Third Years Lesson One

Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (30)
Mallory was both relieved and nervous to be back. Peter was sleeping soundly in the baby rocker by her desk, charmed so that the noise of the students wouldn't disturb him. She had set up the classroom again the way she liked, giving it a quick cleaning that morning before arranging her desk. Amara was curled up with Maxim underneath her large oak desk, fast asleep as well (as if she'd gone and spelled all her little minions to rest, when really it had just been a long night) and all of Mallory’s notes and lesson plans were arranged neatly on the desk itself, turned to face out to the rows of seats so she could sit and still supervise her students while being able to watch her son.

She had decorated the desk with a line of flowers, most of them shorter, creating a small barrier along the edge of the desk that she could still see over. She had taken care getting dressed that morning, her light powder blue robes swishing gently around her feet and her dark mahogany hair pulled back in a braided chignon. Peter was thankfully a calmer baby, dramatic when he wanted to be, but fascinated with watching her to the point where she could get ready for the day.

She rose from her desk as the students filed in, smiling kindly as the last of them settled in their seats. She clapped her hands lightly to get their attention, looking over the fresh young faces of the third years. “Dobroye utro, good morning my dears,” She greeted gently, her Russian accent a more subtle but still there. “My name is Professor Mallory Corrins, and I’ll be your Professor until fifth year,” She raised a hand, the chalk raising to write out her name in an elegant script behind her. "And for those curious," She smiled. "This is my son, Peter. He'll be joining us for lessons until he's a bit older."

By now, Mallory was feeling almost completely at ease. “Now, all of you have chosen to be here. I would love the chance to get to know each of you, and work on a personal study plan so I can assist each of you in the best way possible,” she spoke, looking out to the smaller group of third years.

Today, I would like each of you to work together in groups, at least two each, please, and begin your reading for the semester. Today I’d like you to read over these charms, if you can,” She flicked her wrist, the board filling with the charms for the semester. “Take notes, write down any questions you may have, we’ll begin our charm work next week. I would like each of you to make an effort to stop in and see me, we can talk during todays lesson if you’d like, but my office is also open from breakfast until dinner every day. I want to see each of you personally before the next lesson so we can discuss what you’d like to get from this class,

She smiled, sitting at her desk and crossing her legs. “That’s all for today, my dears,” she smiled fondly at her students.

Rp for full marks

Charm List:
Cheering Charm
Locomotion Charm
Engorgement Charm
Shrinking Charm
Fire-Making Spell
Wand-Writing Spell

Visiting Mallory is optional but encouraged, message me on this account if you'd like to set something up.

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