Closed The sky is the limit

Finn Lockley

Mischievous • Curious • Softie
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Finn had been thinking a lot about Flynn lately, but it seemed like he was avoiding him. He never found Flynn alone or he had something to do. He wasn't going to let it go, he knew there was something. He had seem Flynn limping and walking on crotches, so something was up. Today he decided to let his mind go on some skateboarding. He had turned some tables upside down for a rail and placed the rest on the side. He wished Hogwarts came with a ramp, but there was no way he could make one. Finn did some tricks and skated around. It was weird to skate alone, he usually asked Flynn to come. Now he was alone and lost in thought. Somehow this year had started of a lot weirder than he had expected.
Ruben decided that this year he'd work twice as hard, he had nothing to lose he even decided to try out for Quidditch, which was a surprise since he hates most sports but the feeling of belonging somewhere made him give it a try.
Today for some reason the library was packed so he just grabbed some books and tried to head to somewhere quiet to read them. When he was passing through the second floor corridor he remembered that the abandoned classroom was probably a good place to be studying quietly and without interruptions so he opened the door to see all the tables upside down and a boy skating there.
"Finn!" he said surprised to see the boy there. Ruben entered and closed the door behind him "Didn't expect to see you here. Especially not skating" he chuckled a little looking at the whole course that the boy created. "I thought most people know...outdoors?" he added still chuckling a bit about how insane and at the same time awesome that looked.
A sound pulled Finn out of his thoughts. It only registered later that it was his name. Ruben was walking into the abandoned classroom. He had met him when he wanted to talk to Professor Holland an couple of days ago. He did seem to be a friend of Flynn, but Finn knew Flynn was hiding something now and he didn't full trust Ruben yet. ''Hey Ruben'' Finn smiled. ''I love to skate here, it is one of the only places where the ground is even and not covered in grass'' Finn and Flynn had been searching for somewhere to skate and this seemed to be the best place to skate, although the courtyard was fine too. ''Have you actually seen the outside, here it is grass, grass with trees and grass with flowers'' Finn laughed. ''Where do you skate then, Flynn and I have been searching for a while.'' Finn knew the outside was bloody useless.
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Ruben had to agree with Finn, every outdoors space was covered in grass making it impossible for the skate wheels to roll softly but skating inside a room didn't seem to be the best option either due to the lack of space. Ruben didn't skate enough to know a good place, he didn't even brought his skateboard to Hogwarts. Skating was more like something he would try when he was bored or feeling really confident that he wouldnmt fall on his face. "Well I don't skate much here at Hogwarts", he didn't skate in Hogwarts at all "But Flynn and I met in courtyard and he was trying some tricks there..." he said not really sure if the boys had considered that option already but they probably had.
Finn understood why people wouldn't even bother taking their skateboards to Hogwarts, there weren't a lot of places you could actually skate. ''I understand ya'' Finn muttered, when Ruben suggested the courtyard he laughed. ''Flynn and I both use the abandoned classroom, a long hall on the first floor and the courtyard, but the first floor hall has been deemed somewhat dangerous since Professors don't like us skating there.'' Finn said, once they were both skating there and a Professor caught them. ''Flynn and I are still searching for the best spot though.'' It was hard though and Finn couldn't do without skateboarding for a full year.
Ruben listened as the boy told him where he and Flynn use to skate and started thinking of another good places for them. "Well yeah the first floor is the one with the most classrooms" he said almost chuckling, any other floor would be better than the first "Have you ever tried the dungeons? Basically no one hangs there except Slytherins or people on their way to potions..." he said to Finn. The dungeons were a bit dark but even with the dim light it was possible to skate there "You just gotta be careful about Professor Styx and other Slytherin students or else you'll end up throwing up slugs. On a second thought, maybe it's not the best place" he said laughing.
The other boy did seem to mention Flynn a lot which lead Ruben to think that they were close or at least close-ish "Hey did you also noticed that he was kind of odd? Do you know if everything is okay with him?" Ruben asked, not really interested in the details, he just wanted to know if the Gryffindor boy was indeed okay.
Finn and Flynn had been testing so many corridors last year, most weren't long enough or were uneven. ''Most corridors aren't long enough or uneven, the dungeons is also bad since the cobblestone sabotages skateboards, Professor Styx hates skateboarding and the light there is horribly.'' Finn summed everything up they had found out last year. Luckily the new year was here and they could explore a lot more. ''And Slytherins aren't exactly the nicest folk around, not offense to you.'' Finn laughed he knew not every Slytherin was a rot apple. Ruben asked about Flynn and he wasn't sure if he should share his thoughts with Ruben. He had no clue what Flynn and Ruben were of each other. ''Eh, yeah its unusual behaviour.'' Finn said, trying to not tell too much. ''I have no clue, I hadn't seen him since the day I saw you speaking to him, hes probably avoiding me'' Which scared Finn even more, something was up, but he had no clue what.

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