The unicorn hunter

Napoleon Hawke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
The first year’s second flying lesson had not long come to an end and all the students were making their way back towards the castle when something caught Napoleon’s eye. He saw something move from within the Forbidden Forest but before he could get a proper look it was gone. “Did you see that?” Napoleon asked another first year who happened to be Maddie. “Something moved over there.” He pointed in the direction of the forest. Most of the other students were discussing their experiences of hovering a couple of inches above the ground but Napoleon already had other ideas on how to spend the rest of his afternoon.

“Why do they call it the Forbidden Forest anyway? The mysterious title only makes me want to explore it more, it isn’t very fair on those curious students” Napoleon stopped dead in his tracks, “Oh my Merlin I bet I saw a unicorn, yes now I think about it, it was definitely a unicorn, I saw a horn.” Napoleon had an active imagination and as soon as he saw something to explore he was interested. He wasn’t unlike most other eleven year olds (except probably those Hufflepuffs – not that he’s prejudice). “I’m going to go have a look, are you coming?” Napoleon asked the Ravenclaw, “Come on, no one will see us if we leave now and we might even find a unicorn! How cool would that be?”
Maddie had left the Quidditch pitch, very happy that they would be flying next time. She was skipping near the Forbidden Forest when something moved at the corner of her eye. Looking over, she wanted to figure out what it was, but reason told her not to go in. Another student, a Gryffindor from her class, noticed it too. "Yeah, I saw it too."

"I think they call it the Forbidden Forest to freak kids out. It typically works except for curious students," she replied. Suddenly remembering the boys name was Napoleon, he suddenly started going off about a unicorn. "I don't think it was a unicorn. It could have been anything," she said, trying to calm him down. Napoleon suggested going in there. Debating for a few seconds on whether or not to go, curiosity got the best of her and Maddie sprinted in. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" She yelled back.
“No I’m positive it was a unicorn, there was a horn, what other animal can you think of with a horn huh?” Napoleon protested Maddie’s doubts as he approached the forbidden forest. “HEY!” Next thing he knew the Ravenclaw had marched ahead of in a race to reach it first. “Oh no you don’t.” Napoleon started to run, levelling with Maddie whilst careful not to trip on the uneven ground as they neared the forest.

Upon entering the thick trees they were shunned into darkness with only a few rays of light able to get through the thick tree tops. “Where do you think it went?” Napoleon looked for signs but there was nothing, not even a hove print in the mud. “My intuitions telling us to go this way” Napoleon pointed further into the Forbidden Forest. “What do you think?”

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