Penelope was in Spain for the week with Willow. She had felt that the moment that Willow got out of school she needed to go. She had stayed too long in the New Zealand area and she had been contacted for a job. It was a simple one really. Find a globe that had been refused to a customer not too long ago. The globe was beautiful but this was not why the person wanted it.
She could tell that Willow was not happy but she had to deal with it. Penelope had been taking Willow's verbal abuse since the last two years because she thought that her mother had been killed because of something she had done. She didn't know, Penelope had though that she would never know but the situation called for her to tell Willow what she had kept to herself for so long. Silently she waited for Willow at the bottom of the stares.
She could tell that Willow was not happy but she had to deal with it. Penelope had been taking Willow's verbal abuse since the last two years because she thought that her mother had been killed because of something she had done. She didn't know, Penelope had though that she would never know but the situation called for her to tell Willow what she had kept to herself for so long. Silently she waited for Willow at the bottom of the stares.