her siblings, a couple of times, but to her parents, lying is clearly not on her dictionary. She has lied to her siblings, grandmother and best friend but never on her parents. Even though the girl agreed on her excuse, she still doesn't seemed to be convince. "Oh". Crystal said, feeling a little hurt when the girl said she looked extremely tall. Hearing the same kind of thing most people in Hogwarts tells her, she doesn't feel that much hurt, maybe just a little bit. "I'm not yet a fifth year, I am still in my 2nd year" Crystal finally answered the girl's question. "How about you? Are you a first year? I thought I saw you being sorted last semester". Crystal wanted to know.
For an eleven year old, Artemis could be considered as a witch with the normal height. That is, if the person agrees. People have different opinions. Some would say that Artemis' height (5'1) is absolutely short for her age. It was considerably short since whenever they would talk to the Slytherin, they need to look down to make eye contact. In the other hand, friends her age would say that her height is very reasonable for her age, thank Merlin. For them to make eye contact, all they needed to do was to avert their eyes straight into Artemis' ones and speak. No need to look up or down for them to communicate seriously. Meanwhile, some would say that she was tall, which Artemis' doubted. Something like, "Why the hell are you so tall?" sentences and outrageous reactions. More like violent, Artemis thought in the past. Even up to now, she would still think about it and sneer without her noticing about it. The good thing is that she only has done it in the bathroom, for her own eyes too see. Nobody else's eyes. Artemis has been very conscious with her manners, not her bloody height. It didn't matter for god's sake! Her sister would say that she was pretty short, not knowing that also she was short. That was back in the old days. Presently, the two haven't been teasing each other or irritating each other, thankfully. Artemis would never want a person teasing her because she was short or tall. If ever someone did this, Artemis would send them flying back across the room with everyone too see. Actually, she didn't care if she was seen and brought to her Head of House for detention. It was revenge after all. Revenge is just too sweet. You couldn't avoid the temptation.

As soon as Artemis released her previous statement, a reply came out of the other witch's lips. Artemis watched her lips move while she was replying in a lazy manner while still leaning on the wall. Her arms were still crossed and she still was comfortable with the position. Her blonde hair tumbling down her shoulders in a sporty manner. Artemis really should have tied her hair. All these winds were making it frizzy already. The reply was simple and short. It meant only one thing and no other. With her reply, Artemis immediately frowned. It seemed like the girl wasn't in the mood to converse with her at the moment. She wanted excitement in the conversation, if ever you could call that a conversation. She needed the excitement in her life, by the way. Artemis was already noticing that almost the things around her that had the ability to entertain wasn't quite entertaining already. A real laughed never escaped her pink lips in the previous weeks. Maybe a chuckle, but it wasn't really a laugh. Artemis was looking for her old light hearted laugh. The one that sounded carefree and light. The warm one, that is. Her world was beginning to become dull and lifeless right now. The dungeons weren't the cause but something else was doing it. Maybe it was just the syndrome felt by first years that are new around Hogwarts, right? But it doesn't seem so. Almost all the doors, portraits and hallways had been memorized by the witch and surely that could not be the cause. Artemis just raised an eyebrow and left the previous subject the two were talking about which was the one about the tears. Instead of replying, she just nodded her head as if saying,
"Okay, fine. You win." in a mute way. But deep within, all the things that were coming out from the other witch's mouth were all rubbish. That's obviously for sure. It was something that Artemis' was proud about. The thing that she has just done.

Memories again flooded her brain with the sorting ceremony that was held a couple of months ago. Ages ago, actually. Nevertheless, she still managed to keep track and memorize every bit about it. Her emotions, her amazement, her calmness, everything. There were a lot of her batch mates that were particularly nervous for no reason. Who would be nervous because of putting a hat on your head? Surely that won't be Artemis. In fact, she would still be honored if ever she would have the opportunity to hold the Sorting Hat in her hands just for a few minutes.
"Wow." Managed Artemis to say while looking at her from head to toe. She was once again estimating her height. For a second year, she was just so huge. Not huge as in wide but huge that refers to long. Long meaning extremely tall. As in just like the height of a giant. "Woah." Muttered Artemis unconsciously loud enough for the other witch to hear. The girl sitting down would have probably laughed at Artemis since she was just staring at her, wide-eyed but with her mouth closed. Her brain was calculating the estimated height of this person and it just couldn't register. It just kept making errors. "Indeed, I am. Say you saw me, what house did you think I would enter?" Asked the blonde, curious if ever she would be considered too look as a Hufflepuff. Hopefully not.
The thing is, Crystal's height has always been rotten. Just look at her: She's like a walking barbecue stick. She's pale, slim and really, really tall. Did you know that only very few girls have this situation? The pathetic-loser-kind of situation (To her that is). Most of them are boys, and they live in France. And okay, she doesn't live in France. But still. She's basically a pathetic-loser-kind-of girl. If she lived in France, anyway. This is the kind of thing she always feels. You know the pathetic-loser-kind-of feeling. The kind of feeling she'd had ever since before her mom brought her to this world. She always gets teased, bullied and left outcast, and her being non dependent hasn't help much either. Or in other words: she can't stand up for herself. Whether it's her filthy little "amoeba" cousin, Karen, or those pesky, bossy Purebloods that bullies her, she can't seem to defend herself. So in other words (the bullies' words), she's a weak, pathetic, loser, barbecue stick kind of girl. This always makes her cry every time she thinks about it. But her mom once told her that her statuesque is mostly the statuesque of all the beautiful, slim and inspirational women, or known as: models. But that only made her feeling much worse. Crystal don't like models. She thinks that they're like walking manikins, and that they look skimpy. She hates the way they walk, they look and they're height. Even if they have the same height. Crystal often feels insecure whenever she hears you or someone talking about her. Especially, if you or that someone is talking about her height, and not giving it compliments. So, she always gets jealous of her little sister, Carly. Carly's pretty (yes, she thinks she looks ugly too), she has this silk, strawberry blonde hair (unlike Crystal's frizzy locks), baby-faced looks and a normal height (4'11). So basically, Crystal considers Carly as an angel in disguise and she as a giant in disguise (much like a monster) but it's not really a disguise, is it? Since her all-too-appropriate height is showing much of the secret.

So it wasn't any big shocking surprise to her when the girl she was currently having a "conversation" to, told her about her biggest flaw: her enormous height, being extreme. Like it wasn't obvious? She's like the tallest girl in the whole Ravenclaw Second Year class. She's even taller than a lot of boys. But of course this girl doesn't know about that, she's a Slytherin and Crystal's a Ravenclaw. But anyway, even if the girl knew (as she'd told herself a million times since the girl brought the topic up, that the girl doesn't) there was absolutely nothing that she could do about it. She certainly couldn't drink or make any shrinking potions to turn herself into a dwarf because that is just impossible (even though maybe that could be a little possible because Crystal is indeed a witch, now that she's entering a school of witchcraft), but it's still a work of a lunatic. And Crystal doesn't want lunatic to be added to her dictionary. But whatever. Crystal just has to deal with it whether she likes it or not. Even if she doesn't have much any self-confidence along with her. Crystal wanted to cry again but then she realized she has bigger problems than this. Like for example: Her grandma is dying ! She couldn't possibly be crying because of a stupid height, can she? All she needs to do is to act cool. Yes, act cool. Like that's not irrelevant? Acting cool even if you're not? Totally irrelevant. The thing the she really needs to do is to take a deep breath and relax.

Crystal, then, agreed on this action so she took that deep breath and then she relaxed. She slowly felt that cool but yet warm texture of the air that blew slowly on her cheek and then she inhaled it like she hasn't inhaled for a thousand years. And as she inhaled it, she felt the cool yet warm texture down from her nose up to her spine. That was refreshing , Crystal thought. And after that, the girl she was talking to choose the moment to let out an unconscious, loud Whoa. Instead of feeling hurt about this Whoa the girl she was talking to let out, Crystal felt somewhat funny, like she wants to laugh or something like that
, but she just can't laugh at anyone for no reasonable reason, so she just managed to show a little friendly smile. The girl looked at her from head to toe, like she was inspecting her, but fortunately Crystal don't mind. It's not that big deal to her, now that she felt a little relived thanks to the air she just breathe a moment ago. The girl was certainly familiar. Crystal saw her a few months ago, being sorted. And Crystal was right! The girl was indeed a first year and she was indeed that girl she saw a few months ago. The girl then asked for her opinion, after she told Crystal that she is indeed a first year, and then she added if what house Crystal thinks that she would probably entered. Crystal, then, answered, "I don't know. I haven't really thought about that. You look shy and at the same time brave. I know that doesn't make any sense but I guess you could be in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin, but the Sorting Hat still knows best". Crystal replied, trying to be polite. Before waiting for the girl's reply, Crystal then added "You're probably still eleven, aren't you? So, may I know where do you live? That is, if you don't mind". Crystal added, with her polite accent again, but this time, adding a little friendly smile.
Something was bothering the girl just in front of Artemis. She seemed disturbed as if recalling the sick, horrible and stupid memories from the past. Maybe it was those times when she was teased for eternity because of her extremely tall height. Artemis could never imagine herself being bullied since she had no experience at that, at all. Her father is the one who told her to just simply ignore the person's presence and walk away. It is a wise strategy yet people tend to think that the victim is a coward which Artemis' wouldn't want her enemies to think about her. Extremely an immature act. For all the times that Artemis spent inside and outside the castle, not one single enemy has been presented to her. Enemies just make her more irritable and cranky. The more irritated she got, the more she would be disgusted about that person for almost a lifetime. Artemis was the type who fight back when it came to those kind of typical fights. Fighting back meaning fighting with words. Not with her own physical strength. If ever Artemis would fight back with a fist, nothing would happen. It was just like a bull trying to fight a bunny. Weakness in physical strength was one of her weaknesses that Artemis really despised about. But since she is and will always be a female, it is said to be natural for the males to be a lot physically enhanced than the females. Artemis released her crossed arms that were in front of her chest and let her left shoulder lean against the wall, supporting her weight in somewhat people would say in an "arrogant" manner.

Watching the girl take a deep breath made her look a lot more better. All the problems or whatever she was storing inside that made her chest feel heavy was released with the air that escaped from her lungs to the outside world. Artemis' breathing was steady, not like the other girl who seemed to calm down with these strategies in staying refreshed. Once the girl was done, Artemis began to think of another question that could make a new conversation blaze out.
"Feeling better?" Interrogated the blonde, with a slight smirk on her features. "It feels good letting it out don't you think?" Spoke Artemis once more before the other blonde could even let out a reply. Artemis watched the girl who contained a much more refreshed face that looked like she just escaped from her problems. With just two words coming out of the Slytherin's lips caused her to be amazed with what the blonde with curls just previously replied to her. Artemis was aware that she said "Wow." but in meanwhile with her other statement, she muttered an unconscious, "Woah." both starting in the letter W. Artemis ignored the feeling of the witch wanting to chuckle at her silliness. Even though Artemis didn't not have the right expression to match her own thoughts, Artemis was thinking that it was pretty foolish and immature for her. The first year made eye contact with the second year saying something that she wished it would be granted. "Mind if I?" Asked Artemis, jerking her head towards the direction of the bench.

With the reply of the blonde witch, Artemis was utterly shocked. She actually never expected to be looked at as a Gryffindor because of her features. The Slytherin witch knew better when she was sorted. Being pale and petite, she thought that all this were one of the factors that the majority witches in the Slytherin house contained. Artemis never knew that a Gryffindor was considered to be just like her. Meanwhile, Artemis wasn't shy at all. She wasn't afraid neither. Instead, she was amazed with what her eyes saw the first time she took a step inside the Great Hall. The ceiling was precious and a complete replica of the outside sky. It was said to change according to the condition of the school. She was probably mistaken to be considered to have the "shy" looks since she did not talk to anybody. Not even a single word while waiting for her turn. The witch heard a few mumbles from the crowd if ever she'll be put in the Ravenclaw house. But of course, Slytherin was the best for her. Her whole family was put into the Slytherin house. No fail at that one. Not even a single member was brought into the other three remaining houses; Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Certainly not Hufflepuff could not accept them since they are considered to be only loyal to those who are at the same time loyal to them with no doubts at all. She surely would owl this to her father soon about her looking like a Gryffindor. But besides from that, she'll add more information just in case her father might think that she was already disappointed about it. Maybe after this short conversation, Artemis would head straight to the Owlery after. But before going there, she'd head back straight to the common room first then write it. That is, if she doesn't forget about it. Just before Artemis could mutter a soft, "Oh," the witch that Artemis did not even know added something quickly after her previous sentence.
"Correction. I'm twelve." Artemis corrected a little after she analyzed the question. "Just turned in last April." Added the Slytherin. With that, she actually did not spend her birthday because of the numerous and tons of assignments given to them. Honestly, Artemis did not even care about it. She turned twelve. What's the big deal about it? Nothing. "I don't mind. Not at all in fact. We currently live here in New Zealand of course. But before arriving here, we resided at England. And you?" Asked Artemis trying to recall if ever she heard the girl speak with an accent at all. So far, there was nothing that was heard with the words she spoke a while ago.
Eventually, there's something about this girl that Crystal can't help but notice. Not only that she looks a lot like Crystal's youngest sister, Carly but also that she finds it very odd to not feel nervous and not to bite her nails. Maybe, because she has been admiring Carly's looks since she was a kid? Or maybe also because of her friend, Hyeori's magic nail non-biting liquid or she just felt relieved. But still, Crystal can't help but notice. Crystal kept looking at the girl, she kept analyzing her looks. Crystal had never stared looked at a person like this before, so she doesn't seem to mind. Crystal was now staring at the girl nonstop. The girl doesn't seem to mind (at least that's what Crystal thinks). But anyway, Crystal noticed certain things that mostly impressed her. She noticed that the girl has this silk blonde hair and has the height that she always dreamed of having. "Lucky you" Crystal blurted, giving the girl this I-want-to-be-you look (more like a stalker look). A few seconds after she said that, she haven't really heard what she said, she kind of like, just blurted it out but as seconds were passing by she noticed that the girl seemed to be quiet and finally realized what she had done and quickly covered her mouth and then said "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that" in her most mannered tone of voice. "It's just that you look..............Perfect." Crystal said, somewhat feeling ashamed. She haven't told anyone that their perfect yet except her sister, Carly. So, she quietly turned her gaze away from the girl and started staring at the floor instead.
And when the girl asked her if she's feeling better and if she thinks it good letting all the pain or whatsoever out, Crystal replied a simple "Yes" and a smile, without even looking back at the girl. Crystal was feeling uncomfortable now, but she still kept telling herself, "I am perfectly fine", to make herself comfortable. Oh, who is she kidding? She's not fine. First of all, her grandma's been rushed to a hospital and then someone (basically, a first year) founds her in a corridor of an old castle sobbing her guts out and then, of course, there's this lying thing. Oh, and the horrible nightmare from the past, and now this? Crystal stopped looking and feeling relieved. No matter what she did, she can't seem to thoroughly take it in (the bullying thing). So, as stating the obvious, Crystal needs some time for herself, which means, she needs to be alone. But she can't just ignore this person. Crystal had just said something that may sound mean to her and of course she's not like that but still. This girl is the very first Slytherin that talked to her for years, and also the very first Slytherin who has been nice to her. So, Crystal has no choice but to carry on the conversation and be polite. "Oh, not at all." Crystal politely replied, looking up to the girl and patting the space left on the bench she was occupying. Crystal somewhat felt a little awkward. She's not used to really long conversations, especially with a Slytherin. "Are you a pure blood?" Asked Crystal, using her most mannered tone of voice again. She was trying to be really nice. She rarely use her most-mannered-tone-of-voice, she only uses it whenever she needed Lilac to do her a favor and when she wants to borrow Emerald's boots. Crystal then took her sling bag, opened it and took a bottle of water. "Hope you don't mind" Crystal said. Then, without waiting for the girl to response, she opened the bottle cap, directed the water bottle to her mouth and then gently gulped the water inside it. Like the air, the water made her feel better again. After that, she slightly closed the bottle cap, and put back in the water bottle inside her bag.

Seeing the girl's shocked face. Crystal felt panicky. She doesn't know if she said something wrong or she has insulted the girl or she has said something that the girl didn't like. But she didn't say anything. She didn't say anything because she was afraid that if she replies, her reply would offend the girl again. But she can't identify a wrong detail she had delivered the girl a moment ago. She was utterly sure that she had said something nice. The girl looked brave, nice and shy. If the girl wasn't wearing anything that gives the proof that she's a Slytherin, she would probably be mistaken for a Gryffindor, yet she is a Slytherin. Crystal on the other hand would mostly be mistaken for a Hufflepuff than a Ravenclaw. She was shy, quiet and a little bit sensitive, and yet again, she's a Ravenclaw. Her sister, Emerald told her after they were sorted that she was very shocked to see Crystal being sorted to Ravenclaw. She thought Crystal would be putted to Hufflepuff instead of Ravenclaw, and she was also shocked to see her Christopher being sorted to Hufflepuff instead of Gryffindor since he has all the qualities a Gryffindor student has. She also said that the Sorting Hat has it all mixed up. So, thinking about that memory had made Crystal asked the girl "By looking at me, what house do you think I belong?", but politely, of course. As she was waiting for a response, she already knew that the girl would say Hufflepuff but still, she wanted to hear the version of the girl. "Twelve? Me too. But I'm turning thirteen this July" Crystal replied, using the polite voice again. So, she is older than my sister? Make sense, Crystal said to herself. "That's nice. New Zealand is cool. And I heard England is also too. Is that true?" Crystal wanted to know. "Me? I live in Canada. In Ontario to be specific", Said Crystal, adding a friendly grin.
The gaze of this certain blonde was making Artemis wonder whether she should speak out or just remain silent trying to look calm about this fact and ignore her uncomfortable presence. Artemis, who did not want to hear more sobs of hers, just chose her second option as a deflector to hear her sadness speaking out. Her legs were beginning to become sore because of the long flight from the Dungeons to the third floor of the castle. The taller girl continued to stare at her as if she was remembering something Artemis would clearly want to know and hear about. It was obvious that she was being compared to someone because of the girl's facial expression. Or maybe there was just something wrong about her. Was it because of her style? Her hair? Or worst of all, her robes. The day was chilly and Artemis would not want to claim the flu after this day's events to offer. Artemis was about to ask something to the girl. Something like, "Yes?" but before she was even going to part her lips to speak, the other witch somehow blurted out something without her consciousness with her. Artemis gave her a disbelieving look, wondering if this girl was just toying around with her or not. The girl spoke again with her palm just resting on her mouth. All Artemis did was raise a pale brow, with the sense of honesty from that blonde witch.

Perfect? Seriously? She wasn't that pretty as her sister is. She wasn't that stunning as her mother ever since she was a lady. She also was not that beautiful as those actresses you would see in the muggle shows located in what they call, "televisions". Up to now, Artemis could not still understand how the show is transported to that piece of muggle technology.
"Believe me, you're hallucinating." Artemis responded with a slight smile on her lips. It was just truly unbelievable. Artemis wasn't flattered nor embarrassed. In fact, she was feeling that this girl had one silly mind one would not want to have to keep. No one actually told her that she looked perfect. Not even her father did so in her whole short existence. The Slytherin strongly wanted to object but she kept and ignored that kind of feeling. Instead of making some stupid argument about her looks, she remained silent at the fact the witch was making her feel so silly at the moment. "Told you so." Artemis said while grinning cheekily after the awkward conversation that seemed to happen a few minutes ago. Artemis was half expecting her to calm down and stop the sobbing she has done. Hopefully she will do that. Crying wasn't actually an option for Artemis whether she will be in a situation that will break her heart. It is either she needs to accept it or just carry the situation on your shoulders for a long period of time. It did not actually took time for her to forget the past. In around a few months, she will be able to forget it immediately. It won't be vivid that's for sure. But the memory will be sort of vague. Artemis sat down with the blonde and watched her hair as it tumbled up and down while she looked up towards her direction. Artemis never wanted curls for her blonde hair but this student made it seem to be fun. "Unfortunately, no. My father broke our pure bloodline ever since he married my mother." Artemis replied evenly while she leaned her back against the wall.

Water seemed to relieve the girl once more which made Artemis' heart beat calm down. Hopefully, throughout the conversation she would be able to make at least a new friend and not an enemy. Artemis watched the girl drink water that she had gotten from her small bag with a feeling that she too needed something to drink. Artemis felt her lips were already dry, which occurred almost all the time anyways.
"Go ahead. I don't mind manners here." Mumbled the Slytherin. Honest, she did not actually care if this girl was just sitting there, unladylike like just what she does sometimes in her ancient four poster bed downstairs in the Dungeons. Artemis surveyed the girl from top to bottom before replying to her question. The girl seemed to be a bit quiet while sobbing, not like some Gryffindors who would go outside and explore to diminish their sorrow. Unlike other Ravenclaws, this girl wanted to be alone. Artemis actually thought that to comfort their fellow buddies, the Ravenclaws actually patted their back in whatsoever form. "Hufflepuff." Artemis lamely said after taking a look at her features. Honesty would sometimes be the best policy as some other people would say. Artemis shrugged after saying this, telling in a mute way that what she has just stated is the truth. Artemis smiled at the blonde witch about her birthday. To be honest, Artemis wasn't exactly sure what date was it already. "Absolutely true." Stated the 12 year old Slytherin, remembering her home country and the times that she used to reside there happily with her family. "Cool country. Never been there though." Artemis replied regarding to the girl's homeland.
The girl in front of Crystal seemed to be bothered about her. She kept raising an eyebrow which seemed to be an action which Crystal's bullies always give her. But this one's seemed to deliver a disbelief message rather than what Crystal always gets from her enemies. An honest frown appeared on the corners of Crystal's mouth. She seemed very disappointed on what she had done. Usually, she always chooses her words very carefully. She's afraid that she might say something that can offend other people. The girl hadn't said anything in reply to Crystal's reasoning. "She's mad at me", thought Crystal. Apparently, this girl thought that Crystal was judging her. By the way she was looking at her. But of course, Crystal didn't mean to do that. She was just carried along by the girl's perfect appearance. Great. Crystal is starting to get jealous of her now. Crystal bit a lip. The girl reminds her of Carly, which always cause her to bit her lips. Before her grandpa died, he always compares Crystal to Carly. He always compliments Carly about her not inheriting their father's tallness, which often hurts Crystal whenever she thinks about it. Crystal just kept quiet. She turned her gaze from the floor the window next to her. She saw all the little birds flying, the tall trees and many more. Crystal sighed; this reminded her of her home.

"No, I'm not". Crystal said in reply to the girl's hallucinating remark. The girl seemed to think that Crystal was hallucinating, because she had said that the girl was perfect. Obviously, the girl doesn't believe her. By the way the girl was looking at her, made her think that the girl thought she was just joking or being silly, so Crystal added, "It's just that you remind me of someone, and that someone looks a lot like you. You have this perfect hair, this nice skin, and this perfect height." Hopefully, Crystal wanted to say the truth at least for once in front of this girl. She doesn't want to say any lies anymore because she knows that if she says one, it will eventually lead to another, and another, and another, until all the things that surrounds Crystal's mind are lies. Crystal's jealousy of the girl widen the minute she realized what she had said. No one ever told her she was pretty or perfect. She rarely receives compliments about her appearance. Although, there's this one girl that did told her that her eyes where mesmerizing, but instead of thanking her, Crystal laughed. Her eyes were the second parts of her body that she dislikes. And also her hair. She hates its color. She prefers black. She once tried to dye her hair of that color but her brother, Christopher caught her and made fun of her, which of course had led to another one of their annoying fights. Crystal continued on smiling even after the girl sat on the space left on the bench she was occupying. "So, you're a Half-Blood or a Mixed Blood?" Crystal curiously asked. The girl said that his father broke their pure bloodline ever since he married her father so she must mean that her father is a Pureblood. She didn't say anything about her mother's bloodline which led to Crystal's question.

Crystal watched the water bottle while she was drinking from it. The water was very cool and refreshing. She felt its cool texture slide up her throat and down to her spine, like the air. Thankfully, after Crystal finished her drink, she felt fully relieved. She felt like she had just won another battle against Christopher in a Muggle game call Chess. Fortunately, she can concentrate on making a new friend now. She can concentrate on what to say and what to act. Unlike other people, Crystal is very conscious about her manners. Her mother always tells her that manners are one of the most important things to be considered. She always tells her to be polite and well-mannered all the time. This, eventually, led to Crystal’s sensitive attitude. She wasn't a bit shocked when the girl said "Hufflepuff". She knew from the start that the girl was going to say that, anyway, but just to be sure; she asked her a dumb question. Crystal smiled, nodding her head in agreement regarding her question about England. She'd never been there but it seems to be a great country as what her dad described it. Crystal smiled once more regarding Canada being a cool country. "I'm Crystal, by the way. Crystal Storm". Crystal introduced herself, reaching out her hand for the girl to shake.
The feeling was not actually mutual for the both of them. Artemis could already sense the sensitivity of the other witch who was actually thinking about the Slytherin's appearance which was not that perfect at all. Absolutely false, in her opinion. It was unfortunate for Artemis not to inherit her mother's stunning looks, perfect posture and fair complexion. Hers was just like a mixture of her parents. The pale skin that will be attached with Artemis forever actually made the blonde quite contented with it. She actually liked it, even though she has received negative comments about it coming mostly from her relatives on her mother's side. Obviously, the were more fond of her sister, Alliyah who is still currently unsorted at the moment. Artemis just has a feeling she won't be with her in the same house, which will she will make sure does not happen at all."Um, okay." Artemis replied, lamely as possible as she could make it. She wasn't completely flattered with what the Ravenclaw has told her. The compliment was obviously a false thing, thought Artemis. The Slytherin temporarily stared at the other blonde who was, literally, looking at Artemis with such adoration of her appearance. It was not the type that she was quite addicted to her. But it was more of amazement and surprise. "And who is this twin of mine?" Asked Artemis jokingly, trying to make out a conversation out of her small and corny reply. Perhaps this person that the other witch was referring to is some rival of hers. It was possible, in a way that Artemis was actually interested to hear some of her encounters with that person.

Bloodline was not the main thing that Artemis' mind revolved on. Unlike other magical folks, Artemis did not really care what her blood status is, as long as no one is insulting her about it. Why would someone ever compare a person because of her or his blood? The purity of a person's blood did not matter at all, as long as the person is not a racist against the other kinds of bloods.
"Trust me. I'm a Halflblood." Muttered Artemis, wondering why this girl just repeated her answer in an interrogating form. Artemis stared at the girl, daring to ask her the same question again. Even though the Slytherin was younger, she already knew that she was in control right now. Artemis took of her eyes from the witch's sensitive ones. The Slytherin wasn't actually in the mood to ask what blood status did this witch contain, because of the lazy day that was resulting her to become irritated a bit. But Artemis was still control of her feelings. Her expression was calm and cool with nothing to worry about except for the sobs that might come out again of the girl's eyes. Artemis' eyes followed the direction of the water in the bottle, going down towards the girl's throat and into her digestive system. The water will surely provide her calmness any moment right now. Artemis stopped her continuous looking by just facing the front of the hallway, with her eyes focused on nothing particular. Finally, when the girl was done, introductions were finally made. "Storm? Nice. The name is Artemis Jackson." Artemis said while taking the hand of the girl in her own frozen hand. Artemis smirked when their skin touched, wanting to see the reaction whether the girl will be surprised because of her chilled hand or not.
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Looking as pathetic as before, Crystal heavily sighed. The girl doesn't seem to believe all the words that were coming out of Crystal's mouth. "She's underestimating her beauty" Crystal thought. Now she was beginning to sound even more pathetic than before. But no way is she going to spat that remark of hers out. She knows that the girl will just laugh at her. "She's lucky, someone complimented her appearance" Crystal thought again, feeling extremely disgusted with herself. She doesn't have that silky hair, that fair complexion and that perfect height. Instead, she's been cursed with the curly, entangled blond hair, the pale complexion and the monster height, which she knows that, will permanently be attached to her forever. Crystal sighed once more, but this time, a little bit lighter. She turned her gaze toward her right palm, looking at it blankly. "It's my youngest sister, Carly". Crystal pathetically said, in reply of the girl's question of who is the person being compared to her or as she calls it, her twin. "You have the same hair, almost the same complexion, and the same height" Said Crystal, using her well mannered tone of voice again, while looking at the girl from head to toe.

Crystal's bloodline is also one of the hundred causes why she gets bullied a lot. She's a Half-Blood. Her mother is a Pureblood, while her father is a Muggle. Purebloods often bully her because they say that Purebloods are stronger than Half-Bloods. Her bloodline is also one of the hundred reasons why she hates herself. Purebloods often tells her that Half-Bloods only come second to Purebloods and that Half-Bloods also have dirty blood mixed with them which makes them disgusting. And fool little Crystal believes them which makes the situation even worse. "So am I" Crystal replied, having a little friendly grin curling up the corners of her little mouth. Finally, she found a person that she can share her burden with. "Have you ever experience bullying?" Crystal wanted to know. She was very eager to find out if this particular person she was conversing with has anything in common with her. She looked back at the window next to her again, while waiting for the girl to reply. Once more, she saw all the things that reminded her of her home. "Thanks" Crystal courteously replied. The girl has complimented her name. Now, Crystal's name differs a lot than her physical and inner appearance. No one ever teased or made fun of her name. "Artemis Jackson. That's a pretty name" Crystal said, using her well-mannered voice again and this time adding a friendly grin.
Sensitive was one word that Artemis was sure of to describe this girl beside her. She never actually met a person who seemed sensitive about all the things that are going around her. It was something she did not actually like as a quality in one person. Surely, she was the only person who was part of Artemis' list of friends that seemed sensitive all over. Sensitivity is such a bad luck charm in the Slytherin's opinion. Instead, she chose to ignore the bad feeling being emitted out of the girl. It was rather dull to think about it with absolutely no reason at all. The young girl heard the other witch sigh heavily enough for the whole corridor to hear if ever someone is just near them. Artemis smirked lazily and parted her legs a little further. It was more comfortable for her to sit like that rather than sit so stiffly. "Nice sister." Muttered Artemis, a bit disappointed that someone almost have all the looks on her pale appearance. She obviously and apparently did not like the idea of someone having almost the same looks as hers. Artemis values hers and thought of it as one of a kind. Not something that was to be shared. Even though she faced the fact that she wasn't at all pretty, she's still contented on what she has and contains. Almost all was from her father. Except for the hair, of course.

The conversation strangely shifted to bullying. Artemis flashed a puzzled look and just with the expression on her face gave the answer to the girl's question. Bullying is for losers and will forever be. It is just a complete waste of time for Artemis to experience that. Such a waste. "No. And if I did, I would easily fight back." Grinned Artemis, thinking of what could actually happen if ever that kind of situation comes in the future. It will be such an exciting scene that Artemis will even pay to see herself on screen, back biting insults with some b@stard for a person. The grin on her pale features eventually disappeared, leaving it alone with once again, a blank expression. When the girl spoke, Artemis broke their skin contact, quite disappointed that there was no reaction from Storm about her hand. "Forgive me if I ever call you through, last name basis." Mumbled the witch, a little embarrassed about her little hobby about names. If she wasn't used to a person who she does not often socialize with, she usually ends up calling them through their surname. Artemis then recognized that little courteous tone Storm has been using through their whole small conversation. It seemed to bother Artemis slightly, but the Slytherin won't mind it in a few minutes time.
Crystal was beginning to sense all the awkwardness that is starting to build up along this conversation. The girl seemed to observe her quietly. By the way she was looking at Crystal. Crystal knew that somehow, the girl was making up little facts about her somewhere inside her mind. Is it about my face? Do I have something on my face? Or is it about my height? Yep it is about my height, but if not, is it about my.....sensitivity? Can she already sense my sensitivity? Oh my. Crystal panicky thought. Obvious as a huge scar, Crystal didn't need to think of that, her panicky face was exposing the whole story. Eventually, Crystal is always sensitive. She can be easily hurt. The last time she cried (before she found out her grandma's been rushed to a hospital) is when her pet rabbit, Sheel, died in a car accident. Actually, Sheel died because she was hit by a car. "Yep" Crystal lamely replied. Someone was complimenting her sister again (at least that's what she thinks). But of course, who wouldn't? Carly inherited her looks from her grandmother, Susan. She hadn't inherited a single thing from her father and mother (on appearance that is) since her mother hadn't inherited Susan's perfect looks too. Crystal, on the other hand, inherited her eyes, nose and hair from her mother and her mouth and height, from her father.

"Good for you" Crystal said, in disappointment. She was this close to finding a perfect person which she can share her burden with, but considering Crystal's everyday luck, it's not really worth being disappointed for. Crystal bit her lip, then she adjusted her watch. Still 9:30, I still have two hours before my roommate starts to wonder where I am, Crystal thought. Thursday isn't Crystal's favorite day at all. If she doesn't have a class on that day, she usually just stays inside her room and read a book or sleep. "That's fine. I'm used to it" Crystal politely responded to Artemis's apology of calling Crystal by her surname. Bullies and professors always call Crystal by her last name so it wasn't a problem. In fact, it wasn't a big deal at all. Sometimes, bullies don't call her by her surname, instead they call her by names they make up such as Shy Baby or Pathetic Giant, which always hurt Crystal a lot.
The twelve year old witch ran a hand threw her shoulder length blonde hair. The feeling was great, because her soft blonde hair ran smoothly threw her fingers. Artemis did this in only a few seconds time, before sighing softly, enough for Storm not to hear. She also looked at the girl with a blank expression set up on her face for also a few seconds. Probably five or ten. Calculations ran through her mind about this girl's immediate feelings. Even though if she has just met this girl for about thirty minutes only, she already had the feeling that she's got an absolute sensitive spot there in her brain, that made her look at Artemis with something like a worried look. Artemis glanced over the direction of Storm with another concerned look. It seemed that almost everything she said, worried the tall witch sitting right next to her. "You seem bothered. Anything wrong-" Artemis caught herself in mid sentence hesitating whether she should add the word, 'again' to the sentence. It might seem a bit odd for a person all the time to worry. Artemis bit her lower lip before speaking once more. "--again?" She added, a bit softer this time. She did not want to make the older witch feel distressed about her. Artemis wanted to know whether her thoughts about this witch were keenly observed, thus resulting for Storm to be bothered, again.

Disappointment and melancholy seemed to fill Storm's voice when she spoke again. Artemis sensed it immediately, wishing that she just said something more helpful rather than her straight and direct answer. She put her wand inside her pocket robes calmly, trying to register the fact that this student has been bullied. Maybe just not for once, but numerous times already. To be honest, Artemis already knew that one of the partial factors were because of her height and her sensitivity towards others and herself. "Absolutely. Being bullied are only one of the main experiences you will encounter when you're in your younger years." Artemis said, as if explaining such a complex lesson to a six year old. She directly looked into Storm's eyes after she paused. "You've got to learn how to fight back, I guess." Artemis added, with a slight shrug on her shoulders. She easily recalled the encounters she had with her sisters that were somehow relevant to Quidditch because their topic was about 'flying' in a sort of debate. Those were the times that she learned the most out of the bitter experiences. Funny, she had the urge to write down all the rules and stuff to do with the title, "How to Fight Back" and print it down on a piece of parchment then hand it to the girl sitting right next to her. The feeling was weird, but Artemis somehow managed to get rid of it easily.​
Crystal gnashed her teeth. Not in an anger manner but in a bored one. Gnashing teeth is always something Crystal does whenever she's bored or when she runs out of things to say, besides nail biting. Obviously, the two of them are bored, since Artemis ran her fingers through her hair which Emerald always does whenever she's bored too. Later on, Crystal noticed that the gnashing the teeth thing makes really annoying sounds so she stopped them and bit her nails instead. A few seconds later, Artemis sighed. Not in a heavy manner like what Crystal just did a few minutes ago but in a soft one. At least that was what Crystal heard since the nail biting was kind of making her focus on other things fade. Now, this nail biting thing is starting to make Crystal go back to her horrible childhood experience again. She stopped biting her nails and rested her head on her right hand instead which seem to deliver a bothered message than a bored one. Artemis noticed this certain action of Crystal's, so she asked Crystal if there's anything wrong but then she stopped and then she added the word again. This remark made Crystal sit properly. Artemis was asking her if there's anything wrong, why not tell her the truth, right? It was Crystal's turn to sigh. Not heavily and not softly either, just what lies beneath the heavy and the soft. Crystal opened her mouth, hoping that at least a word will come out of it. Crystal bit her lips before saying what she said next. "Nothing, really. It's just that this horrible nightmare from the past seems coming back to my mind and-" Crystal paused, tears seem to resemble on her little cat eyes. But no way is she going to cry again, she had just got enough humiliation in front of this girl."-it's bothering me a lot. You see, when I was little I always get bullied." Crystal continued depressingly.

Crystal looked like she just ate a sock. This is what Crystal's dog, Clifford always looks like whenever he accidentally eats Christopher socks. Artemis on the other hand looked somewhat concerned. She had put aside her wand calmly and she looked at Crystal with this calm but concerned face. Crystal's face lightens up a little. She was a little relieved to found out that at least one Slytherin person care about what she feels. "Yeah" Crystal said lamely, in agreement to Artemis's remark of bullying being one of the main experience people encounter in their younger years. Artemis looked into Crystal's eyes before continuing her sentence."But how? I mean, I've punched one of my bullies before but all I felt was guilt. I suppose to feel relieved right?" Crystal wanted to know. Her brother, Chris, always teaches her how to punch and fight back, Crystal learned quickly but she felt guilty of doing the actual action towards her bully. But she'd done it anyway.

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