Open The World We Made

Professor Elijah Watson

Potions year 5-7 /intelligent /husband and father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
15", Elder, thestral hair
It was already common in the previous workplace to spend the evening to make sure that no student wandered outside the castle walls after the commencement of command hours. Elijah's previous job had gone alone, now he had the opportunity to go with someone else. He went on a tour with Professor Catherine Green, as it was not only an opportunity to patrol and also to ensure that students did not enter the Forbidden Forest, but also to get to know a closer colleague with whom he hoped to work together for some time. Yet he did not plan to leave New Zealand.
The evening was quite cold. Elijah adjusted the steps for the woman to keep pace with her. So far, no student had been noticed, so as he went on the walk, he continued the conversation. ''How long have you here teach Muggle Studies? Why such a choice?'' He asked, putting his hands in his jacket pocket.

@Professor Catherine Green
Catherine had an evening shift with Professor Elijah Watson. She hated deducting points and catching students, but it was part of her job. Catching the fresh air and looking at the stars was rather nice though. Catherine was wearing a dark trench coat and a scarf to protect herself against the cold. She was walking a brisk step and found that Elijah could easily follow her. ''Uh, this is my second year'' Catherina said with her American accent to the other Professor. The reason why she was in New Zealand was rather different though. Her ex had done horrible things and she had fled her home country. She had thought the same subject at Ilvermorny as well so it had only seemed logical. ''Its my favourite subject of them all'' Cat said, ''Why did you go for potions?''
Elijah turned his head as he heard a noise to his left, but it turned out to be just a bird in the branches. He listened to Catherine and followed her steps. The fact that he heard the woman this was the second year, then Elijah heard the woman speak with a slight accent. ''Then you've got a family are muggles? I may ask where you are from, because I hear the accent.'' He said it seemed interesting. Because he had some friends who spoke with an accent. ''I went to the potion because they are also close to me. Also close to me are magical creatures.''

@Professor Catherine Green
Cat smiled, her mothers family were muggles. ''Yeah, my mothers side is of muggle decent'' Cat said, she couldn't hide her accent and knew people were going to ask questions. ''I am from Columbus, Indiana'' She was sure Professor Watson would know that was in the United States. ''Those two subjects are lovely too'' Cat said with a smile, ''Where are you from then?"' She asked curiously.

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