The Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
(Here is where students, professors and staff members should feel free to post their reactions to the game. )
Although she had been tempted to skip the game and run home to check up on her son, Professor Kingsley decided to head down to the game for a few moments. She wanted the team to know that she supported them, and she wasn't entirely sure that Professor Styx would do so. Sitting in the stands, Cyndi determined that she would watch the first twenty minutes of the game and then, regardless of what was happening, she would leave to head home to relieve her mother for a little while. The woman was busy watching Noah who was sick with a cold. The mother knew how fussy her son got when he was sick.

As the game started, Cyndi stood and cheered for the players as they entered the field. It was a bit hot and she was glad that she had decided to leave her robes in her office. Wearing a plain red shirt and jeans, the professor watched as the game began. Contrary to what she had thought, the players on the SlytherDor team seemed to be making an effort to get along. She hoped it would last, but wouldn't be surprised if it didn't. As she got up to leave the stands, the professor heard cheers rise up. Without turning, she knew that the HuffleClaw team had scored because her stands had erupted in boos. She continued down the steps of the stands and was on her way out of the pitch when she heard more cheers. Looking up, she recognized the SlytherDor team in celebration. She smiled and then left the pitch and the castle to apparate home.
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