The rain in spain

Penelope Paradox

Well-Known Member
Penelope was in Spain for the week with Willow. She had felt that the moment that Willow got out of school she needed to go. She had stayed too long in the New Zealand area and she had been contacted for a job. It was a simple one really. Find a globe that had been refused to a customer not too long ago. The globe was beautiful but this was not why the person wanted it.

She could tell that Willow was not happy but she had to deal with it. Penelope had been taking Willow's verbal abuse since the last two years because she thought that her mother had been killed because of something she had done. She didn't know, Penelope had though that she would never know but the situation called for her to tell Willow what she had kept to herself for so long. Silently she waited for Willow at the bottom of the stares.
Willow walked down the stares of the town house they where living in this time around. She didn't bother unpacking anything but she did get ready to leave. Penelope had long since charmed her things to follow them where ever they went so again Willow didn't bother with it. She looked at Penelope in the small hallway that lead to the door. She rolled her eyes and walked past her. There was nothing that the b*tch could say to her that could make her stay where she was. She hated Penelope forever for what she had done to her mother. Willow fixed one of her bracelets and then aimed for the door.
"Wait right there Willamina we need to talk." Penelope said then scanned what Willow was waring. Even her who had been told she dressed like a good time girl had a better sense of style than her. She let it go for now because she knew that she was about to drop a bomb on Willow's life. Normally she didn't mind ruining someone's life but it was Willow they where talking about. Penelope hated to admit it but the child that she had to give up held a place in her stone cold heart.
Willow could feel her aunt eying her. There had been a reason to dress this way at first but now she just found it comfortable. "What do you want?" She said in the most degrading tone. As if she had better things to do than to talk to Penelope. In reality Willow did. She had to meet Corvus then be off France so she could meet Bastian. There was no reason that Penelope would need to talk to her. "And it's Willow not Willamina." She said rolling her eyes. She went into the small living room where Penelope had gestured then put her feet up on the table.
Standing just outside the temporary residents of the Paradox woman, was no other man but Rafael standing still as ever. It was easy to track Penelope down, at least for him it was, he knew she would follow him and for what to tell him of the unspoken child she so claim to have bore with him. It displease him that she would go into greater length into making Maria y Don Pedro Jose look bad. It made him even more angry just the thought of her telling everyone he knew that he had left her with a child, but he slowly calm his nerves down. At least for now he was okay to face her and told himself over and over again never to strike the woman again. Even if she was the woman from hell, he couldn't make himself go any lower than the last time. This wasn't the De La Cruz way.

Rafael blinked out of his gaze, shaking his head. Finally to have the nerves to knock on her doors, he waited patiently for in answer. Its terrible how this woman can make him feel, just the thought of seeing her again made his heart race but not in a good way. The anxieties was killing him, and Rafael couldn't wait any longer. Though he stayed, he just had to know the truth.
Penelope had wanted to stay calm. She had wanted to keep herself in check but Willow's mouth pushed her to the very edge. It didn't help that Penelope had a horrible temper or that she looked so much like the man that had abandoned her. Penelope struck Willow across the face while yelling "You will watch what you say around me you little ungrateful retch I could have easily had killed you while you where still in the womb!"

Penelope's hand stung but not as much as her heart. She had just hit her child. Sure Willow didn't really know that Penelope was her mother but that didn't give her the right to treat her the way she had just done. Penelope keeled along side Willow and tried to touch the wound she was responsible for. "Sorry please sorry." She said desperately.
Penelope's blow had come without warning. The woman had never tried to touch her before let alone hit her. "I treat you the way you deserve to be treated you c*nt b*tch!" Willow yelled back. She shoved Penelope out of the way when she tried to make up for it. "Stupid bi-polar wh*re" She hissed and aimed for the door again. There was a knock on the door the moment she ripped it open.

Her hit reddened face came in contact with that of a man that looked much like her. "God damn it Penelope you should have told me you where entertaining today I would have been gone sooner!" She called down the hall way then tried to push passed the man that was blocking her way.
Rafael was hoping for Penelope to open, even cussed when he felt like the woman wasn't answering the door. When he was about to knock again is when it was finally answered by a teenage girl, Rafael stop feeling his arm dropped besides him, when he than noticed the girl had look just like him. He was shocked but horrified at the same time, all this time...but it can't be.... no puede ser he felt his thought almost being spoken out loud. "Y tu Madre?" he asked wondering if she knew the Spanish language. He didn't want to move, he stood there waiting for an answer.
"Murta" Willow said in her slightly accented Spanish. She was not as fluent in Spanish as she would have liked to be but she could understand it and speak it a little bit. Enough to where she could get her point across when she needed to. "Do you mind the woman your looking for is in the livingroom." She said attitude dripping from every word. She didn't have time for Penelope's play things just like she didn't have time for Penelope.
Penelope came out behind Willow then saw who was at the door. She put her hand to her face and closed her eyes. Things where not going at all like she planned. She heard Willow say that her mother was dead and her heart sank. "No she's not. Willow's she is right here. Willow I'm your mother, your birth mother. The man at the door is the one that made me give you up to the woman you think is your mother." She said holding on to Willow's hands. She was going to try and make things better. Penelope hadn't meant to hit her, she hadn't meant to lose it like that and she was going to try to make things better with Willow. She just hopes it wasn't too late.
"All this time you hid her from me..all this time you knew ****a puta." he did the unthinkable, grabbed for Willows arm, walking right in as if he resided here. "Don't lie to her Penelope! Don't lie...I did no such thing. I never knew you were even pregnant." he was making it seem like it was all her fault, pinpointing the blame when he knew it was the both of them to blame. But he felt his anger flare looking at the woman that so call herself the mother, the mother to what. "Your no mother...even without me you could have still raised." he spat still holding Willow arms.
Willow yanked her hands away from Penelope. "Crazy b*tch I think all the drinking has gotten to your brain." She said rolling her eyes. There was no way Penelope was her mother. She had never stayed up with her when she was sick, she had never picked her up when she had fallen, she had never in her life done what Pandora Paradox had done for her. She again tried to push passed the massive wall that was supposedly her father when she felt herself being dragged back inside.

Willow pushed against the man's arm while trying to dig her heels into the door mat. "Let me go, let me go!" She hissed while hearing him talk. He was echoing what she had been thinking no too long before. Willow had a right to say it but this man did not. "Big talk from the man that left Pandora to fend for all of us by herself." She said snapping her neck a little to make her point.
Penelope tried to pry Rafael off Willow. "Don't you dear touch her. I paniced. I was seventeen and scared not only for myself but for Willow as well. I did what I thought was best for her seeing as your sorry ass didn't want to be around." She hissed still trying to take his hand off Willow's arm. It didn't help that Willow was now talking smack to Rafael as well. They where all at each other's throats but it couldn't be helped. Both Penelope and Rafael had messed up big time but that didn't meant that Penelope was going to admit it.
"I'm not letting her go!" he pushed Penelope away from Willow, and saw her as a threat to his daughter. "I didn't know you exist." he tried to speak calmly to Willow, but it wasn't helping that he was gritting his teeth. "Now that I know the truth, she's coming with me end of story. I'm not going to leave her with a psycho path like you....Willow your coming with me." he look back down at his daughter, it crush him inside knowing his own fleshing blood was denying him, tables had turn. But he didn't want Penelope to have her anymore, all her secrets and lies were finally coming to a stop.
Willow pulled harder. "Get off me! I'm going no where but France and away from all this insanity." She cried then gave one final tug and she was free. She was hoping for some reason to go running out that door. Not only had Penelope told her that she was her real mother but a random man had shown up who Penelope calmed was her father and he was not wanting to take her way. Over her dead body she was going anywhere with either of them.
Penelope was near tears again. "I am a better parent than you. You don't know how much I've done to keep this child safe. I couldn't save Pandora I won't lose Willow as well!" She yelled her sobbs now evendent. Truth was that seeing what the Death Eaters after her had done to her sweet sister had nearly broken her. Sometimes Penelope was not so sure she hadn't broken. "I will never let you have her!" She said now running to the hall table where she kept her wand. She pointed it right at Rafeal.
Willow slipped through his grip and all hell broke loose. Both of the Paradox woman were in tears, and again the tinge of guilt had came back but a little stronger this time. "You ruin my effing life Penelope! Look what you cause you evil b!t(h....all this time I knew I knew and look what's left...your daughter doesn't want you or me!" he saw Penelope go back and retrieve her wand, at the moment he didn't care if he died right there and than but he didn't want the cause of his death to be by the hands of the woman he loath the most in this world. "What your going to kill your own daughter father...without even giving me a chance never....ever had the chance to be...." tears began to slipped through his eyes, his life was ruin and it was all because of her. "Her father..."
Willow looked at Penelope and bit her lip. She was ready to kill someone for her but the sting of what happened had never really gone away. She looked at Rafael now and tilted her head. She had never known a father figure. Before she had believed that he father had been a muggle who abandoned Pandora when he found out she had been a witch. Willow had carried no grudge twoards the man because honestly who could hate what they never knew in the first place. She looked at the man that was braking down because Penelope was going to kill him. Willow wouldn't put it past the woman to kill him. "Don't call me her daughter." She said finally. That was the only thing she could say really.

She heard what he said. He never had the chance to be her father. "You really didn't know did you?" She asked fisting her biker glove covered hands. She tilted her head. Why would anyone care so much? She knew that her friends would care for her, good god did they care for her and she cared for them with a fierceness that is worthy fo a Gryffendor. All the love she had for a parent had died along with Pandora or so she thought. "Did you ever even try and find out if Penelope was telling the truth?" She asked again.
"No I didn't know." Rafael tears didn't last long, he didn't want to give Penelope that satisfaction that she had finally broken him down after all these years. Looking down at Willow, he closed his fist around his other hand, as he clear his throat to speak again. "I didn't know you exist, and that is why I'm here. I ran into your mother just a few weeks back. I was curious. Now I know the truth." he shook his head, still couldn't believe this actually took place. "I didn't know I even bore a daughter, tis a shame...." he trailed off to say. "I don't even know were to began with, don't even now how to start...if I don't know why Penelope left the first place." he still kept his gaze at Willow, though he knew Penelope would be glaring at him.
Penelope was glaring at Rafael. How he could tell such lies. "All lies! He knows. He's always known. Mr. and Mrs. De la Cruz told me you didn't want anything to do with me. You did anything they told you to at the time yet I wanted for you and you never came." She said her hands shaking while still held her wand out at Raf. She was usually a good shot but there was something about pulling the trigger on Rafael that got to her a little bit. "Don't get drawn into him." She said though her voice was fading.
"What? What are you talking about Penelope?" Rafael looked back at her, his face fixed in frustration. "What I heard is that you left without telling anybody? My parents never told me you went to look for me or anything?" he felt his hands slightly fall at the side of his body, still wondering what she was getting at. Somehow Rafael had a feeling she wasn't lying, even with all the stories he heard about Penelope, and all the people she had deceived in Spain, somehow he couldn't put himself to think she was lying. He must admit at one point he did love Penelope, even wanted to marry her at one point. But his parents, ugh it had to be true. Rafael felt his finger tips twitch in frustration, one thing he hated about someone is if they lie to him, Rafael hate liars.
Willow looked at the two adults then closed her eyes. "You know what, you guys can talk to me when you have your story straight. I will be in France if you need me." She said the reached into her pocket. She had been planning to floo over to Sebastien's house in the pub in the wizarding community near by but now it looked like she was going to have to do this on from here. She had to get away from the people she. She was too confused and too hurt that people lied to her as well. She couldn't stand lies and this was a little bit more. Willow jumped into the fire after yelling out the name of her best male friend without looking back.

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