Think Fast

Derek Tahana

kiwi - half maori - woolongong warriors chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 11 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Acromantula Web Core
5/2034 (19)
Derek was bored, the new semester had started but he had nothing to do yet, not even any classes, he just had nothing, which was not nearly as fun as most would think it to be. The freedom school allowed him was great but it did mean there were just moments when he had next to nothing to do and all of the energy for something. It likely was not helped by the fact Derek didn't play quidditch, he was sure that if he was on the quidditch team, that he would better be able to use up the energy, but Derek had never been fond of the sport, no matter how many games he'd been taken to or how much time he'd spent being shown it. Derek just thought it was a dull sport. Rugby on the other hand was nothing short of perfect. It was just a great sport, but he played it alone. The boy was sat at the lake, or well, playing about at the lake tossing the ball up and catching it, spending his time wisely of course. He threw the ball hard and caught it before it smashed his face. he'd been trying in other area's to throw and then catch the ball before it hit the ground, but maybe he could use magic with it. The boy got to his feet and threw the ball hard intending to use his magic, but he was a little over excited about it, since he was not quick enough and could just see the ball heading fast for someone who was minding their own business, "Watch out!" Derek shouted loudly hoping they might notice and move out the way. He really had to start paying attention to where he was throwing the ball.

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