The Thirteenth Beginning

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Gabriel Lloyd

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
OOCOut of Character:
Students and staff should feel free and are encouraged to reply to this topic. Have fun RPing!

The Deputy Headmistress had done a splendid job of saying everything that needed to be said. Did her boss even need to make an appearance? Gabriel hovered behind the staff table and did his best to blend in. Now that sorting had started, he would wait until each and every first year had a House to call home. After all, this was their moment, not his.

Gabriel listened to the sorting hat from its familiar tune to the last syllable it hollered. Hogwarts New Zealand was fortunate to have such a reliable and devoted treasure on its side.

The middle-aged man didn't look like much of a headmaster. In a set of simple robes and without anything atop his head, he could've been a new professor. Nodding to Cyndi, Gabriel tapped his wand to his throat and stepped forward. Sonorus carried his voice over the tables and into the starry ceiling.

"Before the feast begins, there are a few more announcements to be made," Gabe began. He could only smile at the griping and groaning from older students. "My name is Gabriel Lloyd, and I will be your Headmaster this year." Shifting on his feet, he continued, "With that out of the way, I'd like to welcome Helena Foureria and Adrian Slick to the Astronomy Department, Renea Blake and Sage Woods to the Herbology Department, and Rosabella Taylor to the Divination Department." Clapping his hands together, Gabe tried to squeeze applause for the new professors out of the students.

"Additionally, I'd also like to mention that Kalif Styx, our former Herbology instructor, will now be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. Also, those of you used to seeing Jackson Margera in the Astronomy classroom should be interested to know that he now teaches for our Care of Magical Creatures Department."

Almost there. Little did the students know, the new Headmaster was just as famished as they were. "Students, brace yourselves for an exciting year and make sure to do Hogwarts New Zealand proud!"

Piles of food appeared on empty platters, giving the school a meal fit for a thousand kings.
As the sorting ceremony drew to a close, the young professor noticed out of the corner of her that the headmaster had arrived. As he stepped forward, she returned his nod as she herself took a step back and gave him the floor. She didn't think that any of the students or many of the professors knew the man from his time as a professor at the school, but she sure did. She'd once been a student of his and now she would have the opportunity to work with him. Cyndi couldn't be more delighted. Listening as he introduced the new professors, Cyndi tried her best to put the names with each person's face as she clapped for them, but she knew she would probably not be able to. She just wasn't very good at remembering names. Reaching for a plate as he finished, Cyndi decided to stick around for a few moments to grab a quick bite and chat with some of her co-workers before she left to prepare the Gryffindor common room for the small welcome back she'd planned.
Madlyn Margera hushed to hear the announcement. She did her part in greeting most of the brand new first years, who like many, surprise to see such a girl her height had just entered her fourth year this semester. Sharing her vacation details with her friend Briar and some with Roze, the headmaster of Hogwarts voice erupted along the walls of the grand hall. Madlyn sat to listen, half expecting for something surprising to happen she sat at the edge of her seat. Than she heard it, staring at her father she gave him the whole thumbs up ordeal! "Woot alright! Way to go dad!" she couldn't actually believe her father was now Care of Magical Creature professor, it was the best news yet! She turn to Briar, "I bet you have something to tell me too!"
Takuya could see the success that this feast was already turning into. Cyndi did her pieces perfectly, and then Gabriel, the new Headmaster stood up to do his tiny bits of housekeeping that only Headmasters ever seemed to do. Takuya was the second Deputy Headmaster, something that Gabriel had neglected to mention. But he didn't care, because sooner or later everyone would know who he was to them now. He was still Professor Blaze, Potions Master. But now he also had the added authority of Deputy Headmaster, this meant that he was at perfect liberty to punish students himself. He didn't report to the Heads of House, they reported to him, Cyndi, and Gabriel. Takuya sat on the other side to Gabriel, where he could see the rest of the Great Hall. Takuya was excited as every single one of these students to see the beginning of the year, because he loved to be able to teach every single one of their bright minds, and at one point they would all pass through his classroom to learn. Takuya stepped back and looked around the hall, it was going to be a wonderful evening and he was already having fun.
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