The Vicious Beast of Boredom!

Meyke Liechandra

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elise (main)
Oak 14 3 / 4 Essence of Raven Feather
A break was what Meyke needed from being cooked up inside for so long. The only issue was she was bored, and that was a very bad thing for her. Things tend to get a little bit crazy when she was bored.

She wandered down to the lake shore and plopped down on the sand. She put her hair up in a quick and messy bun. She looked down at her reflection and sighed. "I NEED SOMETHING TO DO!" She shouted out to the lake. She tossed a few pebbles at lake before quickly standing up. She drew her wand. "Aha! So the vicious beast of Boredom has return. I shall vanquish ye!" She started to thrust her wand like a sword.

When Meyke gets bored....invisible vicious beast of boredom appear.
After the first week of her classes, Sofiajade relaxed a bit and decided to hang out by the lake. When she arrived there she recognized the girl she met in the student lounge. The girl was like in the middle of fight with an invisible person. This interested her, this just proves that not everyone is the same. She approached the girl. "Uhmm, excuse me? Who are duelling with?" she asked with curiosity. She smiled at her nervously.
Sam had been sat against one of the trees that line the the lake for a few hours just thinking, she was considering leaving when she noticed a girl a little younger than herself had arrived and seemed to be talking to either herself or the water, she held back a giggle when someone else joined her, and asked her what she was doing, she silently got to her feet and walked forward so she was in their sight, "I was wondering the same thing" she smiled she wasn't being mean, the girl reminded her of herself just last year.
Meyke was very caught up in her little fantasy that she barely noticed Sofiajade. As she went to thrust the wand once more, she stopped and quickly pulled her want back. "Um Hello there. I am not trying to get into a duel. Just got caught up in my uh....little game." She said softly laughing lightly.

then Meyke heard another voice. Meyke turned back and saw a girl. "I was wondering the same thing .... The girl said like that. Meyke smiled. "Uhm, well ... You saw me ..." Meyke chuckled.
Sam smiled at the girl, "well it looked like fun, I wish i still had a decent imagination, I used to come down here and make up stories with my brother but I'm useless at it now" she walked forwards a bit more so that she could converse comfortably with the girls.

"I'm Sam by the way" she said happily, "I don't think I have either of you around much, are you first years?" she was pretty sure that they were, only she had missed the sorting ceremony this year so she couldn't be certain, also it was the only way she could think of to make conversation with the girls.
Sam smiled "nice to meet you" she giggled a little "Would you like some help with that, I have heard that those nasty vicious beasts of boredom are incredibly hard to get rid of on your own" she smiled, "trust me, I've been battling one all day" she sighed, things had been really boring around here since her brother and her had stopped talking and even stopped fighting with eachother, If she was honest she really missed him, but of course she would never admit to it.
Sofiajade was listening at the two girls. Now she was getting the idea of the boredom beast. "I've never encountered that beast in my lifetime. But would you guys mind if I join you?" she asked. She gave the two a smile. "I'm in need of adventure today." she added.
(OOC: I hope you don't mind :p )

Hayley was pleased that the Lakefront was abandoned, she had been reading there all by her self for nearly 3 hours. Suddenly she heard a voice of someone familiar, her eyes started to wander trying to find who on earth she was. Turned out to be a girl from Slytherin who had been bothering her for several time and who dance awfully. She eyed her and saw several students came, she stood up and dropped her book and stare at Meyke coldly. "Excuse me... Are you crazy? Or are you suffering from autism?" It was a rhetorical question, she didn't want her to answer the question but she wanted her to get lost.

Hayley then glared at the other two girls and keep quiet, she lifted her eyebrows which meant that she wanted them to introduce themselves. If the two girls weren't wealthy, Hayley wouldn't want to be friends with them. She was too picky even among the wealthy ones. She decided to ask them, she wasn't in the mood to argue with many people "You are?" She asked flatly while staring at the two girls, one was older and the other one should be on her age.
((OOC: I don't mind ....))

Meyke was surprised when she heard Sofiajade's voice. She hadn't noticed her to help her. She looked at the beach, squinting against the sun and saw a pretty girl , Sofiajade. Meyke made her way to the water, making sure to show off as much as she could on the way. "Well, forget about the beast. I think, it must be solve by myself. How about a little swimming ?" She flashed her a smirk. Then, Meyke noticed footsteps. It's Harley's ! Meyke stared at her. "You're welcome. Anytime you need to get wet just give me a little free world without you," She gave her a wink.
Sofiajade was a little shocked about the frankness the new girl. She stared at her for a moment... I guess she's a Slytherin, she thought. Sofiajade doesn't want to be rude so she introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Sofiajade." she told the new girl.
Meyke heard Sofiajade greeted Hayley, laughed and then said, "I don't think she wants to greet you," Meyke seemed to be quite confident. And she had the right to be. She stretched her long, thin legs out and looked at them. It was a good thing the sun was bright and warm today. She could use a tan. "Goodness, I have white skin," Meyke said, noting that the sun shined off her legs. There was water still on her well contoured body. It added a nice affect. She smiled in spite of herself and leaned back on her palms.
(OOC: HaYley not HaRley lolz)

Hayley rolled her eyes at this Meyke girl, she was 100% pathetic and an awkward girl too. "The daughter of?" She asked the other girl (Sofia), what she meant by that question was... Is your family well known by the society? What's your father's job? And the most important question: Are you wealthy? Hayley wasn't going to be friends with Meyke even though she was wealthy since she was acting like 5 years old lunatic playing with her own reflection and trying to duel with her self.

She glared at Meyke who told her self that she had white skin "You're not white" It was obvious that she wasn't Caucasian so how could she tell other people that she had white skin? If Sofiajade and the other girl wasn't wealthy then Hayley was going to leave them alone, she didn't want to talk to the Meyke girl.
((OOC : Sorry. I changed it :D ))

"Well of course I'm white if I told like that," Meyke looked Hayley in the eyes. "I'm not African, did you see black skin on me ?" Meyke grinned at Hayley as Meyke lay back in the sand. She wasn't exactly white, though she wasn't tanned at all either. But she'd been spending enough time in the sun that her skin had begun to bronze.

Meyke shaded her eyes before speaking to Hayley again. "So why are you out here all alone? I don't think you are stalking on me," Meyke gestured to herself. "Though I'd be pretty in good mood if she was far from me."
Sofiajade smiled uncertainly at what Meyke had said, she does feel that the new girl is something. She turned to the new girl, "Well, both my parents are in the muggle world, my dad's the wizard. His a bank manager but my mom's a surgeon." she replied to the new girl. She looked at Meyke and said, "You do look a pretty pale, you need some sunlight, girl." she told her.
Hayley rolled her eyes, the girl was a complete idiot "You're not white it's called light" She didn't care about this Meyke girl, she hated her. Meyke was a disgrace she couldn't imagine if she had a cousin like her, she would probably ditch her. When she asked her why she was out all alone, she eyed a textbook of her, it was obvious that she was reading and she didn't need anyone there, she wasn't a lunatic who would duel with her own reflection. "I'd rather get an O for my potion homework than stalking you." She said flatly.

Hayley was interested in the other girl, Sofiajade. She didn't care if she was in Hufflepuff, the two of the Mayfairs were in Hufflepuff, Collin was in Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor for Casper. "A bank manager?" She asked curiously and lighten her mood, she stared at her and a small smile appear on her face "My uncle used to work in muggle world and is also a manager in a muggle bank but none work in the hospital" color=hotpink]Casper had been surfing on the internet so there was no way that Hayley didn't know what a surgeon was. "So tell me, do you enjoy formal parties?" Hayley was a big fan of classical music and dresses. Most teenager wouldn't attend one but Hayley enjoyed being around the adults, they were praising her and that was why she loved adults.
Meyke put a shocked look on her face. "Not stalking ? How is that possible ?" She looked up at the sky, it had to be past noon by now. Meyke grinned. She didn't mind Hayley to make friend with Sofiajade. then Sofiajade can know who the Hayley is. Meyke chuckled.
Sofiajade was about to answer the new girl's question when Meyke again began to contradict her. She smiled at them, she's having fun watching the two bicker at each other. But it's not like she wants them to always fight with each other. She turned to answer the new girl. "Well, I've been to some parties because of my mum. The only thing why I like it's because of the dresses my mum lets me wear. My dad's kinda strict in clothes." she replied to her. "Uhmm, I was just wondering would you mind telling me your name?" she smiled.
((omg.. soooooooo sorry for the delay))

Hayley decided to ignore Meyke, she hated her so bad. She was a complete idiot who had been trying to `get along` with the rest of the Slytherins. If only Casper was here, Hayley would probably reveal Meyke's flaws in front of him. "I don't stalk" She said coldly at Meyke and glared at her and soften her looks as she look at Sofiajade. "Usually every Sunday, my family will throw a party, it could be a big one or a small one but we all dress up in... Dresses. Or tux for men" She giggle as she picture her self being in the muggle style cocktail party. She didn't mind being friends with muggle, as long as they were from a respected family. She wasn't one of those dark arts wannabees anyway. "Not at all, I'm Hayley, Hayley Huberta, the older twin sister of Casper Huberta. Unfortunately, he's a Gryffindor" Hayley gave her best smile trying to hide that she was actually quite upset that Casper wasn't in the same house as her. Hayley didn't mind being sorted into Gryffindor but unfortunately she was sorted into Slytherin and her brother was in a different house.

"So tell me Sofiajade, do you have a brother? Or a sister?"
Hayley had been interested in her siblings they were her second priority. The first one was her self and then family and then wealth, and then friends. "I have a younger sister, Candy Huberta. She's as sweet as a Candy. Each one of us are different, my brother is..." She was trying to find the word, she could just shot up friendly but she wouldn't "good with people, he get along pretty quick. My sister is a cry baby"[color=hotpink] She giggle as she remember Candy who cried after finding a dirt on her doll named little Candy's face. Father gave the doll to her when she was 5 and it look exactly like her. She couldn't believe that she missed her family so bad. She was making sure that she would owl her parents and of course, her dear little sister after this.

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