Third Years, Lesson Three

Landon enjoyed the previous trip that they had. It had been a long time since he had last visit Chelsea Physics Garden. Nothing much had changed but he still enjoyed the trip. He was also quite relieved that nothing disastrous had happened. The man did trust his students, but there was still a part of him that worried that they would cause some trouble. They, after all, were still kids and kids tend to do careless things for the sake of having fun. It was great that his students managed to behave themselves. Perhaps he should give them a little reward for that.

Landon waved his hand to open the door to let his students in. Once everyone that was supposed to be present was in, he greeted them with a smile and took the roll call. He was in a good mood today, and he hoped that that won't change. He wasn't really in the mood to give out detentions. "Please get out your writing utensils. Unfortunately, you'll be taking notes. This is in preparation for our next trip." He announced as he rounded his table. He summoned the board and waited until every ink, quill, and parchment was ready.

"In our first meeting, I mentioned that the Native American people had been a huge influence to the herbologists and herbalists all over the world. More specifically, their shaman. Though ironically, these shamans need not be a man at all." He began and as he spoke, words began appearing on the board to guide the students. "Centaurs have a lot in common through practices. They burn Mallowsweet or sage to clarify their inner eye. Shamans, on the other hand, burn Sage to bring clarity and harmony to balance the energies." Landon paused to let his students catch up. He hated lectures as much as they did, and when he felt that they were given enough valuable information, he finished.

"Leave your bags and follow me." Landon announced when he was sure that everyone was done. He led his students to a long table which he had set up earlier outside of the greenhouse. Because they were talking about the practices of the Native Americans, he decided that it would be better to do an actual one. It would help his students to remember the topic easier. On the table were feathers, shells, and sages bounded with string. Landon told his students to line up and take the materials that they needed. Once everyone had a feather, a shell, and a smudge stick, he proceeded with the lesson. "Sage is burned and used to negate negative feelings. It is also used to restore balance to our energies." The professor paused, picking up a feather with one hand and the sage stick placed into the shell with the other. He instructed his students to do the same before continuing.

"Set the top part of the sage on fire," Landon waved his hand and the top end of the sage began to smoke. "Then with the feather, guide the smoke away from you. Close your eyes and picture all the negative things that you want to cast aside." Professor Carter waved his hand to stop the smoke once they were done. "That will be all for today. You may keep those as a gift from me to you for you efforts. Class dismissed."


Assignment: RP the lesson. Feel free to RP Landon going around and helping your character as well.

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