🌹 Rose Giving The Rose of Decision

Ruto Vernier-Raison

'Roo' | seventh year | queen of flowers 💐
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
@Morrie Ayre

Ruto had absolutely no idea where to begin looking for the next person on her list. The only hope she had now in order to complete her rose deliveries was to use the power of luck. With the basket of roses hanging off her arm, she had been bellowing this name for quite some time,. She eventually ventured out onto the courtyard in hopes this person was around somewhere. "Morrie Ayre!" she yelled, hoping they were near.
As she was about to walk into the castle, someone carrying a basket of roses came out into the courtyard and yelled out her name. Tempted to keep walking and ignore her, she reluctantly stopped and made herself known. "Honestly, you don't need to yell. I'm right here," she said, as if this older student should have known who she was.
As she heard the words come out of the younger Slytherin's mouth, she narrowed her eyebrows at her. She then suddenly intended for this to be quick. The Ravenclaw reached into her basket of roses and pulled out a yellow one. "For you." she said, shoving it towards her. She was just glad to cross another person off her list. A note hung off the rose's stem.

We don't like each other and that's whatever, but I think we have a common enemy. Wanna help me take down June?
If not, you're lame.
Vanity Mettlestone
"Thanks, I guess, or whatever," Morrie mumbled, taking the rose and tearing off the note to see what horrible message someone had written for her. Her eyebrows raised in curiosity as she read it. The proposition intrigued her, and whatever plans Vanity was cooking up, Morrie found herself interested to be part of the June takedown.
Roo stood there a little awkwardly for a moment as the younger Slytherin read the note that was on the rose. "You're welcome, I suppose." she said with a shrug. She then turned around and headed in the opposite direction to find the next person on her list.

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