Third Years, Lesson Six

Professor Carter sat behind his desk waiting for his third years for their last lesson of the semester. He had rather enjoyed taking them out on field trips almost every lesson and hoped that the students had also liked his ingenious idea as much as he did. He wanted his students to be able to freely travel the world and he knew that by doing that they would learn as much as possible. When the students finally entered the Greenhouse, he quickly started the lesson. "Good morning class, today will be an easy class as we will just be going over everything we have learned over the semester in preparation for the exams," He waved his hand and the blackboard wheeled itself out of the storeroom and towards the front of the class. Notes on everything from the semester appeared. "Now, who would like to explain what Sage is?" Hands were raised and Landon pointed to a student sitting in the front row. He listened to their explanation and beamed when they managed to get the answer right.

"Yes, Perfect! 3 points to your house! Sage is a herb believed to ward off negative energies. Does anyone know which magical creature uses it most?" Landon acknowledged someone sitting further back this time and smiled at them when they answered correctly. "Thank you! 2 points to you." he told them, happy that they were all willing to answer his questions. "Can anyone remember the name of the tea we tried last lesson?" Landon was testing their memory now and was surprised when a smaller student managed to get it right. "1 point to you!" he exclaimed, giving them a curt nod.

As the lesson came to an end the professor sent the board back into the storeroom and spoke to the class. "Ok class that's enough revising for today, pack away your notes and you may leave. Good luck on your exams!"


Assignment: RP the lesson. First three different people to answer the questions get points. Don't forget to post in the make-up topic for any lessons you may have missed.
Teddy entered the Greenhouse and took his usual seat, already anticipating the laid back vibe of Professor Carter's lessons. When the question about sage came up, Teddy raised his hand, hoping to be picked. When Professor Carter acknowledged him, Teddy answered, "Sage is a herb that wards off dangerous creatures or negative energy" Teddy knew the answers to the other questions too and put his hand up to answer all three, however he wasn't picked a second time. At the end of the lesson, Teddy cheerfully packed up his belongings and left the classroom.
Marley couldn't believe how quickly the semester went by and now they were practically at the end of the semester. While she was excited for the break to spend some time with her family, she knew she was going to miss seeing her friends, but she knew it wouldn't be long until she would see them again. The Hufflepuff happily made her way to her herbology class. Once she arrived she took her usual spot and took out the things she needed for the lesson.

Marley was a little glad that they weren't learning anything new today, but was happy that this was more of a revising lesson, which Marley knew she needed. The Hufflepuff didn't really know any of the answers to the questions that the professor was asking, so she didn't put her hand up for any of the questions, which bummed her out a little. But didn't let that get her down. She made sure to quickly take note of what the professor was saying, as well as the answers that her classmates were stating, hoping that it would help her remember or help her with her upcoming exams.

It wasn't long before the lesson had come to an end and they were dismissed. Marley quickly packed up her things, as well as tidied up her area. She says an appreciative thanks and goodbye to the professor before heading out of the greenhouse with the rest of her friends and classmates. While she had enjoyed Herbology, she knew she needed to study this subject a lot harder than she thought...
Dominic couldn't believe it was his last week of lessons. He had been enjoying his classes so much that he had lost track of the time, and the sage that he was using had been the best thing that had happened to him. His next class was Herbology and he was looking forward to it. He really liked the professor and knew that the professor would have something good in store for them. As he entered the classroom and took his usual seat within the room, the professor began to quiz them all about what they had learnt that year. Dominic raised his hand to answer the first question about Sage, as he was very familiar with it having used it a few times throughout the semester, however he frowned as he noticed Marley not participating. He raised a concerned eyebrow at her, before deciding he would also not participate. He didn't want Marley to feel like she was alone. At the end of the lesson, the boy thanked the professor before heading out of the greenhouse and back to the castle.
Veronica Walden-Cade entered the Greenhouse, feeling a mix of anticipation and nostalgia. The lush, verdant surroundings had become a familiar and cherished setting over the semester. She took her seat and noticed Professor Carter already prepared for their final lesson, a sense of pride evident on his face.

Professor Carter began the lesson with his usual enthusiasm, quickly engaging the class in a review session. Veronica appreciated his interactive approach and the way he acknowledged each student's effort. When he asked about Sage, she listened intently as a classmate explained its properties, nodding in agreement. The exchange of points and recognition added a lively, competitive spirit to the review.

Veronica recalled the various field trips they had taken, each one a unique learning experience. As they moved through the semester's material, she felt confident in her knowledge, grateful for the practical, hands-on approach Professor Carter had employed. When he mentioned the magical creature that used Sage, Veronica's mind drifted back to their excursion where they had seen it in action, a memory that reinforced her understanding of the subject.

The mention of the tea they had tried last lesson brought a smile to her face. It had been a delightful experience, blending taste with learning, and she was impressed that a smaller student remembered its name.

As the lesson came to an end, Professor Carter sent the blackboard back into the storeroom and wished them luck on their exams. Veronica carefully packed away her notes, feeling a mix of excitement and readiness for the upcoming exams. She thanked Professor Carter on her way out, appreciative of his dedication and the enriching experiences he had provided throughout the semester.
Callie walked into the herbology greenhouse and took out the usual bits and pieces from her bag that she would need to revise, but it was clear they wouldn’t be actually revising, and instead they would be focusing on answering some questions. She nodded along as others answered them, raising her hand but never being picked to answer. Eventually the lesson was wrapped up and Callie packed up her things and then headed out of the classroom.
Enoch walked into the herbology greenhouse and took his usual spot in the room. He looked at the professor as he opened up his notes and books, hoping to just revise but the professor had them answering questions instead. He didn’t raise his hand to answer, just listened along, his quill idle in his hand. He was very pleased when there weren’t that many questions and he was able to pack up and just head out of the room.
Friday walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. She rolled her eyes at what they were doing. She didn’t know the answers to any of it, but was listening along to what was said. She didn’t bother to raise her hand at any point, barely paying attention and was glad when the questions were finished and she was able to pack up and head out of the room.
Millie entered the Greenhouse for the final time that year and smiled at Professor Carter as she passed him to take her seat. The final lesson would be a review of the semesters work which Millie had been hoping for as it would mirror her other classes. From her she listened as Professor Carter got things started by asking the class a few questions to test their memory of the previous weeks, Teddy Pirrip got the first on, when the professor asked a follow up question on Sage Millie raised her hand. “Centaurs?” She asked, her voice showing her lack of confidence. Millie remembered the beings mentioned in the sage lesson but Professor Carters use of the word ‘creature’ had thrown her off.

For the rest of the lesson Millie went through her notes of the previous lesson and at the end of it she packed everything away and made her way out of the classroom.
Artemis Vasilakis hoped that this time, she would really get to see her big brother play Quidditch when she saw him again. Sometimes, the games were scheduled outside of her range of visitation, but she did like seeing him practice. And she was a chaser! Artie remembered that she had to be in class soon, so she hurried and packed her bag to rush out. She hoped that she would not be late! And by the time she arrived, Artie was right on time. She sat down next to one of her friends, and listened as Professor Carter started the lesson with a verbal quiz. Artie raised her hand several times, but she was not chosen. At least she knew the answers - that was what mattered in the end. Once they were finished, she packed up and left the greenhouse.
The werewolf finally made it to his last week of lessons, and it could not come soon enough for the third year Slytherin! Dante Styx had everything he needed, from notes to textbooks to writing utensils, and finally, his wand in case he needed to practice. Sometimes, the professor let them leave early to study and sometimes they had to learn new material. Dante was not sure which one this would be, but at least he made it to class on time. Dante immediately went forward and sat down next to Callie, and listened to the Hufflepuff Head of House start the lesson with an oral quiz. So, no review. He didn't raise his hand but he saw that Callie did. Of course she would know these answers. He just nodded along, and left when they were free to go.

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