Third Years, Lesson One

Noel sat behind his desk, enjoying his coffee when the classroom door opened and the third year class walked in. He finished his coffee and welcomed them with an friendly smile. Feeling excited about the first lesson for the third years. The subject they would be studying throughout the semester was one very interesting as well he thought. Hopefully the students would think the same. As everyone seemed to be inside he closed the door with an quick move of his hand. He than went standing in front of his desk and looked at the third years, trying to the different faces. '' Hello everyone and welcome back to Defence Against The Dark Arts.'' Noel started and looked at the students with his friendly brown eyes.

'' I’m sure you are curious to what this year brings. Some of you might perhaps be taking Care of Magical Creatures this semester, but we will here also focus on some creatures in this class.'' He than explained and saw some students frowning, but some seemed to like the idea. '' You must be wondering why we would be studying creatures in this class? Why would we if there is an elective that is all about magical creatures..?'' He than knew that was something in the heads of the third years and layed that open as an question. And gave them a smile. Seeing some people putting an hand in the air, they seemed to be prepared and done some reading. And than smiled and giving someone an shot to try and explain. Once the answer was given he smiled and gave an approval nod. ''Excellent answer, two extra points to your house!'' He than awarded the student and moved on, walking towards the classroom as he continued. '' We will take a look at a variety of different dark creatures and possible defences against each of them. Keep in mind that some of these creatures are vile beings and will pounce on you at the first opportunity. While others may try to feed off of your emotions. You'll encounter some of these dark creatures during the semester, but as long as you listen and do as I say, you'll have nothing to fear from them.'' He than made sure to calm some who might not were so enthiosiastic about it.

As he looked at the time, he saw he was good on schedule. He than cleared his throat to get attention again. '' For next week. I want you all to read your textbook chaper on werewolves. Write down at least one question to bring to class. And prepare for an open discussion about them. For further reading I suggest you come by my office or visit the library, the school has some excellent books discussing werewolves.'' When the time was up he dismissed the class and went sitting back at his desk.

Please review the DADA Class Policy for first through fourth years.

Roleplay the lesson and write down an question about werewolves for extra credit. The first student to give a somewhat accurate answer to Professor Waldgrave’s question will also receive extra credit!
Minerva didn’t like Professor Waldgrave, but then there weren’t many professors she did like. She made her way into the classroom and sat down, already wishing it was over so she could leave. Professor Waldgrave started the lesson by mentioning that some of them might have been taking care of magical creatures that year, Minerva was certainly not and hoped that there wouldn’t be some kind of crossover, it was an elective so she hoped she wouldn’t suddenly be punished because she hadn’t taken it.

Professor Waldgrave explained that they would be learning about magical creatures too, why? This wasn’t care of magical creatures, hopefully the creatures learned about here weren’t the ones she would have been learning about in care of magical creatures. Why even have both subjects?

Some of the creatures the professor described sounded terrifying, Minerva wasn’t sure why anyone would want to encounter them but apparently they would be encountering some of them? That sounded insane, did the headmaster know this mad man subjected his students to dark creatures? Once the lesson was over Minerva made a note of the homework, hoping werewolves weren’t one of the creatures they would meet. She packed up her things and made her way out of the classroom.

Minerva Vetrova
Third Years, Gryffindor
Defence Against the Dark Arts Lesson One.

Are werewolves able to keep their own mind when they transform?
Good question Miss Vetrova. Normally no, but there is a way to keep the human mind during transformation which you will learn about later on.

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Apolline loved being a third year. It was also the last year where she would be without her brother. She loved being an older student and enjoying not having to be careful of him. Not having to think about him or try to figure out if he had done more to injure himself. He was so accident prone. The gryffindor put aside those thoughts as she was getting ready for the day. She was looking forward to the new classes she was taking and looking forward to excelling in them, making that pivotal key first impression. She needed to do well. The Gryffindor grabbed the last few things she needed and then headed out of the room.

Apolline walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced forward as she did so, and took out her notes and books. She was sure this lesson wouldn’t be more than a revision, but she still had everything just in case. She nodded as the professor told them they’d cover magical creatures, a few of them. She considered the question the professor posed but wasn’t quick enough to answer. Instead someone else did and she keenly listened to the classroom. The gryffindor took a few notes from what the professor was saying and then they were dismissed, with instructions to read a little about werewolves for the next class and the class discussion that would come with it.

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Kyousuke had somewhat of a grudge but he didn't want to show it. Defence against the dark arts had been the one subject he'd gotten an E in - an actual E, his only E - and he was secretly furious about it. He'd been given time to deal with it, however, and was doing his best to remain professional. Obviously, he didn't find fault in himself but in his professor. But he didn't want the professor to know that. He'd get his revenge simply - by getting perfect grades in this wretched class.

Entering the classroom, he took a seat near the front, sparing a glance at Apolline. He bet she got an O. Kyousuke simmered internally and got out his things, ready to take notes. When a question was posed, of course he raised his hand. "Dark creatures require defence, and it's defence against dark things that we learn in this class." It wasn't his most succint answer; perhaps he was a little out of practice. He continued the lesson, taking down careful notes. He thought it faintly ridiculous that their homework was to come up with a question. Kyousuke had already read everything in advance, but he came up with something anyway, if only to say he completed what had been required of him.

How have werewolves been treated historically?
There has been prejudice for a long time. In the time where Harry Potter lived too. And still.

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Morrie did not want to be back at Hogwarts and was in a bad mood for her first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. Shs crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, listening to Professor Waldgrave. She did not attempt to answer his question but was still annoyed when Kyousuke answered. Morrie scoffed, "Suck up," just loud enough for her neighbours to hear, she'd disliked Kyousuke ever since he refused to swap gifts from Castillo and had never quite managed to let it go.

Morrie heard the bit about dark creatures pouncing or feeding off emotions and it made her smirk. "Sounds like most students at this school," she quietly commented. When they were assigned the homework on werewolves, Morrie let out a dramatic sigh. She scribbled the assignment then as the class wrapped up, Morrie was one of the first out of the door.

(Morrie has almost illegible handwriting) Are werewolves murderers if they kill someone whilst transformed?
When transformed as a werewolve and there is an terrible situation where someone dies because of an attack, it is a murder, that is a fact. That is an good question we will discuss some later on in the classes about werewolves.

O+3 Miss Ayre. I would like you to show some respect to your classmates. Or keep some of the thoughts for yourself.
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Violet wasn't so happy to be back at Hogwarts, however she only had one more year on her own before her younger sisters were joining her, so she had to make the most of it. She tried out again for the quidditch team, hoping that at least she could get an alternate position just the same as the last year. She hoped her performance last year would convince the captain to give her another go. She also didn't mind the captain, which made it more bearable. The Ravenclaw had classes to attend now however, so she packed her backpack and headed to them.

Violet entered the defence against the dark arts classroom and took her usual seat within the room. This year was the first year where all of the houses had the same classes and so the room was a little bit more full than previous. She managed to find a seat near the back of the room however and reverted her attention to the front where the professor quickly started the lesson. He announced that they would be learning about magical creatures this year, and it all made sense to Violet. At the end of the lesson, the professor gave them some homework on werewolves and dismissed them.

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Aroha was in a cheerful enough mood when she made it to class. Defence against the dark arts turned out to be rather fun last year. She was a little disappointed they weren't immediately starting with spells but that was okay, she'd get over it. She carefully sat somewhere away from Morrie, not wanting to start anything mid-lesson. Last year's duel had been something to behold, Aroha was sure. As it was, she settled down and (mostly) paid attention to the lesson. It sounded a bit weird to her that they'd be doing magical creatures but it didn't not make sense. They got assigned homework and Aroha was on her way, ready to be doing something other than sitting and listening to a lesson.

If there was a werewolf at our school, would they be treated fairly? (And if there is a werewolf, can you tell me? I can keep a secret, I promise.)
I'm not the person who can judge of that. But for me personally I would not treat someone different because of that so fairly like any other.

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Hazel had always wondered why they had to take Defence Against the Dark Arts, it just seemed so dramatic. It wasn't like Dark Arts were around the corner ready to grab them at any time, at least, she thought not. The girl made her way into the classroom and took her seat. The professor told them they would be focusing on creatures in this class, which made some sense at least. Though she did wonder if it was boring for the students that took Care of Magical Creatures. Kyousuke got to answer the question and Hazel was a little impressed. When Morrie called him a suck up, she glanced at her. "Morrie." She hissed. She was trying her best to like the girl but she made it hard sometimes. Their assignment was to read a chapter on werewolves and to write down one question. Hazel was glad it wasn't a very difficult homework assignment, she really didn't feel like writing a whole essay.
@Morrie Ayre (don't have to respond just so you see her reacting)
How likely are we to encounter a werewolf in real life? It's not impossible, so I would say likely that it could be. But it's not like in every class we would have one. So the chances are there, but not too big.

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