Third Years Lesson Three

Mallory couldn’t believe the year was already halfway over. She really couldn’t. She thought she really had been doing well, none of the students seemed to outwardly hate her, though she could sense several that seemed annoyed in classes. That was to be expected, however, she didn’t expect every student to adore classes. She hummed lightly, setting up the classroom for that days lesson, eager for class to begin. Peter was asleep in his rocker, tucked a bit more behind her desk.

She smiled warmly at the students as they came into class, ignoring Amara who had curled up in Mallory’s chair. “Good morning, everyone, take a seat,” she folded her hands, turning to face her class. Her robes were a soft white today, with matching white daisies dotting her chocolate braid. “Today, we will be learning two new spells. Perhaps not the most exciting spells, but they are important, all the same,” She turned, her back to them as she pulled out her wand. With a silent mutter of the incantation, she began to write with her wand, facing away so that when she was done the students could see the words clearly, Flagrate and Aparecium.

Flagrate is the incantation for wand writing while Aparecium is for the Revealing Charm," She explained, turning back to the students. "Wand writing is a basic skill that wizards learn to use. The Revealing Charm is used to reveal secret messages in the form of invisible ink. And while it is a handy charm, it isn’t tolerated during your exams," she smiled fondly, “Trust me, my brother tried and it never worked,” she chuckled, heart twinging a little as she thought of Dimitri.

"Today, you will be practicing both charms, but for now, I want you all to write a message for one of your classmates. Just one. It can be anything from an apology, a prank, a confession, nonsense even. Whatever suits your fancy. But you will be using these," She smiled, flicking her wand and passing out a bottle of ink, a quill, and a small strip of parchment to each student's desk. “That is invisible ink. Just a small message if you please. And don't put your name in the end. It'll be sent as anonymous,” She gave them all several moments to write their messages, before calling back the quill and ink. “Alright, now you will practice revealing the ink on your own notes. Feel free to give them to the intended recipient after class is dismissed.

Mallory smiled, “The key to the Revealing Charm is concentration, three-tap method and the incantation, 'AH-par-EH-see-um'. Aparecium,” she instructed, clasping her hands together. “Let’s discuss the next charm,” she began, moving slowly across the floor.

In wand writing, like most spells, you need to be able to say the incantation properly. In this case, it will be 'fla-GRA-tay'. Say it with me,” she kept an eye on her students, watching to see if any of them were struggling. They went over the pronunciation a few times before Mallory smiled. “Very good. Now, aside from pronunciation, the only thing you need is concentration. Unlike other spells where you just need to empty your mind and visualize, this one is a bit different.

She paused, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “You need to concentrate your magic to the tip of your wand, and imagine it as quill, pencil, pen, or whatever sort of writing material if you please,” she instructed. “Now, wands out, please,” she waited a moment for the students to comply.

One last thing, my dears, with constant practice, you will be able to switch the places of what you have written or drawn with a flick of your wand, and also make them fade when you please," She informed them with a smile, knowing she had a few overachievers in her class that might enjoy that piece of information. With that she set them loose to practice, wondering about in case anyone needed assistance.​

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