The Snow Manor

Alphonse Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut 12" Essence of Basilisk skin
Alphonse sighed and and threw the book onto the floor angrily. He had been reading for hours in the family's private Library trying to find some way to get his older brother out of Azkaban.
He had looked into every section imaginable and couldn't find anything.

"This is getting impossible." He muttered. Why would they arrest his brother and not him? It made no sense. Alphonse began to rub his head. He was starting to feel that this whole problem was a complete lost cause. And to make matters wrose the Holidays were coming near.
Which mean that Alyssa and Theodore would soon be home.

He sighed heavily and picked the book back up off the floor.
Margaux slowly walked into the family Library and watched as her husband again threw the book to the floor. He had been searching day and night for a way to get Leon out of Azkaban and he was beginning to lose hope.

"Do you think that maybe you should get some rest?" She asked him lightly as she stepped foward and pulled the book lightly out of his grasp. "Alyssa and Theodore will be home soon. It's will irritate them if they come home and you are as stressed as you are now." She said if her soft angelic tine.
Alphonse sighed once he was reminded about Alyssa and Theodore coming home for the holidays. He loved them both dearly. But those two are like an angry cat and a dog being put in a small room together.
He softly turned and glanced tenderly at Margaux. He stomach was slightly swollen, but not extremely.

"How did Alyssa take the news about the baby?" He asked curiously. Alphonse knew Alyssa was the little princess of the family. She was never really fond of sharing the spotlight."Did she even have the chance to right back yet.?"
Margaux smiled and gave Alphonse a small kiss on his cheek.

"She took it pretty well. I can tell she was a little nervous about it. I think she'll get used to it over time." Margaux added in her light french accent. She really hoped Alyssa wouldn't feel like she's being replaced.

"Have you found anything at all?" She asked curiously. She hoped it wasm't a completely lost cause. It would hurt the family's greatly.
As Alyssa walked through the front door she placed her bags onto the floor and whiped a few snowflakes that had landed on her head as they walked to the front door.

"Mommy! Daddy! Were home!" Alyssa called happily. She hadn't forgotten that Theodore and his family were staying at the Snow Manor until his father was released from Azkaban, which her mother thought was going to take years.
The manor was warm and filled with the scent of apple cinnamon, like it always used when the Holidays came around. It made Alyssa feel warm and happy inside.

"Hurry up and get inside Theo!!" Alyssa commanded her older cousin who was taking too long to come inside.
Theodore slammed the door shut as he walked into the house. He dropped his bag beside him and glared at Alyssa. She had been yelling and bossing him around all day and he was about to just smack her.

"Will you stop yelling. Your just like my mother." Theo scowled and whiped away the snow that landed on his jacket.
Margaux smiled when she heard Alyssa and Theodore begin to argue downstairs. It reminded her a lot of her and Alphonse in their younger years. Only Margaux and Alphonse wern't close cousins, they were Pureblood so their families were connected somewhere down the line.

"It looks like the kids are home." Margaux said quietly. She gave Alphonse one last kiss on the cheek before she headed downstairs to greet Alyssa and Theodore.
Alyssa looked and Theodore and rolled her eyes. She wondered where is little momma's boy attitude went off to. She was sure some of it was still inside him soewhere.

"Mom! Dad! Where are you!?" She shouted once more.

Alphonse wandered aimlessly around the house. The house was extremely quiet without Alyssa and Theodore being home to constantly make noise. He had to admit that he missed the sound of his family being all together.
Alphonse was determined to get things back the way they used to be.

"Margaux. Are you still here?!" Alphonse shouted lightly.
Margaux slowly walked into the room with a small smile on her face. Alphonse had been very needy the past couple of days, Margaux assumed he must've been lonely without the children here.
She had to admit that she missed them too. Margaux spent a lot of time worrying if the kids were alright.

Especially after the Deather Eaters had kidnapped the school's headmaster.

"What is it this time Dear?" Margaux asked softly.

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