The Soldiers Return

Benson Kalforovich

Well-Known Member
Benson looked up as his fireplace roared. Out of the fire fell his latest catch, Sam Mintkin. Benson raised from his desk and went over to help the man. The older man supported the bloke as he moved him to the large chair by his desk. "Samuel, congratulations on passing the tests. The final test is to choose your job." The older gentleman returned to his chair and removed his wand. Sam would be tattooed depending on his job choice.

Benson could see the man was drained, and so he should be. Any man that wasn't drained physically and emotionally by the time they returned obviously didn't try their all. "Do you support the death eaters?" This would determine if he would fit into one of the three jobs available to Bensons' employees.
Sam's body was numb and shook from all he had been through over the last few days. Was it days? It felt more like years. What he had done, he knew he could never speak of, and he didn't want to! It was the worst experience of his life.
As he fell in a heap in the floor, he barely recognised the office room that he had been rushed in and out of only a few days ago.
He felt someone lift him from the floor where he had landed and put him into the most comfortable thing he had felt in a while, just having the weight off his feet felt amazing. He looked up at Benny through half closed eyes, struggling to see him, or hear him, his ears rung.
"Job? Death eaters?... oh umm, not really. I don't really like, approve of d-death eaters." he gasped and struggled to think of the right words to use. He just wanted to sleep.
OOCOut of Character:
Because I know his answer already I'm just going to RP the rest of it as well

Benson nodded and crossed that off his list. "Are you willing to do real work for me though? It will take up a lot of your time." He hoped Sam wouldn't just be a recruiter. He didn't need more of those. He had more than enough. The older man listened to his reply and nodded, standing up and moving over to the other side of his desk and getting another chair next to the poor, exhausted boy.

Benson moved the man's shirt so he could reach his upper arm and he waved his wand, muttering a well rehearsed incantation. Within ten minutes the tattoo was complete and only a little bit red and sore looking. He knew it would've hurt but, by this point of the tests, they generally didn't notice it. It was tiny compared to what they had just been through. "Sorry about that. Now, I have a room set up for you if you wish to sleep now." Benson stood, he knew the man would want to sleep. He was honestly surprised he was still awake now.

Benson had set up the other guest room for Sam to sleep in. It was already late in the evening and the mans' fiance was asleep already. He knew that it was never good to wake a woman normally, let alone a pregnant one. He also understood that she would want to see him and talk to him if she woke up next to him in the morning and Sam would need to sleep in until at least lunch time.

Sam listened his hardest to the man talking to him, but his ears rung, amking it painful to ehar anything. He nodded vaguely, whatever he was being asked to do couldn't be harder than what he had just been through, could it?

He felt a pinch on his arm, just slightly, as if someone was trying to grab his attension for something. He didn't really pay any attension to it, after all, every muscle in his body was practically screaming, this arm thing was nothing. So he ignored it.

Sam just sat, trying to stay awake, and upright. On hearing the word sleep, it just rienforced how much he wanted it! how good it would feel to curl up, even in a lumpy, creaky bed like at the B&B he and Saphire had been staying in.

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