Closed These Moments Together

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Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
Eugene arrived at the Valentines day dance with a smile on his face. He had done a lot of prep work before hand, so he didn't need to be the one to do the work during, someone else would get to it. It was important to him that he spend this time with Renata, since he knew that they wouldn't have a lot of time together this semester and then she would be at school when he was not. Eugene wanted this to go well. It was likely to, things tended to with her, but he still wanted it to go well. The Hufflepuff was just stood on the hall, waiting for Renata, bouncing on his feet a little, eager to see her and spend time with her.
Things had been busy of late, but Renata was determined to find some time to spend with Eugene. She knew she was going to miss him terribly next year, but that was a problem for a few months time, not right now. She'd dressed up in the nicest outfit she had (that she'd borrowed off her mother) because she really wanted to make this a nice night. She felt pretty, and outside of all the stress with leading clubs and trying to appease people and everything else going on, in contrast she felt light hearted and relaxed. She beamed at Eugene when she saw him, rushing over as fast as her feet would carry her (considering she had heels, it wasn't as fast as she would have liked, but still speedy). "Hey, you," she grinned, leaning in to offer up a kiss in greeting. "Happy Valentine's!"
Eugene spotted Renata and his face lit up. He loved seeing her, loved spending time with her. He kissed her when she offered it. "Happy Valentine's!" he replied with warmth in his tone. He always looked forward to spending time with her, and knew there wasn't too much of it left. Eugene offered out his hand to her. "A dance?" he offered, almost making a joke about it being the last one, but he didn't want to actually do that. He knew that the next year would be hard.
There was a vague sadness deep within Renata's chest, like a constant reminder that this was going to be the last dance they'd have together. Hopefully not the last ever, but she smothered that feeling as much as she could. It was easier to, of course, when she saw Eugene smile, her heart still fluttering when he kissed her. "Of course," she said, taking his hand and giving a semi-curtsey. "We are the best dancers in the school after all," she joked, beaming. That probably wasn't exactly true, but it felt true to her.
Eugene gave a half bow as she gave a semi curtsey. "That we are," he said back with a smile. He began leading her to the dance floor. He was definitely going to be making the most of this with her. It was going to be a good night. He stood in front of her and went to place his hands on her waist, but keeping her in close. "I'm going to miss you next year, miss this," he said softly, unable to stop himself from the bittersweetness that was this being his last school dance, their last school dance together.
Renata leaned in a little closer, resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm not going to cry until you graduate," she insisted, feeling that fear and sadness stirring in her chest. She let Eugene lead as they moved slowly, her feet moving in time with the music but not so much caring where they went. "I will probably cry then, I am going to miss you so much," Renata admitted, trying not to ruin the night but not doing the best job of it. "Ah...but it's not the end of the world! We'll have more dances," she insisted, although it was vague enough. "And without first and second years making faces at us if we kiss."
Eugene didn't think he would cry at graduation, but he'd miss her. "Well, I'll be about," he reminded her, and then leaned into her. Eugene knew he'd be upset to leave her, to have her go off to school which he stayed back. But it was only going to be the year. "Yeah, that sounds nice," he said easily, thinking about how nice to would be to continue dancing with her at other events. He knew it would be different, that they would have to go out of their way for the events, but he would be more than willing.
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