The stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
(Here is where you can post your student, staff, and/or professor attending the game. They can feel free to sit anywhere in the stands. Have fun with it! This is a good way to get your character involved in a site-wide event. You can follow the game by [member] clicking here. [member])
Professor Kingsley knew that she wasn't supposed to be overexerting herself at this stage of her pregnancy, but it wasn't her fault that the game was making her want to leap out of her seat. With her hands wrapped tightly along the bottom of her seat, the woman let out a loud cheer for the team Seeker when she thought she saw him heading for the snitch. It proved to be a false alarm and the woman relaxed in her seat for a second. The tension of the game was almost too much to handle, but she was sure that Cam had asked his mother and sister to watch her closely and take action if necessary. Cyndi loved them both, but if they tried to make her leave the match, they were going to have problems. Taking a sip of water, the woman watched the Hufflepuff Chaser continue up the pitch.
Lowan headed to the quidditch pitch. he enjoyed sports and was thinking of joining the team next year. though he wasn't sure what position he would play. he knew his sister liked beater. he shrugged it off. he was looking forward to cheering his team on. dressed in red and with a very long scarf he made his way up to the Gryffindor stand. when the game started he started cheering "Go Gryffindor" he cheered shouting through most of the game whenever it seemed like it was getting close. he wasn't used to being this side of the pitch. it made him want to play AFL again. "Come on catch that snitch he bellowed. as the seekers seemed to be chasing after it. it seemed like they heard him as a cheer erupted out of the stand when gryfindor was announced victorious. "woo, go go gryffindor" he cheered.
once things had calmed down and he left the pitch he saw his sister. still buzzing with the adrenaline of the match he sneaked up behind her and took off his scarf. he knew she had her game to play tomorrow. but today he hadn't decided who he was going to cheer for. right now he wrapped the scarf around her neck before running off. "go, Go GRYFFINDOR" he cheered, running away from her, he was always a quicker runner than her. he then made his way up to the seventh floor to join the gryffindors party.
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