There she goes. There she goes again.

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Natalina Vanderbal

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust

*Natalina Vanderbal*

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please lend me your ears eyes. Here we have little Natalina, or as she prefers to be called Lina. This is my newest little beauty and for all intents and purposes my new baby. She was just sorted into Hufflepuff and with very good reason. Lina is a bit meek and timid. Once she gets to know someone then her shy side disappears and she becomes very outgoing. She is extremely nervous most of the time and always cautious. She was born and raised in New Zealand by her mother (who used to be a healer in Britain) and father (who is a muggle school teacher for high school aged children). She has one younger brother, Lucas, who is 5 years old. Her nana also helped to raise her.

So what exactly is it that I'm needing for this little one? Well funny you should ask because I was totally about to tell you. For Natalina I'll be needing a couple friends, but remember she's a bit on the shy side and naturally a nervous person so for these friends they'd have to be very patient with her until she finally opens up to them. I'd really like for her to have one or two female friends as well as a male who could be her best friend. On the note of male characters, I really think she's a bit young for a boyfriend, BUT I wouldn't be opposed to having her have a crush on perhaps and older male student (perhaps a 2nd or 3rd year)...we'll have to play that one by ear and play around with a few ideas. Now, perhaps an enemy, though this would probably be a bit difficult. Lina is really one of those who tries to see the best in everyone and the only way she would really dislike anyone would be if they were repeatedly mean to either herself or someone she cares about.

Okay, well now that I've given everyone a few ideas of what I'm needing what I need you all to do is search through the vault of characters that you know you all have and please help me out...pretty please *bats eyelashes*
I'm not sure how well they would mesh...I think Ysobella may make her a little nervous, but we could definitely RP them together and see how things go with them :D
I can offer Ryuuji,he's a ravenclaw. He's adventurous and very athletic. He loves to have fun and he loves to tease his friends to the point that he can somewhat become sadistic.. he's a bit of a know-it-all to though he was completely unaware of it until someone points it out..He's really kind though and he would always get out of his way to help someone in need.. :D
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