The Stables

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
After a not-so-small breakfast in Andy's nana's kitchen, Cyndi decided to make her way to the stables. She had always had a fond love for animals and decided to go see the horses that she had heard about. As Cyndi arrived, she noticed that two of the horses were outside eating. She stopped before entering their area and just watched them:


"You know you can go in" Cyndi heard from off to the side. Turning, she saw Jake, Andy's older cousin, who she had met yesterday leaning on the doorway to the stables


Cyndi smiled, "I know, but I didn't want to bother them. They look at peace."

Jake smiled at her and opened the door to the horse's area, making a gesture for Cyndi to follow, "C'mon. Let's get you a little closer." Cyndi followed Jake until they in front of the horses who ignored them both and kept eating. They were obviously used to being around people. Jake held a finger up and jogged into the stables, coming back out quickly with two brushes.

"I was just about to give them their brushing. Wanna help?" Jake said as he held out a brush

Cyndi nodded, "Definitely. Thanks." as she went closer to the horses and began to brush the darker one.
Andromeda was thrilled they all seemed to be enjoying themselves, as breakfast finished up everyone went about to do their own thing. This felt great, so much at ease. Taking her large mug of steaming hot coffee, she kissed her grandmother on the cheek and told her after she had helped with the cleaning up that she was going for a stroll as the weather was beautiful. Her grandmother knew there was only one place she was going as she had every morning since she returned and that was down to the stables where her pony Sheeba was.

Andy knew she couldn't go near her, the first day she tried Sheeba had gone nearly ballistic so Andy didn't attempt it ever again. Instead she stayed a safe distance sitting on the fence of the pen they used to break the horses in. Even her cat Sphinx refused to come near her whereas Darcy her labrador had bounded up like a silly old fool. He had growled at first and then began to whine and whimper as if he knew something was different. It didn't take him long to just bridge the gap and come to her though. Since then she didn't have to go very far and he was following her almost as if she had her own pack now and she was the leader.

Andromeda smiled as she saw her cousin Jake talking with Cyndi over by the horses. She sat up on the feince again and waved to them giving them plenty of room. They had really hit it off the night of the party as had Kat and Daniel. Bruin on the other hand had been a huge hit with every female in her entire family, which wasn't in the least bit surprising. Sipping on her coffee now she smiled down at Darcy as he lay down at the end of the fence near where she sat.
"Hey boy" she smiled. This had been a brilliant holiday, even the weather had stayed in their favour.
Jake smiled as he began brushing his favorite horse. He saw his cousin Andromeda come down to the stables and waved to her before turning his attention back to Cyndi, "So...I hear that you're going into your last year at HNZ..."

Cyndi petted the horse as she continued to brush it. It was so beautiful and so gentle too, and as she continued to brush it, she saw Jake give a wave behind her. Cyndi turned to see Andy sit near the fence with her dog. Cyndi opened her mouth to invite Andy to join them, but then closed it as she realized that the horses might be spooked by her. She waved at her instead and turned back to Jake. "Yup" she said with a nod, "I can't believ it. It went by so fast."

Jake nodded. "It was the same for me's been 3 years since I graduated and those went by quickly too!" he said with a laugh.

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