The Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
(Here is where all students and staff can post their reaction to the game)
Professor Kingsley hadn't been able to attend the game earlier in the month because she'd taken advantage of the majority of the school being at the game to go home for the day. Today was another matter entirely. It was a Gryffindor game and the professor would be hard-pressed to miss seeing her house in action. The professor had passed by one of their practices and had been impressed to see what had been going on. Even the first years on the team seemed good enough to get in a game, and the professor wondered how Aphrodite would decide who got to play. She wasn't worried though. The young Gryffindor had proven herself to be a good co-captain and Cyndi was certain she would be a good captain too.

Dressed in a Gryffindor house shirt and with a red knit cap on her head, the professor looked like the twenty-something that she was, a hard thing to do most of the time with all of the responsibilities on her shoulders. She was truly looking forward to cheering on her House, the one time she allowed herself to be biased. As the benches and stands began to fill up, the professor's eyes briefly narrowed on one of the Gryffindors as a thought briefly passed through her head that he was lucky to be playing at all this year. The professor didn't dwell on the idea, instead smiling as someone took a seat beside her.
Jordan hadn't ever seen a real game before he had played in his first as one of the Hufflepuff chasers. He supposed it didn't really count as seeing it, if he was in the game. Therefore he opted to come and watch Gryffindor verus Ravenclaw. He barely knew any in either house, there he choose to root for Ravenclaw knowing Star Moon. He had met her late one night in the kitchens, she was nice and the first real person he had talked to.

Sitting down in the Hufflepuff stands the boy looked about and followed along with the game. Gryffindor started with posession which was good for them he supposed. He knew in the Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin game Kate had gotten posession but it had been quickly stolen from her. But he managed to save the day and steal it right back. He enjoyed that game a lot though his shoulder was still sore from where the bludger had hit him.
Abby was what you could call a Quidditch nut. She very much enjoyed Quidditch and she liked to watch the games. Though she didn't know any of the kids playing in this game. None of them had been in her class. Her children, both of them, were really into Quidditch. Nathaniel and Emily, even though they were only two they loved playing Quidditch, in the backyard with Stephanie and Cameron. Sometimes she would play with them, but Jasper didn't, he was not really into Quidditch or sports really, not in any form. Abby didn't mind, she liked having her bonding time with the kids. It made her happy to have her time, to herself. She had to admit, she was happy with the Quidditch teams this year. All the Captains were doing wonderful jobs. She decided to sit in the Quidditch stands as that was usually the first place she walked too. Not to mention she was sure she had seen Cyndi walk up there earlier and she didn't really know the other Professor's too well, save Elvera of course. They had had a nice little chat in the Common Room, after the Holidays. She smiled as she climbed the rest of the stairs and smiled at Cyndi, sitting gently next to her and crossing her legs.

Abby unbuttoned her jacket and turned her face to Cyndi. The woman looked nice and she seemed really happy after the birth of her child. That was always a good sign. She turned the rest of her body so that she could talk to Cyndi. "Hello Cyndi, how have you been, it was good to see you back at school so soon after the birth." She told her. She knew herself how hard it can be. She had started work almost immediately after having her twins. Now she wished she could spend more time with her babies. They were getting so big so quickly. Infact they had a birthday coming up soon. "I hear Gryffindor is in the lead in House points." She added, smiling. She hoped they would stay there, though she had to admit she wasn't biased. She didn't really care who won. She had been a Beauxbatons student herself so it made no difference to her who won, not really.
Artemis was panting heavily when she stepped on the grounds of the Quidditch Pitch. In the past few days, she highly anticipated this game and she made sure that she would have a schedule settled out. It seemed appropriate to make a schedule for the day that she was excited to get on to. The game of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw was a good match and so was the game of Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Although Artemis secretly wished that they played against Ravenclaw instead of Hufflepuff. At first she laughed it out, but she knew that she shouldn't underestimate the capabilities of those Badgers. Artemis took in a few gulps of air as she watched the players fly above. She frowned as she thought that she should never ever study in the library again or else she might fall asleep too soundly. Her head had been thinking groggily when she woke up from a sixty-minute nap in the library, when she heard a distant crowd shouting outside. Immediately, she knew that she was late for the game and rushed down to the pitch with a shoulder bag that was light for her to carry.

The stands were roaring with boos and cheers as the teenager walked to the upper part of the stands. She did not mind where she would station herself and she felt her head get rid of the sleepiness that it had earlier. Once she was in a decent area, she scanned the air to see if she was familiar with some of the players. Indeed, there were some whose names she knew and she smiled when she caught sight of her Gryffindor friend. Artemis watched Minoas move in the air briskly. She tipped her head slightly backwards to view everything that was happening in a relaxed manner since she wasn't one of the players after all. The Slytherin had no idea on which team to root for. With a subtle expression of seriousness and amusement, she watched the game quietly and winced occasionally whenever some of the players got hit by a bludger.
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