The second meeting between 2 friends...

Amelia Johnson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kate v.1
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Amelia was sitting in an empty classroom. So far, her hard work in the start of the year had paid off and she was finding the work easy enough, even though she was working towards her OWL's. She had come to the conclusion that it was better for the schools, like Beauxbatons did, to do the students' OWL's in their 6th year. It gave more preparation time and most students ended up doing better. The reason that she was in the classroom was because she had been practising her silent spells for the exam. She had managed to conjure a few things, all spells that she liked, and was hoping that some annoying 1st year would arrive that she could 'accidentally' hex. It would be very funny and her reputation would mean that she wouldn't get into any trouble. Looking around the room, she flicked her wand between her fingers, wondering what to do.
It was indeed a great day for Mizelea, she just got her report card back. All pass no failing marks and obviously she got perfect in some of her exams. She was always like this giddy yet smart. As she wandered around the school, Mizelea got her hands and started to touch the walls as she was painting them. It was nothing compared to a sketchpad of course. Doing her random things made Mizelea feel more comfortable. She didn't care if others would laugh at her, as long as she knows that she's not hurting anyone from her imaginations. The wind blew stronger and stronger that made her hair messy. She got two ribbons from her bag and braided her hair into two. "I miss home she hissed as she passed by the empty classrooms. Upon walking she noticed Amy was inside a classroom, not sure of what to do next. Mizelea went inside and gave a flashing smile. "Hello Amy!" she exclaimed at the top of her lungs.
Amy jumped as someone addressed her, she had been too busy getting the books in the room to fly around in circles. Seeing a first year at the door, she pointed her wand at them without taking in who it was. Levicorpus. She thought to herself as she watched the jet of light hit its target. Watching as they hovered in the air, suspended by their ankle, she smirked. Suddenly realising who it was, she lowered them to the ground, mumbling in French as she apologised. "I am sorry. Its Mizelea isn't it." She said as the girl finally landed the correct way up. "Hi. Sorry, i was just practising and didn't expect anyone to walk in. I thought that you were someone else." She finished, wondering how the girl would react.
It was the first time for Mizelea to be hit by a book, it felt weird. "Ouch!" she hissed as she scratched her head, she stood up for she was out of balance. "Is it so wrong to say Hello around here?" she whispered as she saw Amelia staring at her. "No worries, I'm fine its just.....err never mind" she said to her in response as her smile went back on. Amy seems to be fond of casting spells around the school, it just only mean two things. She's just really fond of it or she's using it for her choice. Mizelea busted out a laugh. She then walked neared to hear and smiled. "Hi Amy! How you've been?"she asked her as she pulled out an empty chair near her. Crossing her leg to the other, as she grabbed her handkerchief out of her bag. "No blood, see!" she joked.
Amy covered her mouth with her hand. "I am so sorry. I just was practising silent spells and i didn't expect anyone to walk in." She said, truly sorry for the problem that she had caused. "Im very good thank you, and how are you? Apart from being hit on the head with a book." She added, laughing gingerly. "How was your holiday?" She asked, wondering what the girl had done over the break. Putting her wand in her pocket, she smiled. "I was planning to hex the next person, assuming it was a boy, but then i saw it was a girl so went for a different one." She confided, smiling at the younger girl. "How is life in your year then?" She asked, trying to remember whether the girl was in the 2nd year or the 3rd.
"Oh no worries, it's nothing" she said with a smile. "Bubbly as ever, Oh I see. Hmmm, perfectly uhmmm perfect." she answered all of her question in just one sentence. To be prank, Mizelea was free from homework, after it's a new start for her. Yes, it was starting out to be a rather great day excluding the book throwing and all. Mizelea knew that Amy was indeed older than her but she wasn't aware about her age or maybe her year level. She then stood there, unaware of what to say or do next.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the shortness. :cry:
Amelia smiled at this girl's bubbliness. It really was infectious and even as Amy wasn't in her best mood, it cheered her up. "What are you doing then? In lessons in life?" She asked, wondering if she could get some longer sentences out of her. If she knew the spells, she would know the year and then join in more suitable conversation. She watched as the girl stood there, and wondered if and why she was uncomfortable with Amy. She apologised for the incident again, truly feeling bad, especially as Mitzy was such a nice girl.

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