Third Years Lesso Two

Mallory was ready for today's lesson, sure it would prove to be interesting for her third years. She was wearing powder blue robes today, Aster’s dotted throughout her mahogany braid. She smiled warmly at her students as they filed into class. She stood from her desk, running her fingers gently over Amara’s back as she had curled up in the corner of the desk. Peter was propped up against a pillow in his rocker, cooing and chewing on a small blanket. “Dobroye utro, my dears,” She greeted fondly. “We’ll be covering two charms today. Can anyone tell me what the cheering charm is?” She asked, pointing to a student with their hand raised. “Prevoskhodno, very good, two points for you.” she continued to pace a bit, hands clasped in front of her as she spoke.

The Cheering Charm is used to cheer a person up, or make them happier. This sounds like a wonderful spell, but please, my dears, be careful.” She urged her students, looking to each of them as she continued. “The Cheering Charm should only be used on humans. The side effects for the use of this charm on animals is completely unknown, so please keep that in mind. In order to perform this spell to cheer up yourself as the caster, you need to be able to feel happiness as well.” She went on, pacing slowly in the front of the room. “You need to be concentrating on happy thoughts and memories, but the effects of this charm can vary and it is possible to overuse it.

Mallory was careful with this, wanting to impart the seriousness of her words to the students. “The least you could do with the spell is to make another person feel a sense of contentment, and the effect for its overuse is making one go through a fit of hysterics and uncontrollable laughter. If you want to practice this spell, you can practice it in the class once we've finished here. You should be very careful with this, my darlings, as this spell is one that deals directly with ones emotions, it's very personal and you shouldn't use it liberally.” She stopped in the middle of the room, looking over her students and pausing a moment to ensure they understood her.

She started to speak, but Peter began fussing. She walked over and picked him up. He settled as he nestled against her, yawning and chewing on her robes. She turned back to the students, smiling as they continued the lesson. “But we are learning two spells today, my dears. Can anyone tell me what the locomotion charm is?” She called on a different student this time, smiling brightly at their answer. “Very good, dorogoy, two points for you as well.” She bounced Peter gently, walking slowly in front of the class.

The Locomotion Charm allows you to move things. This is the charm I would like you to focus on today, darlings. It relies on the caster's capability in magic and their concentration. The heavier the object, the harder it will be to move it. The bigger it is, the harder it is, and so on.” She stopped in the center of the room, rubbing her hand against Peter's back. “The incantation is Locomotor and you just point your wand at it. If you're successful the object should follow the direction of your wand,” she set a sleeping Peter back in his crib, casting a quick protection charm before turning. With a flick of her own wand, she filled the room with several objects, from marbles to bricks, to larger items like bowling balls and thick dictionaries.

Please do remember to be careful my dears. Now, pay attention, we’re going to go over the wand movements and charm pronunciation again,” Mallory reviewed the charms a few more times with them, and when she was sure they had gotten it, she took a step back. “Alright, darlings, go ahead and practice your charms for the remainder of this lesson. I’ll be right here, do feel free to come to me for assistance.” She reassured them, settling in at her desk again, making sure the wards over Peters cribs were sturdy.​
Apolline was enjoying being back at school, she was enjoying her other electives, enjoying how much fun they appeared to be. The Gryffindor wasn’t sure what she wanted to do once she left school, but she was pretty eagerly taking the time to make sure she got the most of the classes she had. SHe would probably decide at some later point. Apolline was getting herself together for the day ahead, making sure that she had all of her books and notes and then headed to class.

Apolline walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced up at the professor as the woman got started. She liked the idea of a cheering charm, but knew it would never work in the way she really wanted it. Apolline took notes as the professor was telling them about it. Apolline was a little distracted as the professor then went to deal with her baby. The child was probably too young for the creche. Apolline then listened to the next spell the professor was talking over. She took the time then to do as instructed and went over the charms they were allowed to. Making sure that she was getting them, and not failing at them. With that Apolline packed up her things and headed out of the room.
Morrie arrived in Charms class and sat down for a lesson on the Cheering Charm, immediately drawn to the warning about using it on animals and the fact that the effects were unknown. Shouldn't something be done about that, like experiments to find out what the effects were? It was a weird gap in knowledge to just not know what the effects were and leave it at that. Morrie shook her head at the absurdity of it all as the professor tended to a baby which was case in point really. When it came to practice, Morrie was able to cast a powerful Cheering Charm because she thought about the time she and Vanity threw paint over June. She managed to master the Locomotion Charm too and left the class feeling she'd had success.
Kyousuke was definitely neglecting his social life, but when it got to the second semester he liked to make sure his concentration didn't wane. He came into the charms classroom and took a seat. Once the lesson started, he raised his hand immediately. "It's used to cheer people up, or make them happier," Kyousuke said, unsure if he really liked the idea of someone ever using the spell on him, even if he was sad or upset. He raised his hand again for the second question but wasn't chosen. He had a feeling he wouldn't be. For the rest of the lesson, Kyousuke practiced the spells as instructed. Kyousuke got the hang of them quickly, especially the locomotion charm, which came to him easily. Once the lesson was over, he packed up his things and left.

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