The smarter answer is?

Taylor Mercer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Grasping the broom tightly in her hand, Taylor wasnt sure if she could do this. She hadnt learnt properly yet, they had only had one quidditch lesson after all. She had only ever been flying with her Dad once. She wanted to try this so badly though, because that one time she had been... It was one of the best feelings in the world. She pulled the broom up so she was holding it horizontally in both hands. She looked down at it. You can do it, just try, you wont know if you dont try. Said one part of her brain. You should really wait until you learn properly, you will have plently of time to fly then. Stated the more reasonable part of her brain. Taylor never really had been fond of waiting though. She let out a breath, maybe this wasnt a good idea after all.
Sam walked onto the pitch. This was his favourite place here. No, anywhere. This was his favourite place. He was disappointed to see someone already there. He gripped his broom in his hands and came closer. It was Taylor. He shouted over to her, "Hey, you have to be off the ground for it to count as flying!" he teased once he came closer to her he was more polite. "How are you?" he asked.
Taylor turned at the voice. A grin reached her face as Sam shouted a teasing comment, typical. "Shhh you. I'm debating whether or not i should actually do this. The Gryffindor part of me says 'do it'. But the reasonable part of me says 'Dont, do you want to die?'" Taylor chuckled. "You going for a fly yourself?"
Sam chuckled, "You won't die! No one has ever-- Oh, wait there was this french guy who did. But he fell from like a 900 metres or something like that." he said simply knowing this wasn't helping. "Well thats the idea anyways.." he smiled as she asked him was he going to fly. "Do you want me to help you?"
Taylor laughed. "Dig yourself a hole and sit in it Sam." Shaking her head as her laughter subsided. When Sam asked her the question, she glanced down at the broom and then back at Sam. Chewing her lip thoughtfully for a moment she replied. "You know, i really dont think its a good idea i do this, if i dont die like the French guy, then ill get hurt, i always find a way to." Shaking her head with a smile she continued. "How about this, ill watch while you fly, then we can have a chat afterwards. I want to see Sam's marvelous flying skills anyways." She joked.
Sam joined in her infectious laughter. "Aww no way! How about we both just chat and I'll bribe you to come fly." he said pleading already sitting down. "I have my ways you know." he winked at her. "C'mon." he patted the grass opposite him.
A smirk reached Taylor's face. "I might give it a go later." Taylor said wearily, taking a seat opposite from him with her legs crossed. "So what's new with Sam?" She smiled and cocked her head to the side.
Sam smiled as she agreed to tey later. "Umm..nothing much." he could go into the whole Toni thing. But decided against it, he really didn't want to talk about it. "Although I'm enjoying a good few classes, which I'm happy about. I thought I would only enjoy one, flying!" he smirked. "What about you? Whats new with Taylor?"
Taylor laughed. "Yeah the classes are good. Not much is new with me, things are all still settling with school. I got a job too, so thats good." Taylor began to chew her lip in thought, a habit she couldnt rid herself of. She couldnt think of much, school was coming along slowly, she hadnt made too many friends, but she had a few good ones. Sam for example, she felt really comfortable around.
Sam nodded,their stories were almost the same. "Congratulations on the job! What is it?" he asked her, he gave her a charming smile. "So Gryffindor life is good then?" he pressumed she seemed settled enough. He thought about his job, how he loved it, even if he was working alongside Henric. It didn't matter he was working around his favourite enviroment.
Taylor smiled gently. "Its at Madam Malkins." She enjoyed her job, "Hows work at Quidditch Supplies?" She had seen him working there when she was in obsidian harbor one day.

"Yeah Gryffindor life is good. I dont talk to anyone in my dorm though, which is a little awkward, but i get peace there so its good." She smiled at Sam before looking over at the broom that was next to her. She looked around the pitch, it was the perfect day for flying and she was depriving Sam of this. "I think im ready to try a bit of flying now." She said a bit wearily. "I dont want to keep you down here when its such a good day to fly, im sure ill be fine." She chuckled lightly before standing and picking up her broom.
"Oh its awesome. I just love it." he answered her question gladly.

"Are you sure?" he asked and got up as she did. He took his broom in his hands. "Yeah you'll be great. " he said reassuringly. "Okay so shall I give you step by step or do you wanna just go with it?"
Taylor smiled. "Umm." She thought over it for a second, swapping her broom from left to right hand. "Ill probably just go with it, learn as i go." She laughed, before mounting her broom, trying to remember everything her Dad had told to her years ago. "Ill watch you as you take off." She let out another laugh.

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