The younguns' group begins

Marcus Caine

Well-Known Member
Marcus sat on the bench. He was confused about his life at the moment. His mum got married, then he got arrested the day she came home with twins and now she was sad all the time. Marcus sighed and swung his legs before looking to his left, he saw a small girl watching him, around his age and sat in the same way he was. "Umm, hi?" She was smiling at him and he really couldn't figure out why.
Daisy had been watching the boy as he sighed and looked sad. After a minute the boy turned to her and looked at her odly. "Hello, I'm Daisy." She scooched up the bench next to him and smiled. "You looked sad. Are you okay?" She knew he probably wouldn't talk to her about it but he did look like someone who would fit in the new group o friends she had made.
Marcus looked at the girl oddly. "Why would I tell you? I don't even know you." He was slightly worried, the girl, Daisy, had scooched up to him and he wasn't sure what she wanted from him. "Umm, I'm Marcus." He hoped she wasn't going to do something from him. He didn't want to have to ask one of his sisters to help him, that would jsut be embarresing.
Daisy giggled at his defensiveness. "No reason, I just thought you looked interesting Marc. Can I call you Marc?" She smiled up at him with her big brown eyes, showing her missing front tooth on the bottom row. She giggled as her phone went off. It was on vibrate in her pocket and Daisy was very ticklish. She looked down at the text, it was Tracey, she had forgotten she was meant to meet Tracey and Kris. "I have to go, you can come to if you want." She smiled at Marc again.
Marcus shrugged. "I suppose you can if you want to." He jumped when Daisy giggledas though she was being tickled but understood when she pulled out a phone. He thought for a second about her offer. He had nothing better to do. "Why not. It's no like I'm busy." He jumped off the bench and waited to follow Daisy.
Daisy smiled, jumped down from the bench, and grabbed his hand. "Come on then" Daisy pulled Marc along behind her as she ran through the harbour and some back alleys until they reached a feild. There was a little shed. This place belonged to Kris' parents, it was at the very bottom of their land and Kris was sure they had forgotten about it. "Here we are. The others are inside. You coming?" Disy dropped his hand and opened the door, grinning when she saw the other two.
Kris looked up as the shed door opened and grinned as Daisy walked in. Daisy was new to New Zealand and came up with the idea of making friends with the younger children around here. She was the oldest at age nine, he himself was seven as was Tracey. Kris frowned as another boy followed Daisy in. "Who's dis?" Kris didn't like his speech problem but he didn't complain.
Tracey looked up with Kris as Daisy entered with a boy. "Yeah Dai, Who's this?" No body judged Kris on his speech problem, they knew he was sensitive about it even if he didn' show it, the same goes for his height, though it was okay to tease him about that.

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