There's A First Time For Everything

Tenrai Green

OOC First Name
Summer has stolen
Tenrai Green leant his 5'9 frame against the warm hard wall in Obsidian Harbour. It was a warm day and everyone seemed to be in shorts and T-shirt's and yet here he was in a coat. He just didn't get warm easily unless it was super insanely hot then he would wear a shirt and jeans. He had grown up in Scotland after all so was used to being cold all the time.

But the reason for his presence here was not to evaluate the weather but he was waiting for his long term girl friend, Adonia. It had been a while since he last saw her, even if she had spent Christmas with him he didn't like being apart from her by months at a time. At least he was in his last term of school before he left permanently. Then he could see her more.
Adonia Vincent smiled as she appeared in the warm shopping area. In France it was winter and very cold. She hated the cold, even though she lived with it all her life, and much preferred it here where it was delightfully warm.

Adonia was here to see he boyfriend of two years, Tenrai. It had been a while since she had seen him last and, in that time, she had been thinking and had come to a conclusion. It had been two years after all, and he was an amazing boy.

Adonia saw Ten leaning on a wall and grinned, she had her over night things with her. Her parents were off on holiday for a week and she was allowed to stay at his for the entire time. "Ten!" She bounced over to him, dropped her bag, and flung her arms around his neck. "Hey babe."
A huge smile crossed his lips as she saw Adonia come over to him, happy as every. "Twenty." He said with a laugh as he joked. "Hey hey Hunny." He said hugging her back, having to force his his body weight on one leg so he didn't fall over when she jumped on him. He had expected it anyway, after two years he had gotten used to it.
Once he released her he grinned. "How have you been?" He asked as he walked over to pick her bag up in his right hand and held out his left for her to take. "So any plans for today before we go to mine?" He asked her as he began to walk around the harbour.
Adonia grinned and lightly smacked his chest. "Shut up." She smiled and, on tiptoes, pressed her lips against his before taking his hand in hers. "I've been alright, missed you." She squeezed his hand gently. Being around Ten always seemed to make her feel shy and bouncy at the same time.

"What about you?" Adonia liked hearing about his school. Hogwarts was a pretty good school apparently. She would've gone there, her parents even offered to transfer her, but it was way too cold in Scotland. She didn't mind Tens' house being in Scotland though, gave her a reason to cuddle up to him.

Adonia checked her watched and sighed, although the sun didn't show it, it was almost eight in the afternoon. "Not really, I think it's a bit late to be honest." She didn't really know why they always met up in Obsidian Harbour. Neither of them lived in New Zealand and they rarely stayed for long. It had just sort of become a tradition.

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