Thinking of skipping Out

Victor Crimson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

There wasn't a day that went by when Victor really missed California. New Zealand weather wasn't that bad, it just didn't feel the same for Victor. He was thinking of writing to his parents and tell them how he felt. Maybe they would understand and tell him to come back home. As he thought about that, he knew he would be leaving someone behind. Arisa was very important to Victor, but he figure if he did leave, she would be okay with it.

Victor sat near the lake thinking of this through. He wasn't paying attention if someone was nearby or not and didn't bother looking up as he kept staring at the lake. It was inviting even in the spring he just wanted to jump in without caring.But with the lack of energy he felt, he just sat back relaxing against a tree trunk. Being in California sounded so good right now, New Zealand well in school it seemed to quiet for his taste.
Libby had been sitting by herself, next to the rosebush she'd been caught at almost a year ago by her best friend, who at the time had been taking revenge on her out of pure spite. She looked up from the grass, the sun was shining wuite nicely today, a huge improvement to the recent weeks. She looked along the side of the lake, her eyes pausing on a figure she wasn't sure if she knew.

Standing up she walked over quietly, to a boy sitting at the side of the lake, obviously deep in thought. Yes, she recognised him. "Hey. Arn't you that guy who was in Brightstone? When some first years were having a first or something?" she asked, remembeing how he and Larissa had suddenly shown up. She'd never even know his name. "Sorry. Am i disturbing you?" she continued to stand beside him, wondering if it be too rude to sit down.

Victor looked up as he pushed his naturally curly hair out of his eyesight getting a view of a familiar girl standing over him. "Oh yeah I remember, that didn't solve anything?" he sort of question her, before looking back towards the lake. He can only think back a few parts of what happen. Nothing major happen afterward, so he didn't bother to even ask anyone bout it till now. "I heard well my guess, is no one got in trouble" he felt his arm extend in front of him with his elbow resting at his knees a little bit. "No your not disturbing me, I'm kind of bored and thinking about my home state. You can join me if you like?" he made space for her to sit. He didn't want to explain why he was missing home, but he figure maybe sharing would do him good. He just waited if she would ask him, Victor always held back a few times.

She smiled, nodded and took a seat beside him. "No it didn't." she replied, rememebring how she'd taken one of the Slytherin's to her Head of House. That just hadn't solved anything. "Thinking about your home state? Which ones that?" she asked curiously. Libby knew how he must have felt, she could often be spotted sitting on her own, wondering if she even belonged here. No one ever noticed her ether. "Do you miss it? Your home?" she asked. "I know i do. My brothers here now too, but my parents and sister are still back in England." she said, wondering if she spoke, he would too. "Do you have any siblings?" she asked him polietly.

Victor shrugged, as his shoulders simply rise than fell again while he locked one of his hand at his other arms wrisk. "Kind of, I'm from California. Its a lot way different than New Zealand" he listened as Liberty spoke about London. Victor never been there before, but he was part Italian. Somewhat close to England, but that was a history of Victor he hadn't discovered yet. His parents hadn't confront him yet on this fact, they were still waiting till it was the right time to tell Victor. "London must be way different than New Zealand too? Right?" he thinks so. Only a couple time he watched broadcast shows were he see parts of London and had only wonder once what would that be like if he actually did visit. "I have a brother to. His names Vincent and my mom kind of on the edge of sending him here to. He would have been a first year but their parents insisted that Vincent be home school. "Got bored of being inside too?" he wonder of her reason being out here.

California. Libby hadn't travelled much and although she knew it was in america, she didn't know where abouts. She nodded, "It's much more of a city where i'm used to. Not so many mountains and all that." she said. "I'd love to go travelling one day. To see other places" she added. She thought about his brother, "Does he mind? Being home-schooled i mean? Won't he miss out on well..the magic side of things?" she asked. Her own mum had taught her a few spells when she was younger, although she'd learnt alot more when she'd come to Hogwarts. "I'm Libby by the way" she mentioned.

Victor eyebrows came together when Liberty illustrated London to him. "Really? Its not castles and lakes? Or village people that turn into insane zombies? That favorite past time is crumb cake and tea?" Victor said with his lips fleer up by the side as he held in a burst of laughter. "I'm kidding" he grinned while resting back against the tree. He knew London was nothing like he just describe, but he wonder if London was ever a place he would fit in. Probably not. Maybe Hawii but not London. "My brother sort has issues and no he won't miss it. My mother hired a wizard tutor to teach him, maybe once he's 13, maybe my mom will consider sending him here" but Victor highly doubt it. She was to set on leaving Vincent at home. Again she had her reasons. "I'm Victor I think I met you once before" he said while grabbing a peddle stone and flicking it across the lake. "Your a puff right?" he asked her already knowing that she was.


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