The Winter sun

Lewis Kane

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Lignum Vitae Wand 13" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
There was not a cloud in site as the sun shone fiercely down on the earth below. Lewis was wearing a pair of sunglasses as he walked in a pair of jeans and a shirt with a cardigan over it. It may have been Winter in New Zealand but it was not as cold as it had been recently. Lewis was good with cold so he considered this to be rather warm.

Walking at a steady pace through the harbour, Lewis walked down the steps quickly as he wanted to walk on the sand by the water. He wasn't in the mood to get his clothes wet so he kept his distance from the water and just walked on the cool sand. Lewis came across some more stairs and due to the fact that he had nothing planned out for today he walked over to them and sat down on the third step up. He took off his sunglasses and ran his hand through his hair then placed his glasses back on.
Layla was walking through the harbour, she had on only a thin hoodie and a pair of jeans, The weather had been cooler than this recently as it was entering winter in NZ, so this slightly warmer day was very welcome.

She continued to walk in no particular direction when she came to some stairs, she noticed a boy sat on one of the top steps, she stared at her feet making sure that she did not fall flat on her face in front of the stranger, of course as she was being so careful she misjudged one of the steps and landed on her hands and knees, "trust me" she said almost laughing at herself "Always clumsy" she said with a smile to the boy.

((sorry it took a while, It was food time :) ))
(Dont worry about it :))

Lewis was looking out over the water where the boats were moored. He liked being by the water, the air always was welcome to him. His attention was turned when he noticed a girl fall next to him. He knelt up and helped her up to see if she was ok. Lewis was a caring guy and wasnt scared to show it. "Oh i know people say people fall for them but wow." He joked. "Are you ok though?" He asked her hoping that she had no serious damage to her. Although he was a Doctor in training and was in his 3rd year in Med school so he knew what was what.
Layla blushed when the guy helped her up, she smiled "well I haven't fallen for you" she looked at the man properly for the first time "well not just yet anyway" she added cheekily.

She looked down at her knees, and brushed away the thin coating of dust she had picked up. "yeah I'm just fine, thank-you for helping me up.....and not laughing at me, I'm Layla" she said, and smiled
Layla shook her head, she had always been able to trip over nothing, she just wished that no one had been around to see her fall like that.
Lewis smiled as he was relieved that Layla was not hurt. He didnt want to have to examine her one his holiday, although it could test his knowledge. "Good to hear. Im Lewis. Dont worry im not one to laugh at things like that. I have seen better thins to laugh at." He said standing up. He noticed that this girl looked younger than him, maybe in school. He wasnt too sure though. "So are you in school? Or is my judgement of age totally off." He said with a grin. He liked speaking to new people and making friends and he seemed to have a nack for it.
Layla was glad that Lewis didn't find her trip funny, "well stick around Lewis there is bound to be more where that came from" she had always been skilled like that and usually isn't lucky enough to have someone like Lewis to help her up.

She smiled, "No, your judgement isn't that off, I'm still in school, unfortunately" Layla had never really enjoyed school, too many rules, she started to wonder how old Lewis was. Lewis seemed nice enough, could be worth getting to know better she thought to herself.
Lewis laughed slightly as he scratched his nose a little. He had liked school when he went to Hogwarts Scotland. Then again he knew that some people didnt like it. "Well i liked school. Im in Oxford Uni at the moment studying to be a doctor. Im in my third year so at least we both in it together." He joked. Lewis leant over and put his weight on one leg and rested again the all on his shoulder. "So what school are you attending? I used to go to Hogwarts Scotland." He commented and his folded his arms together across his chest and glanced ot over the water and then back to Layla
Layla smiled when he laughed a little, "I don't mind it, I just don't think I get along very well with all the little rules, I much prefer to just be out and about, just like I am today, although not falling on my face is also good" she laughed a little, she was sort of glad that she had fallen, if she hadn't then this conversation wouldn't of started. "doctor, that's cool" she stated, "that means your smart, I could never do anything like that" she smiled and looked at him.

"I'm supposed to be at Beauxbatons, I'm planning to transfer soon as my family situation has made it impossible for me to get back there for the start of the year" she sighed, this means that she would have to start all over again in a new school for about the fourth time in her life.

Layla followed his gaze to the water and smiled "It's lovely isn't it?, this is one of my favourite places",

Lewis ran his hand through his hair again and ruffled it up. He removed his sunglasses and blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the change of light intensity. "You know you shouldnt talk like that. You are clever than you give yourself credit for. You just need to believe in yourself and work hard." He said speaking from his own personal experience from when he was in school. Lewis had gone through the first few of the years being a rebel and bunking off lessons but when he reached his fifth year something clicked into place and then he just became obsessed with his grades and in the nd it had paid off with his good grades.

Lewis was curious of to why she would have to transfer because of her family but he knew that it was her personal information and none of his business so he didnt say anything and instead dropped the subject. Following her gaze over across the golden sand and to the calm water. There wasnt much wind so the waves were not as bog as usual. He let a smile cross his lips and onto his handsome face. "Yeah it is nice here i must admit. When im in the holiday, which i am now, i come here and think. I find it good to do my assignments." He said remembering when he had just started Uni and he came here to do a huge project that he had been set. "So do you live around here then?" He asked looking back to her and away from the water
Layla watched Lewis carefully, he was quite good looking and the light seemed to be catching him just right, she smiled "nice to hear that someone thinks that I could be clever, I suppose that your right about having to work a little harder, but thats never been easy with my dad being how he is" she sighed, she didn't mind talking about her dad as it was quite simple to explain.

She smiled "yes I do live here at the moment, I'm not all that sure how long that will last for though, I came back from school a little before the end of year and haven't been able to leave yet, I will miss all this though" she looked around taking in the sights, a chilly breeze rolled off the water, Layla shivered, she didn't really want this conversation to end but if she stayed here much longer she would probably start to freeze, "do you want to go for a walk? it's getting a little chilly for me here" she smiled hoping that he would so that she could get to know him a little better.
Lewis nodded. He was happy to hear that she lived here. He was renting an apartment here at the moment so he had a place to stay when he wasnt at Uni. As it would be his last year soon he would be able to buy a proper house where he could live permanently and then get a job. As a cool breeze past him noticed Layla shivered. He was good at spotting things like that as that was what he looked for in people that were sick so he was good at that sort of thing. "Yeah sure no problem. Wouldnt want you getting a cold or anything." He said as he walked up the stairs with her. "So did you have a place in mind?" He asked her as he walked. The only real places he knew around here were the clubs, places he could get into a party were the places he knew.
Layla was happy that he agreed to walk with her, "thanks" she smiled, "don't really mind where we go do you have any ideas?", she watched her step to avoid a repeat performance of earlier, "so do you live around here at the moment?" she asked him as she realised that he seemed to be finding out more about her than she was of him.

The rounded a corner that took them into town, she would let Lewis choose where they would go, as she was happy as long as it meant she didn't have to go home, and she could stay with Lewis for just a bit longer.
Lewis walked along side Layla with his step in sink with hers. He put his hands into his pockets. "Yeah i live around here. Well kind of anyway. I live here when im on my holidays from Uni. Its just a rented apartment though, nothing amazing." He said rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Lewis decided that the shop that was close to them looked like a cafe or something along those lines. Walking over to the door with her he opened the door for her. "Ladies first." He said with a chuckle before following her in and shutting the door behind them. "Are you hungry or anything? Seeing as we are here i may as well get something." He said with a smile in her direction

(sorry i took so long i got a little distracted)
((No worries :) ))

Layla was glad to see a café that looked warm if nothing else, "that's cool, will you buy something near here once your done with Uni or are you going to leave me to pick my self up when I fall up the stairs next time?" she asked cheekily, no harm ever came from being nice and friendly Layla thought to herself.

Layla giggled a little bit when Lewis opened the door for her "ah, A gentleman, there a dying breed you know" she smiled, and chose a table a little away from the door, taking her seat, she smiled "I could murder for a hot chocolate" she smiled and reached into her pocket to check that she would have enough money to cover anything she got, just in case Lewis was one of those people that offers things but then expects you to pay for it after.
Lewis smiled as he walked over to the table with Layla and pulled out a chair for her. He didnt sit down as he waited for her to say what she wanted. With a nod he pushed her hand back down with her money. "Il get it." He said giving her a wink and a cheeky smile. He walked over to the counter and got a hot chocolate and a Mocha. Lewis wasnt too hungry at the moment so would just stick with the drinks. He would get something later if Lay wanted anything.

When the drinks arrived Lewis handed over the money and took a cup in each hand. He walked carefully to the table that Lay was sat by. He placed her drink in front of her then sat opposite and placed his in front of him. "Well i was thinking of getting a flat around here once i leave. Im still undecided but i dont think i will be moving too far away from here that much i know. Im sure there will be some other less good looking guy to pick you up any way." He joked as he took a small sip of his coffee. "Nah im only joking. So do you have anything planed for when you leave school?" He asked placing his cup down and crossing his legs in the male way.
"thank you" Layla said as he walked off to fetch their drinks, she sat and thought, amused by the situation that she had found herself in, he's quite sweet thought Layla, she couldn't think of many other men that would behave like he has, most of course would of either laughed at her or just ignored her existence all together.

She sat up straighter when he returned with the drinks, she nodded her thanks to him again, "then it's settled your not allowed to leave, I don't want any nasty old man picking me up next time" she laughed "I think I'd rather just stay on the floor" she joked, picking up her spoon and mixing the froth of her hot chocolate into the drink a little more to avoid getting a chocolate moustache from the first sip.

Layla smiled, "I haven't really thought much about what I want to do, for a long time I wanted to become a nurse or someone that worked with children, you see my mum has been all sorts of things and I have liked aspects from all of them......but I'm just not so sure about anything" she turned her attention to her drink for a short moment and took a sip, she then looked back to Lewis to listen to anything that he had to say.

Lewis listned to her speak. He was a good listener and he dipped a spoon into his Coffee as he put some sugar into it. His stirring was interupted by a laugh on his behalf. "Well if that were so then i would just have to drop everything and apperate her and pick you up then apperate back and be like, I didn go anywhere." H said rolling his eyes to add to the effect. He laughed again as he set down his spoon. "Well its only normal not to know what you want to do. I knew from an early age that i wanted to help people and a load of jobs came into my head. Aurors, Professors. All those kind of things but in the end i wanted to be a doctor so here i am now. Im a med student." He said with a smile. "Im sure you will be great in what ever you decide to do in the future. You seem like a very ambitious girl to me." He commented as he used his slight psychology skills and hoped they were right although he obviously did not specialize in that field
Layla laughed with him at his suggestion "sounds like a good idea to me" she joked and smiled at him, "I suppose your right about me being ambitious but that doesn't help when you have no clue about even a sort of job any more, I change my mind overnight when it comes to things like that, so I need something that I can't get bored with" she smiled "your very good at making me feel better about not knowing what to do, mostly my family make me feel silly because they always knew what they wanted from an early age, even if they changed their minds" she realised that she was talking too much and quickly ended her sentence, taking another sip of her hot chocolate she smiled.

"I hope that once you become a doctor you are happy with it, I've seen how difficult it can be to go from one profession to another when my mum did it, although with you being smart and all I doubt it would be too much trouble for you" she looked out the windowed front to the café, "I'm going to miss the summer, this place is always nicer in the summer, and I'm really not a fan of the cold" she smiled.

She wondered what she could say to get Lewis to tell her some more about himself, she gave up on being sly about it pretty quickly "so I think that's enough about me, lets here some more about you" she smiled, waiting for his reply.
Lewis laughed with Layla. She did make him laugh, he was really liking this girl. " Well what do you love doing above all else?" He asked her curiously to see if he could think of any occupation that would suit what she loved doing. Lewis was good with that kind of stuff if nothing else.

"Well something tells me i wont want to be anything else. I want to help people and make them better." He said with a proud smile on his face. Lewis loved helping people and being a doctor seemed like the best way to do that. He couldnt wait to finish med school so that he could go and do what he wanted to do. "There is nothing really much to say about me. What would you like to know?" He asked with a grin placed on his face
Layla thought, she wasn't really sure how to answer his question "well I love to draw, but my mum always told me not to bother trying to do it for a living as I would get no where fast and wouldn't have enough to live on" she looked down to the bag that she had placed on the floor next to her seat and laughed picking it up "Never go anywhere without it" she smiled, the bag had two of her sketchbooks in one small for quick ideas and the other A4 sized that contained her best work, there was no doubting that she had talent.

Layla nodded, agreeing with what Lewis was saying about only wanting to be a doctor, she smiled "I'm sure that there is a lot to know about you, you just don't want to share" she joked, "ok, so..... how old are you exactly? and are we likely to be interrupted by your girlfriend wanting to know why your here with me rather then her?" she hoped that he would say no, at least to the girlfriend interrupting them anyway, she was starting to like him and spending time with him, although if he had a girlfriend we could always just be good mates she thought to herself.
Lewis smiled when she mentioned that she liked art. It was an easy course to pick. "See if thats what you enjoy then you shouldn't let anyone tell you any different. Its your life and your in control of it. If you like art then follow it with all your heart." This was Lewis's view on the matter as this was how Lewis was raised to believe. He always did what he thought was best and he always did what he wanted to do. He let out a chuckle as he shook his head and sipped his coffee. "Im twenty, just turned and there will be no girlfriend in my life to interrupt us. Well not one that i know of." Lewis said with a wink in her direction. "Am i likely to have a boyfriend of yours to worry about?" He asked her sipping his drink again
Layla smiled, perhaps Lewis was right, she had long given up on the idea of doing something with her art work after years of arguments with her mum, she pulled out her larger sketchbook and her trusty pencil from the bun that she had fashioned her hair in many hours before, her dark hair fell gracefully to her shoulders as she shook her head to get it all to hang it its right place in very loose curls covering the side of her face just slightly.

She looked at Lewis with a slightly cheeky grin, and opened the sketchbook quickly flicking past her completed work before he could get a decent look at it, she would only show him if he asked nicely she thought to herself, as she found a clean page and started to sketch the outline of Lewis.

Layla stopped to take sips of her drink and laughed when he asked about her having a boyfriend "Ha!, I should be so lucky, boys avoid me like the plague...always have, always will I think."

she kept sketching him, adding quite a lot of detail, It was pretty lifelike if she did say so herself, "this conversation seems to have slipped back to me again" she smiled, "I don't mind, you can ask me what you like, I just don't think I'm all that interesting" she smiled, hoping that he would understand and ask her anything he wanted to know.

She smiled, the only reason she had chose to draw him was so she could look at him a lot with out him thinking it was strange, a trick that always worked she resisted the urge to giggle.
Lewis couldnt help but look at her when she put her hair down. She looked so pretty when it was down. He smiled crookidly back to her cheeky grin. He had to force his eyes to look away from her and on to her sketch book. From what he saw her work did look pretty good. He looked back up to her however when she spoke to him. He looked at her confused. "Well i cant possible see why they would. Your amazing. I mean you have obvious talent and your really pretty." He frowned as he thought. "Yes it has hasnt it." He laughed. "Well im more interested in you than i am about myself. But urm ok then ask me something else?" He asked with a grin on his face
Layla caught Lewis looking at her, his crooked smile brought a cheeky grin back to her own face, "I don't know about me being amazing" she blushed a little, but continued to look at Lewis "but your pretty amazing yourself" she bit her lip in concentration when she turned her attention back to her sketch, she was well aware this made her look quite cute, and it would be a lie if she said that she hadn't done it on purpose. She had almost finished it, just a little more smudging to do around the lifelike crooked grin she had given the portrait, having long finished her drink she had nothing else to do so she hurried to finish her sketch.

"Well im more interested in you than i am about myself" She giggled a little "well I guessed that much on my own" she said in reply. "you don't seem like the self loving type" she added thinking, "this can be a good thing, although, for people like me who would like very much to get to know you better, It can prove troublesome" she smiled, "how about your hobbies?, I mean you already know I like to draw" she said with a nod down to the sketchpad, "so what do you do when your not studying to become an amazing doctor or picking up random girls off the floor and taking them for a drink"

while she waited for him to think of an answer she looked over to the menu board behind the counter, checking the price for a plate of chips, she decided that once he had told her some more about himself she would go get some food for them both, just another way of making sure that he would stick around she thought to herself.
Lewis smiled a little at her comment. Trying not to feel big about it though he looked away and sipped his coffee. Although he had to fight the urge to spit it back out as it was stone cold by now. Swallowing hard he put the cup back down on to the table and looked back to Layla. "No i dont really love myself but i know people who do. I suppose i like cars and Quidditch. I like...Wait no because that leads the the medical stuff." He said cutting off as he laughed. "Never mind." He said as he watched her get the menu. "What do you want?" He asked with a grin plastered onto his face as he spoke to his new found fancy

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