The Search for Serenity

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Marianna Goldsham

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
larch (wood), dragon heartstring (core), 11 and 1/2 inches (length), somewhat springy (rigidity)
Hi! As you can see, my character is Marianna Goldsham. She is currently ten, and in a fictional Muggle school in England where she is enjoying her reign as best student in class and her peers' favorite human homework helper. Like most other top pupils, however, she does not have a genuine interest in learning and only does so to maintain her popularity and father's lofty expectations satisfied. Pretentious, narrow-minded, unimaginative, but a cunning, cutting girl, she excels at memorization and reading people.

Like most of her family, she views magic as something silly that only lunatics and simpletons believe in, which is why the sudden manifestations of her own scare her ("Am I going crazy? What will they think?"). I'm hoping to find a person who can roleplay with her at this stage.
She lives in England you say? I'd be willing to roleplay. I have a character who mostly resides in Scotland, but she could be taken to England on like a shopping spree or something. Her name is Paisley, she is also ten, though she is a Pureblood, from two different families (Hayes-Smith) she is really quite a nice person. So it could be interesting to roleplay them.
It really does. Ah, well, who shall create the thread?
As an unsorted there are not that many places you can roleplay, so... I suggest getting placed into either family or members until sorting, just to make things easier.
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