The Young Ones

Casey Daniels

Metal Charmer | Wanderer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Now that Hogwarts was looming on the horizon and no longer a far off dream, Casey finally felt like he would grow up. He would no longer be grouped in with the muggle kids from his neighborhood, he would be able to go off and start his life as a real wizard. As much as he loved where he grew up and lived he had felt more at home the few hour he'd spent in Obsidian harbour then he ever did in the New Zealand suburbs spending his days playing rugby with muggle kids. He had been educated about the magical world by his father and his grandparents but had been forbidden to be a part of it as he muggle mother wanted him to be 'normal' at least until he went to Hogwarts. Casey would never openly admit this to either of his parents but part of him has always resented his mother for forcing him into muggle activities and for making him act like something he wasn't, 'normal'.

As he walked down the cobbled streets of the Harbour Casey looked into each shop, each selling a vast variety of different things from wands to quidditch gear to school books and he wondered about all the things he would learn and discover over the next seven years, the people he would meet, the adventurs he might have. He envisioned exploring the castle, delving the depths of the library, flying high on the Quidditch pitch and walking around the vast school grounds. Although he didn't know what to expect, he knew that endless possibilities awaited him and that his life would never be the same again.
Alison wished that she had more galleons to spend, but her dad had her key for her money vault and Alison was stuck with the galleons that her dad had gave her. Alison knew that with the galleons she had with her, she could buy nothing maybe a package of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Alison like Obsidian Harbour, it was the only place that was not crowded with lots of Muggles. Alison liked the shop were they sold Quidditch equipment, she knew she would be a decent flyer already. Alison had just finished her Muggle school and her dad thought her everything about the Magical world. Alison her parents wanted her to be in Ravenclaw, but Alison did not want to go in a House with a bunch of smarty pants. After some giggling in front of the Quidditch shop and almost drooling in front of a broom display, she stepped away from her favourite Quidditch shop. Alison knew deep inside that her dad would by her a broom if she was accepted in the Quidditch team, so Alison just had to wait a couple more years.

Alison liked her Muggle friends, but it was always a dangerous game to play with them, one time she let the swings in a park go nuts, but her dad had secretly waved his wand and no one had noticed luckily. Alison still shrugged when she thought about that moment, she did not do it on purpose it was under-age magic after all. Alison looked around and saw it was pretty crowded today on Obsidian Harbour, it was also very big so she knew that you could get lost easily when you took the wrong way or path. Alison bought a package of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and sat herself down on the beautiful harbour just taking in the view in front of her. Alison wanted to be a Gryffindor and she knew that they were adventurous and brave, she was adventurous, but Alison was not brave she was extremely shy to new people. Alison tucked a hair back behind her ear and looked at what she was wearing today. Alison was wearing a simple white blouse with a small pair of blue shorts and finished of with a nice red leathered belt with studs. Alison looked pretty today, but her shoes were just her plain old sneakers, she did not like those fancy high heeled shoes.
As the morning transformed into the afternoon the lunchtime crowd began to pile into the various eateries and the streets became a little more bearable for Casey to stroll through. Now that he was taking his first steps into the wizard world he had finally been given access to his vault. Growing up, Casey had become used to muggle money, his grandparents using pounds in England and his parents using the Dollar in New Zealand. Suddenly he was exposed to piles of gold, silver and bronze coins stacked in a vault he could call his own. Of course he had been restricted to what he could take out while he was out, his father had told him that the contents of his vault had to get him through Hogwarts, Casey wasn't completely familiar with how the system worked or exactly how much there was in his vault but he had no doubt he would be able to manage.

After popping in and out of a couple of shops and buying a handful of books he would need for the coming year, Casey stepped out on to the streets again carrying a stack of books and a bag with various bits and bobs from a handful of different shops. He needed a moment to sit down and take it all in, but the ice cream shop was at the other end of the street and none of the pubs would let him in because of his age so he decided to place his things down on the path and take a seat and watch as groups of people walked by talking and giggling.
Alison was still chewing rather loudly on her Every Flavour Bean, the last one she had tasted had tasted like grass and Alison almost had to puke on the Harbour. Alison found a brownish one that had the colour of chocolate, but it tasted nothing like chocolate it tasted like dirty socks. Alison was adventurous and did not mind all the rather odd flavours that the beans had, once she ate one that tasted like dog hair and the first odd flavoured one she had was a minty toothpaste flavour and still Alison liked the beans and all the odd flavours that they came in, it was one little adventure for her. Alison saw that a boy sat on a bench close to the one Alison was sitting on and Alison decided to sit next to the boy. ''Hello'' Alison muttered with a clear voice, ''I see that you have done some shopping.'' Alison spoke again, Alison did not want to be nosy or creepy, but she was a bit curious. The books in his bag looked like the first year books that her dad had bought for her, so she knew that the boy could not be any older then ten or eleven.

Alison looked at the boy, she tried to act normal, but she was still shy although she had managed to say a greeting to the boy. Alison wanted to be in Gryffindor and she almost wanted to wear the tie that she had bought for her stay at Hogwarts. Alison thought it was funny to walk in Gryffindor attire while being a ten year old, this thought sparked something in her mind and Alison knew that her hazel eyes were almost glittering. Alison her hair was getting longer and longer by the day, she did not want to cut it, it looked long and a bit wild and when it would be too long she would braid it down to have it look more normal again. Alison giggled at the boy and with all the books and other bits that his bag carried it made a funny thing, he looked like an old wizard that bought too much stuff at a market or something. Alison looked away from the boy and was still gazing over the Harbour, noticing some strange wizards and witches. The Every Flavour beans were still sitting in front her and she offered the boy a bean, the one that she had put in her mouth tasted like strawberry and she liked the taste of it. Alison knew that the package had good ones and bad ones, but this strawberry one was one of the best beans she had ever tasted.
Casey wasn't paying much attention to his immediate surroundings. His mind was elsewhere, Hogwarts to be exact. Casey was a third generation wizard on his father's side and both his father and grandfather had been proud Gryffindors and quidditch players to boot. Casey wanted nothing more than to follow in his father's footsteps and play Quidditch for Gryffindor, he wanted the wear the scarlet colored robe and have it flap in the wind behind him as he weaved between players high up in the air. His father had been a seeker like his father before him but from an early age when he first learned about Quidditch he had wanted to be a keeper, flying through the air to catch the quaffle stopping people from scoring. That was what he dreamed about. Most of his home in New Zealand was muggle decorated to keep up the appearances but his bedroom was covered with quidditch pin ups and Gryffindor banners. Whenever he went over to England at christmas and the winter brought about a genuine cold he would wrap up in his father's red and gold Gryffindor scarf. Casey knew that there was no pressure for him to be sorted into Gryffindor, Casey's father has always known that his son was intelligent and book smart and ran the risk of being sorted into Ravenclaw and so never forced the Gryffindor culture onto him but it was Casey that adopted it himself and wanted nothing more than to wear the Lion crest on his black school robes.

Casey was suddenly brought back to earth by the arrival of a young girl, he had noticed her already around the harbour, she was hard to miss. He found her beautiful, at least, as beautiful as one ten year old can find another. He wasn't sure what she was doing but he was sure she had just come to sit down and not social but he was wrong. She smiled and greeted him but it appeared forced, not in a away to suggest she didn't want to, more that she was shy and was forcing herself. Casey greeted her with a warm and welcoming smile to put her at ease, "Hi there." He watched as she took a seat next to him and dug into a box of every flavor beans and commented on his shopping. "Yeah I just bought a few bits a pieces, I'm started Hogwarts soon, he replied trying to hide his obvious excitement. He watched as she dug deep into the box and pulled out a bean to eat then offered him one, he simply nodded and took a bean and placed it between his teeth. Lemon Not the worse flavor in the box but not one he was all that keen on either. "Are you starting Hogwarts this time around?" He asked, the girl seemed to be about his age so their was a good chance she would be in his year, but she could also be a young looking first year.
Alison her father was in Ravenclaw and Alison her mother was sorted in Gryffindor, but her parents wanted her to take after her sister in Ravenclaw. Alison was still sitting on the bench with the package of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans resting between her legs, every couple of seconds taking one from the package. Alison wanted to be a Quidditch player when she was older, maybe a seeker or a beater. Alison knew she had some Gryffindor qualities, but she the houses Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had also some traits of hers. Alison had read and heard some things about Gryffindor and Alison liked Gryffindor even more. Alison tucked a wild hair back behind her ear and looked at the boy, he looked cute with his long hair. Alison knew that there was a Yule ball in every year of Hogwarts, her sister had bought her dress already and Alison wanted to attend with someone.

The boy greeted Alison with a warm and welcoming smile and Alison felt more comfortable being and sitting with the boy. Alison nodded and looked at his bags again, the boy said that he would start Hogwarts soon and a little piece of Alison went hopeful that the two would be sorted in the same house. The boy seemed excited when he spoke of Hogwarts and Alison could not say that she was not excited to attend Hogwarts in the next year to come. The bean that the boy had took from her box was probably a sour one as she saw his face changing into a sour expression. ''Yes, I am going to attend Hogwarts and I want to be sorted in Gryffindor.'' When Alison finally spoke, she would not go quiet again, she was on a roll now. The boy knew that Alison wanted to be a Gryffindor and Alison would know soon which House the boy preferred.
As the girl told Casey that she hoped to be in Gryffindor house he could not hold back his smile. He nodded along, no doubt she had her reasons but she seemed both excited but somehow determined to be in Gryffindor as is she wanted to prove something, perhaps her family was rooting for somewhere else or maybe there was a family house that the girl didn't want to be a part of and Casey didn't blame her. Gryfindor was the house of the brave, who wouldn't want to be associated with the golden lion and the scarlet trimmed robes. To sit high in the Gryffindor tower during the so called winter nights with the fire roaring. Casey nodded enthusiastically, "Me too, my father and grandfather were both in Gryffindor and I'm hoping for the same, I've heard a lot of stories but there all about the Hogwarts back in Scotland so I hope the one here is just as good," Casey felt like he was rambling on and on but he didn't care, this is what he was like and if the two of them were to be sorted into Gryffindor together, which he was hoping for, and were to become friends then she would have to get used to how he was. "I'd love to play Quidditch too, the idea of flying around in the air it seems so much fun and to have the crowd roaring behind you, who wouldn't want to play Quidditch," Casey beamed. As happy as he had been during the last few days he had not smiled as much as this for a good while. He hoped moments like this would follow in great numbers during his time at Hogwarts.
Alison was glad that the boy wanted to be a Gryffindor too, she hoped that the both of them would get sorted in the same House. Alison knew that the sorting hat could choose a different house then the house that a person would want. Alison wanted to prove to her dad, that Gryffindor was a good and decent house too, she would not get along with fellow Ravenclaw, she was way too energetic and jumpy. The boys father and grandfather were both Gryffindors, so he would know a lot about Gryffindor. Her dad only rambled about Ravenclaw everything had to be blue and books had to be respected and read. Alison did not like the pushy thing that her dad did, she did not want to be in Ravenclaw her sister was a Ravenclaw and Alison did not like the house one bit, it sounded extremely boring. The boy was rambling about Gryffindor and Alison thought it was cute that he was so passionate about Gryffindor.

''I know what you mean, the wind flowing through your hair the roaring crowd.'' Alison spoke passionate about Quidditch, she loved Quidditch and was excited that she would have her first flying lessons on Hogwarts. It was a shame that boys and girls could not sleep together in a Dormitory, she knew they would sleep separately and would only see each other in the Common room or while they had lessons together. Alison smiled at the boy, she did not know his name, but Alison could not care about that fact she would know it soon enough at the sorting or she would ask his name.''What position do you prefer in Quidditch?'' Alison asked the boy with a genuine smile on her face. Alison wanted to be a seeker or a beater, she already knew how to be a beater, she had tried it on the ground just smashing the ball away with her dads beater bat. Alison hoped that the boy would be a Gryffindor, otherwise she would only see him in lessons and not even with all her lessons, but she would still be able to see him.
Casey could only smile as the girl returned his enthusiasm about playing Quidditch and about how it would feel to fly high above the crowd and have the wind blowing through his hair. Casey's hair was longer than most boys his age so it would be quite a spectacular thing to see his hair flapping in the wind. When the girl brought up her favourite position Casey didn't have to think at all about the position he wanted to play "I want to play keeper, it's a little different as my dad was a seeker and my grandfather too so I'm kind of breaking tradition but there's something about making a flying save or swatting the quaffle out of the air that draws me to the position," He smiled. Casey was beginning to feel comfortable around the girl which was odd as he didn't even know her name, but he did feel weird when he went off on a bit of a ramble. He hoped that would pass and hoped he and the girl would be in the same house, so he would have at least one friend going into school and would be able to see plenty of her and share classes with her. He would be able to see her no matter what but they would be together a lot more if they were in the same house and looking at her now, seeing how pretty she was at a young age, he looked forward to growing up with her. "What position would you want to play?" He asked after suddenly realising he had gone on about his position without asking her but there was a chance she might not even know, but first there was a more pressing concern, "but first, my name's Casey," He flashed a warm and genuine smile.
Alison would definitely tie her hair up in a bun or pony tail when she would have her first flying lessons, she did not want to be bothered with hair in her eyes and mouth while flying. Alison giggled while looking at the boy, he was quiet handsome for his age and his long hair was looked flowy in the salt harbour wind. The boy wanted to play as a keeper and Alison was glad that he did not want to be a beater, she did not want to fight him over a Quidditch position. ''Playing as a keeper is nice and it is good that you break the tradition.'' Alison said to the boy, she still did not know his name, but on the other hand he did not know hers either. Alison hoped that they could also be friends at Hogwarts so she would not have to be alone all the time, Alison knew that she was a bit suborn and hoped that the boy would not get annoyed about that trait of hers. Alison had ordered her dad to buy all her Gryffindor clothes already, she did not want the Ravenclaw attire that her sister had bought for her as a present. Alison liked lions and their brave and adventurous personalities, she hoped she would be a lion and that the boy would be a Gryffindor too. Alison did not have to think about the boy his question she responded immediately. ''I want to be a beater or a seeker, but I prefer becoming a beater.'' Alison said, her cheeks growing a faint red, she knew that most beaters were males since being a beater required strength. The moment were Alison was waiting for happened and the boy introduced himself, Alison smiled at the boy. ''Nice to meet you Casey, my name is Alison. '' Her cheeks becoming an even darker red, Alison did not like blushing or becoming as red as a tomato. The smile that Casey send her was breath taking, Alison noted to herself that she had to keep her mouth shut otherwise she would drool in her package of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Alison took another one out of the package and began chewing on it, the taste was horrible and she knew that face must be looking weird. The flavour of this particular bean was something between sand and dirt, she tried to swallow the bean and not puking it out on the ground.
Casey smiled, he couldn't help but notice the faint tint of scarlet in the girls cheeks when he smiled at her which made him smile more and a circle began. Casey was happy that the two of them had gotten along so well so quickly and although nothing they said to each other would suggest it there was something about the way she blushed and her body language that would suggest an attraction. An innocent attraction between two ten year olds. Maybe as the two grew up together. The girl lit up when she began to talk about what position she would play, seeker or a beater. Not positions a person would usually be torn between as they tend to attract different types of people. A seeker tends to be more light and agile so they can easily fly through the air to catch the snitch wherever it flies, a beater, typically, would be a burly guy with a lot of upper body strength to put a lot of weight behind a swing, but even growing up around muggles he had learned that even the scrawniest little girls can sometimes pack a punch so maybe his new friend would be a surprise package. Casey smiled as a slight breeze blew a wisp of hair from his eyes, "Beater huh, you don't look the usual type but who knows you might surprise a few people," Casey knew now that when the time came he would be rooting for her, especially now that they wouldn't be competing for the same position. As he looked at the girl in front of him he could see forward, friends, teammates and who knows one day they may even be more. Then the conversation turned away from Quidditch and school, the initial icebreaker, to the important part. Her name. It had taken a little longer than he would have liked but when it seemed that the topic of their names wasn't going to come up organically while they were sat on a bench Casey had to stir the conversation to where he wanted it. Now he finally knew her name, "Alison," He smiled. "Pretty name," He would stop there. Casey didn't like to speak in old cliches and he knew he was dangerously close to uttering one right now. Casey then looked to the ground around Alison, "No shopping bags other than the beans, what brings you to the harbour today?" He asked as he watched her take in another bean which she didn't seem to enjoy, it must have been a particularly gruesome flavour as her face seemed to scrunch it. Casey found it cute.
Alison was still chewing on the bean with the horrible taste, she hated the sandy feeling in her mouth. The boy must have noticed that her face changed into a disgusting expression without the red cheeks. Alison was beginning to like the boy, they would be teammates, friends and maybe one day involved into a relationship. Casey knew that the position of beater was normally filled in by big blokes with strong arms, but Alison knew she was a fair beater. Alison knew she looked more like a seeker, thin and short and very agile. ''Oh, maybe I will surprise you.'' Alison joked, she knew that if the position of beater would not work, she would try out as a seeker. The boy found her name pretty, Alison did not like her name, her sister had changed her name from Katherine to Kate, but Alison could not change it to Alice, she did not want to be Alice Junior since her mother was also named Alice.

''I already bought all my Hogwarts supplies.'' Alison shrugged, her dad had bought all the supplies with her, he did not want to forget or be late getting them. Alison liked her dad, but he wanted Alison in Ravenclaw and he only told boring Ravenclaw stories to her. Alison had just recently found out that she had more family, her uncle was in Azkaban for a failed attempt of killing her mother. Alison knew this all from a girl named Bridget, she was her recently found cousin. ''I just want some fresh air away from my parents.'' Alison muttered with a clear tone in her voice, Alison loved her parents, but she wanted to be alone and catch some fresh air. Bridget wanted to be a Hufflepuff and Alison did not like that house, they still could see each other in the castle and Alison was lucky for that fact. This boy was the first Gryffindor hopeful she had met and she hoped that the both of them would enjoy a great time together.
Casey knew what it was like to want to get some air away from his, "Yeah I know what you mean, sometimes you just need to get away from your parents and just chill," Casey loved his parents very much, but sometimes he needed time away from them especially his mother. Since his mother was a muggle she didn't really understand what he was going through as he was adapting to a new world and what it was like trying to control his magic. "My mother doesn't understand what it's like to be coming to terms with being a wizard, I mean I've known my whole life but I've always lived as if I was muggle, now that I'm coming to the age to go to Hogwarts she has to finally accept that I'm not like her and that I am in fact different," Casey smiled, he had never told anyone about his relationship with his mother or how she felt about him being a wizard, how she pretended for ten years that he was normal, enrolled him in muggle school and encouraged him to socialise with other kids and play sports. He loved his life so far but he was glad that now he would be able to be with other kids like him, especially if they were all like Alison. "I guess we shouldn't avoid them forever, I mean we are gonna be away from home for the majority of the next seven years," He smiled at Alison, "the company won't be too bad though," Casey smiled again.
It was a lovely day to be shopping on the Harbour, there was a faint wind in the air and the sun was shining. Alison did not run away from her parents, she loved them to death, but she just wanted some space and fresh air. Alison her parents were both wizards, they knew everything about the Wizarding world, but there knowledge about the Muggle world was horrible and Alison would be a bad Muggle. Alison nodded when the boy spoke, she was not required to speak. The bean with the horrible taste was finally gone, but the taste still lingered in her mouth. Alison her long brown hair, would be horrible for Quidditch, but there was no way she was going to cut it off for Quidditch. Alison shrugged and brushed trough her long brown hair with a thin hand. Alison would not know how to act around a Muggle parent, her Muggle knowledge was horrible and she was glad that she was Home schooled, well she was on a Muggle school for the last year, so she finished Muggle school. Her dad did not trust a magical four year old to school, Alison was a talker and she was most likely to say something about the Magical world. ''Yes, my Parents are both Magical, so I have no idea how to act around Muggle Parents.'' Alison joked and laughed, she had met a Muggle holding a umbrella when she was nine and Alison asked the man why he would not cast a rain remover spell, the man looked at her with a weird expression and her dad was trying to make it all right. Alison knew that it was not right, to talk about magical stuff about Muggles, Muggles did not know about Wizards and Witches only in children books.

''Oh, do not be wrong, I love my parents to bits.'' Alison spoke to the boy, she liked the fact that he still loved his parents even if they tried to made him like a Muggle was. ''Oh, I will be away from my Parents, but I will not be gone from my sister.'' Alison muttered, she was glad she could see Kate again, but a little voice inside her did not want to meet her, her sister was too much of a smarty pants. ''No, if my company is someone called Casey I think It will be a good seven years.'' Alison nodded and said to Casey, she was obviously talking about him and it almost sounded cheesy.
Casey smiled as Alison talked about her family and growing up in a magical family, he had never considered it before but some people could consider him fortunate for the upbringing he had in that he is now able to blend in to the muggle world because he has a good working understanding of the world in which he grew up in, it was still risky to send a magical child into a muggle school, but knowing the difference he knew not to talk about magic with the other kids but there was always the risk of him performing involuntary magic but to date he hadn't done any magic at school, there was a few instances at home and sometimes when he was out with his family but somehow his father had always managed to explain the incidents away. Casey often wondered if his father had ever used magic to convince people they didn't see what they thought they saw.

Casey looked on in wonder at Alison as she brushed her fingers through her hair a wisp of wind blew through her long hair. He could suddenly imagine her hair flapping in the wind as she raced through the air, she would no doubt end up tying her hair back to keep it out of her eyes. He could imagine her looking beautiful as she flew through the air on her broom smashing bludgers at Slytherin players.

When Alison began to say that while she was at Hogwarts she would be in the company of her sister he smiled at the idea that she would be able to spend the next seven years with some family. "I'm glad that you'll have some family around, I've been told Hogwarts can be lonely without friends and family, I'm just hoping I can make some good friends to be a new family," He looked up at Alison and he knew that he was about to say something cheesy, "Then again maybe I already have."
The boy could fit in the Muggle world if he had too, Alison could not her parents had thought her more magical stuff and so her Muggle knowledge stopped at the basic things. Whenever she was excited something magical happened and Alison was almost always excited. Alison could not wait to be at Hogwarts and use her magic for real, she was sick and tired of not using magic and try to fit in, she did a lousy job in acting like a Muggle. Alison her dad would usually clean up the mess she had made, some of the parents at her old Muggle school thought that her dad was a Muggle Magician. Alison would tie her hair up while flying or doing Quidditch, maybe in a bun or in a long pony-tail. The boy had fairly long hair that would also fly in his eyes while flying, but she wondered if he would tie his hair back in a ponytail.

Alison was glad that her dad cleaned up all of her magical messes, she was a screw up in the Muggle world, some would say she was a bit clumsy. Alison would love to see the boy with a pony-tail, but it was not that she wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend, she was not ready for that and she did not care about relationships and boys. Alison liked this boy as a friend and maybe when she was older, she would have more interest in boys as love interest and not as good friends. Alison her sister was blond and smart, but she was not the type that was very interested in boys, Alison always joked that she would marry on of her books instead of a cute boy.

Casey would be a good keeper with talent, Alison hoped that the both of them would be teammates, she would smash bludgers to Slytherin players and he would stop all the chasers from scoring in his hoops. ''Hogwarts is only lonely, when you make it lonely.'' Alison said on a clear tone of voice, Alison knew that if you would go exploring alone you still would not be lonely there were always other students in your house that would talk to you. ''We will be great friends.'' Alison knew that the boy was kind of cheesy, but Alison found it kind off cute that the boy was struggling with his speech. ''I hope we will both be Gryffindors.'' Alison said to the boy, she wanted to explore the castle with him rather then to go in alone, all by herself.
Casey loved his life for the most part but he knew that in the life of a wizard the seven years spent at Hogwarts were the best in in their life and Casey was looking forward to spending with Alison and whoever else would come into his life in the next few years. When Casey looked at Alison he knew he had made a long term friend and that she would at the very least make his next seven years bearable but if he was lucky then they truly would be the best years of his life.

It was a beautiful day at Obsidian Harbour and there was a slight salty smell to the air, Casey assumed that was fairly typical of this place, no doubt he'd be used to it one day. The sun was gleaming along the cobbled streets and the after lunch crowd had began to flood the streets bringing back the sounds of hustle ad bustle to the harbour. Casey noticed an increasing number of young faces carrying bags from stores such as Florish and Blots and Olivanders, some carrying Owl cages and carrying cats under their arms. Hogwarts' next generation was getting in some shopping. Casey smiled at Alison, "I'm sure we both will, we can sit by the fire in the big arm chairs struggling over our homework for long hours into the night before giving up," Casey grinned, he didn't think he or Alison would struggle but it was a pleasant image to see the two of them by the fire in the common room.
Alison could not wait any more months, she wanted to attend Hogwarts as soon as she could. Alison knew that she would have a great friend found in Casey, he was nice and liked to talk to her. Alison hoped that the boy would stay with her no matter what, she had a bit of a weird family and she hoped that the boy could deal with that. Alison tucked a long hair back behind her ear and with her bright blue eyes she stared at the boy, he was handsome, but Alison could not care for boys she liked them as much as girl more on a friend level. Alison knew that in time she would like boys and maybe this was the right boy for her, thinking about him made her cheeks light up a bit.

Alison loved the salt smell of the wind, it made her relax. Alison was familiar with the Harbour, she came there to calm and chill. Alison knew that this was the time that all the other kids bought there Hogwarts supplies, the second semester would begin soon and then she would attend Hogwarts herself. Alison would not want a pet, her sister wanted an owl, but Alison did not like animals that much. ''Yes, the Gryffindor common room is lovely to be in, just clear your head and talk about the lessons.'' Alison hoped that the boy was smart and if they would not be sorted in Gryffindor there would still talk to each other.
Casey was too young to be interested in girls in another way than friendship but he knew there would come a day when that would change and when he looked at Alison he could imagine a time when he looked at girls differently, a time when he would look at her differently. He knew that could be a few years away and that a lot could change. They may not be friends then, they'd could become so close the thought of anything more would seem wrong or they might end up with other people. So many things could change over the years but when he looked at Alison and breathed in the salty harbour air he wasn't looking forward he was just enjoying meeting someone who made him smile and someone who would make his life better.

"We've been here a while," Casey smiled as he looked around, they had sat through lunch and now the after lunch crowd had began to die down as people went home and the afternoon began to dawn over the harbour. "I hadn't noticed that so much time had passed," It didn't feel that they had been talking long at all, the whole conversation seemed to have been a mere moment but they had been talking for at least a couple of hours, the crowd of people around them had changed, new faces emerging onto the streets to shop and eat and enjoy the day. Casey had only meant to sit down for a moment, he had ended up making a friend.
Alison knew that it was getting late, but something inside her said that she did not want to leave and go home. Alison her sister was at home studying her books and receiving attention from her parents, her parents liked Kate because she was their stereotypical Ravenclaw and Alison was more of a Gryffindor. Alison hoped that the two would never fight and would still be friends when on Hogwarts and the years to come. The boy was quiet handsome for his age, Alison blushed and hoped that the boy did not notice the sudden redness in her cheeks. Alison straightened her shorts and knew she would go to home soon, the boy would want to go too and Alison her parents were probably very worried about her. Alison knew that normally they would send her sister looking for her, but she knew that her sister was already studying for the second semester.

''Indeed it is getting late, when you are having fun time flies.'' Alison muttered while a slightly redder blush was creeping on her face, she did not know why she was blushing constantly, but something inside her made all happy when she looked at the boy. Alison just planned to buy her candy and when she was finished she would go home again, but the boy made her stay longer and longer and Alison did not care about the fact that they were already sitting there for hours. ''I have to go soon though, my parents are getting worried.'' Alison was sorry to say this, but she knew that her parents would be worried when she was not at home soon.

Alison hoped that she would see the boy again, but something inside her told her that this was not the end, she would see him in Hogwarts and hopefully he would be her House mate. The lessons would not be hard, she had seen some of her sister homework and that looked like a piece of cake. Her dad was a Ravenclaw and Alison thought that she had some of his talents including his smartness.

OOCOut of Character:
Shall I made the end or do you want to make the ending post? Maybe we can make a new RP sometime! I liked this one.
Casey didn't want the day to end but as the sky grew slightly darker as the day shifted into afternoon her knew that no matter how much he wanted to stay he had to go. The only bright side was that soon they would be at hogwarts together and the only time they had to spend apart would be when they slept in different dorms. They'd see each other at night and again first thing in the morning, for this reason he hoped they would be in the same house so that they could spend a lot more time together and he would not have to feel like this again, the moments when he had to leave her to go back to his parents.

"Yeah I guess time does fly, I wish I didn't have to go just yet but I reckon my parents will be worrying to, but we'll see each other again soon," He smiled at her, he couldn't help smiling more as he saw the red tint in her cheeks whenever she looked at him and he smiled at her. "I'm already looking forward to seeing you again Alison," Casey began to collect his shopping bags together.

OOCOut of Character:
We can leave it there if you want or you can do the ending its up to you.
The day on Obsidian Harbour was growing to an end, the normally busy and full harbour was now empty and quiet. Alison was sad that she had to leave her new friend, but she was glad that she would see her parents again. Alison knew when they would attend Hogwarts she would still see him even if they would not be in the same House, but Alison knew that the boy would be a Gryffindor he had it in his personality. The fireplace in the Gryffindor Common Room would be there favourite sitting place for making homework and other activities.

The second semester on Hogwarts would start soon and the both of them would be going to Hogwarts on the same train, she would definitely sit next to him in the train and maybe she could introduce Bridget to him. Alison smiled at the boy and hoped that she would see him again before they would both attend Hogwarts. ''I hope we see each other soon and I am looking forward to it too.'' Alison muttered to the boy, Alison began to pull on her package of beans tearing some of the package. Alison stood up from the bench and gave Casey one last hug, until she left going farther into the Harbour on her way to her home.


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